Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams.
Sir: I have just returned to this city from an excursion through the State of New York, in company with a large number of the foreign representatives residing near this government. The recreation thus obtained was as needful to myself as to them. The immediate departure of the mails prevents special acknowledgments of such despatches received during my absence, as were thought deserving of my personal attention.
The siege of Charleston is proceeding with apparent success. The movements of General Rosecrans and General Burnside, in their operations with regard to East Tennessee, are as difficult as they are important. Our information from them is satisfactory. The interests of the Union in Texas are not overlooked.
You will have already learned that the expectations of the insurgents which were built on a riot in New York, such as often happens in all great cities, have been disappointed. The re-enforcement of the army and the increase of the navy are going on with all reasonable success. The riot proceeded upon a false assumption of interested persons that the country was wearied and exhausted by this unfortunate civil war. It is now perceived that it as prosperous and as strong as it has been at any former period of its history. It desires peace, but not immoderately.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Charles Francis Adams, Esq., &c., &c., &c.
Same to Messrs. Dayton, Clay, Pike, and Koerner.