Mr. Seward to Mr. Pike.
Sir: Your despatch of February 18 (No. 76) has been received. I think you have argued forth very successfully your conclusion, that the idea of [Page 891] European intervention is at rest. It is manifest enough that the elements of war here are becoming exhausted, although we do not yet see either the form of the peace which is to come, or the way through which it shall come. Military operations now active must have results which will be regarded as indications in these respects.
Our chief uneasiness now arises out of the unchecked naval preparations of the insurgents and their abettors in Liverpool. It seems that we are to have no relief in that quarter while the only measure we can adopt for our own security is not likely to be regarded with equanimity abroad.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
James S. Pike, Esq., &c., &c., &c.