Mr. Pike to Mr. Seward.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch of October 20, and of a circular signed by the Secretary of the Treasury, containing instructions to collectors and other officers of the customs, brought by the mail of last week. The last two mails bring me none of your favors.
While discussing mediation, Europe really waits for the development of a public sentiment in America in regard to terminating the war. It sees in the late elections what it construes to be a desire to end the conflict at whatever sacrifice is necessary to secure this result.
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It was never plainer to my apprehension than it is now that no power in
Europe intends to take a hand in our war;
This little kingdom continues to pursue its peaceable ways. It is blessed with discreet and substantial men for its rulers. The administration of M. Thorbecke is still actively engaged in administrative reforms, in easing the burdens of taxation, and in modifications of its colonial policy in the interests of the industrial classes.
I have the honor to be, with great respect, your most obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington.