Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons.
My Lord: I regret to inform you that reliable information has reached this department that an attempt was made in January last, at Victoria, Vancouver’s island, to fit out the English steamer Thames as a privateer, under the flag of the insurgents, to cruise against the merchant shipping of the United States in the Pacific. Fortunately, however, the scheme was temporarily, at least, frustrated by its premature exposure.
In view, however, of the ravages upon the commerce of the United States in that quarter which might result from similar attempts which will in all probability be repeated, the expediency of asking the attention of her Majesty’s colonial authorities to the subject, in order that such violations of the act of Parliament and of her Majesty’s proclamation may not be committed, is submitted to your consideration.
I have the honor to be your very obedient servant,
Right Hon. Lord Lyons, &c., &c., &c.