Mr. Corwin to Mr. Seward.
Sir: When my despatch of the 28th of June was copied and presented to me, I was so very ill that I could not sign it. I asked Mr. Arnoux, my copying clerk, to sign my name for me, which he did. I herewith enclose a duplicate signed by myself. Since the date of that despatch, the general condition of affairs here has not materially changed. The present cabinet remains in power, and, so far as I can see, with the approbation of all the States and a large majority of all the people.
The French troops are encamped in Cordoba and Orizaba. They are said to be in great want of supplies of every kind. Their ammunition and provisions sent from Vera Cruz are usually cut off by the troops of the government. I heard yesterday that a large force had left Orizaba for the coast, to escort provisions to the camps at Cordoba and Orizaba. Meantime the governor of Vera Cruz, (appointed by Almonte,) two weeks ago, called the merchants together and demanded that they should buy the bills of M. de Saligny, drawn on his private banker at Paris, to the amount of fifty thousand dollars, which they declined, whereupon the governor threatened forced loans, and thus, so far as I can learn, the matter rests at present.
A French fleet protects the power of Almonte in Vera Cruz, without which neither he (Almonte) nor any of his adherents could hold the place for half a day. All commerce is at a stand there. Goods intended for this place, and others in the interior, fill all the warehouses; but nothing can be brought safely twenty miles out of the place. This has been the situation of things since last November. It is the general belief that the steamer which will arrive at Vera Cruz on the 26th instant will bring orders from the Emperor of the French to cease hostilities, and leave Almonte and his few associates to their fate.
Your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State of the United States, Washington, D. C.