Mr. Seward to Mr. Stuart.
Sir: The Secretary of the Navy, to whom was communicated a copy of your note of the 12th instant, relative to the circumstances under which the steamer [Page 695] Margaret and Jessie was chased by the United States gunboat Rhode Island and driven on shore on the coast of Eleuthera in the month of May last, requests that the Navy Department may be supplied with a copy of the testimony referred to in your note as having been laid before her Majesty’s government, in order that an opportunity may be offered to the accused party to rebut it before a court-martial or court of inquiry, as may be directed. I have accordingly the honor to request that you will be so good as to furnish me with a copy of the evidence in question for communication to Mr. Welles.
I have the honor to be, with high consideration, sir, your obedient servant,
Hon. William Stuart &c., &c., &c.