Mr. Pike to Mr. Seward.
Sir: Since my last, I have had the honor to receive your despatches (No. 96) of the 13th of April, No. 97 of the 17th of April, No. 98 of the 20th of April, and No. 99 of the same date, together with the enclosures from the Treasury Department, the subject of which I shall bring to the attention of this government, as you direct. The medal for Captain Piebes, of the Dutch galliot Jantina Alida, I shall have transmitted to him in the manner you prescribe when I shall receive it.
There is a growing stagnation of discussion in regard to our affairs. The apprehensions of difficulty with England have taken small hold of continental opinion; and the sentiment prevails that we shall be left to fight out the ultimate issue by ourselves. The great distress of the south tends to modify some of the judgments hitherto entertained that it cannot be reduced, and the experience of the next two or three months will be watched with extreme interest. It is understood that very great offers are in the market for cargoes of food, to be run through the blockade, to relieve the pressing wants of the seceding States.
I have the honor to be, with great respect, your most obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington.