Mr. Pike to Mr. Seward.
Sir:* * * * *
The speculation in American government stocks goes on at Amsterdam with unabated activity. Yesterday, news of an armi [Page 892] been brought by the Australasian and telegraphed from Queenstown, was reported on the bourse, and our bonds rose five per cent. instantly. It appears now to have been a ruse of the operators. But the announcement produced extraordinary excitement, and sales went on at the rise. So much are stock operators absorbed by the movement that complaints are made that everything not American is neglected. For example: a canal has long been projected to unite Amsterdam in a direct line with the sea-coast. This winter, government has approved the project and voted a guarantee of four per cent. on the capital necessary to construct the work. It has been expected that Amsterdam would earnestly contend for the privilege of subscribing for the whole capital. It turns out, however, that the subscription there, just completed, is not a third part of the sum needed. The King is indignant, and announces that Amsterdam must reform or he will not make his annual visit to that city, the period for which has now arrived. It is to be seen if the more inviting investments in American 6’s at 65 are to be overlooked by reason of this evidence of the royal displeasure. It is likely to be found that Holland has money enough for both enterprises. I have communicated with Mr. Van der Mæser in respect to the non-intervention resolutions of Congress, and, as such was his preference, I have left with him a copy of them.
I have the honor to be, with great respect, your most obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington.