Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams.

No. 834.]

Sir: I have to inform you that it has become known to this government that the British steamer Will-o’-the-Wisp will soon, if she has not already, leave Halifax, in ballast for Bermuda, on account of the insurgents of the United States, and under direction of their agents, now having harbor at Halifax; that on arriving at Bermuda she will take in ordnance and stores for the use of the insurgents, and attempt to make her way into Wilmington; and that this proceeding will be under the direction of insurgent agents at Bermuda. I consequently have to suggest to you the expediency of requesting of Earl Russell that the colonial authorities at Bermuda may be apprised of this hostile proceeding, in order that, if deemed advisable, it may be arrested.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Charles F. Adams, Esq., &c., &c., &c.