Mr. Seward to Mr. Judd
Sir: Your despatch of the 2d ultimo (No. 40) has been received.
Your proceedings in the cases of Apelt and Kloss are approved; and your observations upon others of a similar class, especially with regard to those where protection is invoked by parties who have returned to Prussia with the evident intention of remaining there permanently, are very just. It is easily to be foreseen that serious difficulties and embarrassments may arise, if the appeals of such persons for our protection against the operation of the military laws of Prussia should be indiscriminately pressed upon the attention of that government. Instances have occurred where Europeans, who have become naturalized citizens of the United States, have left the country when their services were required, and returned to Europe to avoid needful military duty here, and then have invoked the protection of the United States to screen them from military duty, there. Henceforth you will make no further applications in these military cases without specific instructions.
Your remarks on Prussian politics and the Polish insurrection are interesting and instructive.
Your obedient servant,
Norman B. Judd, Esq., &c., &c., Berlin.