Mr. Kreismann to Mr. Seward
Sir: The glorious news of the surrender of Vicksburg, and the rout and precipitate retreat of the rebels from Pennsylvania and Maryland, is at this moment received.
Thanks be to God, and to the brave and gallant men who achieved them, for these important successes to our arms. They swell the heart at once with feelings of deep gratitude and of just pride. May these brilliant beginnings now be crowned by the utter destruction of Lee’s insurgent bands; for in General Meade, whom the President in his wisdom so suddenly and unexpectedly placed at its head, the army of the Potomac seems to have found a commander, able and competent to lead it, and to call out all its great strength and valor. All hail to him and his gallant men, as well as to the intrepid Grant and his veterans.
Already hearty congratulations at this good news are being received from the friends of our cause. They rejoice with us that the hour of our triumph has come, and that our glorious Union will yet be, not merely in song, but in blessed, living reality,
“The land of the free and the home of the brave.”
Your despatches Nos. 55 and 56, relating to the position of military affairs previous to the battle of Gettysburg, have been duly received. It is a very welcome arrangement thus to obtain authentic information, for the accounts of the press are, indeed, confused and unreliable.
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I have the honor to be your obedient servant.
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, &c., &c.