Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams.
Sir: The French government has for some time past expressed a desire for the exportation of the tobacco belonging to it in this country, the most, if not the whole, of which is understood to be at Richmond. Before the request could be granted, it was deemed advisable to ascertain whether the British government would object to the proceeding. That government having signified its assent thereto, the executive order, a copy of which is enclosed, has been issued. You will notice that the order has been so formed as to extend to tobacco belonging to any foreign government which may have been bought and paid for prior to the 4th of March, 1861. Besides France, it is supposed that Austria, and perhaps other German states, may have tobacco at Richmond, which the order may release. It is proper that the British government should be apprised of the proceeding in such way as you may deem advisable.
I am, &c., &c.,
C. F. Adams, Esq., &c, &c, &c.