Lord Lyons to Mr.
May 27, 1863.
Sir: With reference to your note of the 12th of
January last, and to the subsequent correspondence respecting supplies
of arms to Indians on the frontier, I have the honor to transmit to you
a copy of a circular which has been issued by the Hudson’s Bay Company,
in conformity with a suggestion from her Majesty’s government, that the
company should exercise its authority and influence to prevent the
hostile Indians on either side of the frontier from being supplied with
arms, ammunition, or military stores, to be used against peaceful
inhabitants of the United States.
I have the honor to be, with the highest consideration, sir, your most
obedient, humble servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, &c., &c., &c.
March 13, 1863.
Dear Sirs: By instructions from the
governor and committee, I herewith transmit copies of a letter
addressed to the governor from the colonial office, under date 20th
February last, and of a circular from the Indian department of the
Canadian government to its agents on the subject of the apprehended
renewal of hostilities on the part of the Sioux and other
disaffected tribes within the United States. The Hudson’s Bay
Company’s aid has been invoked towards quelling the spirit of
disaffection which exists among those Indians, and I have to beg you
will lose no opportunity that may offer in which your counsel and
advice may have a salutary effect on the Indians within your own
immediate district.
You will further be pleased to give effect to the desire of her
Majesty’s government as regards withholding from the hostile Indians
arms, ammunition, and military stores, to be used against our
neighbors within the United States frontier.
In conclusion, you will at all times and in all ways make it your aim
to employ the company’s influence and resources towards the
maintenance of peace and good order as well within the adjoining
States as on our own side of the frontier.
Your obedient servant,
The Officers
in charge of Fort William, Inichipicoton,
Sault du Marie, La Cloche.