Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward.
Sir: In a note dated the 25th of April last I had the honor to transmit to you a memorial which I had received from Mr. Henry E. Green, who represented that he was a British subject, and that he had been almost totally ruined by the destruction of his property at Napoleon, in the State of Arkansas, by troops in the service of the United States.
I at the same time stated to you that this case was only one among many brought to my notice, in which British subjects represented that they had suffered heavy losses at the hands of the United States forces, and that no means of obtaining compensation were open to them, and I added that I deemed it right to ask your attention to the general question of giving compensation for such losses, as well as to the particular case of Mr. Green.
On the 28th of April Mr. Hunter, who was at the time Acting Secretary of State, acknowledged the receipt of my note, but I have not had the honor to receive any further communication from the State Department on the subject.
In the mean time Mr. Green has strongly pressed me to urge his claim, and similar applications from other quarters are accumulating. I trust, therefore, you will not deem me importunate if I ask for a speedy answer, both on the particular case of Mr. Green and on the general question.
I have the honor to be, with the highest consideration, sir, your most obedient, humble servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, &c.