Mr. Seward to Mr. Corwin.
Your letter of the 22d of May, sent by Captain Shufeldt, has been received. The captain, however, has not come to Washington, as you expected.
The resolution concerning negotiations with Mexico, a copy of which I heretofore sent you, was adopted by a very great majority of votes. It is said 28 to 8. The opposition was said to combine three classes: One who think that Mexico ought never, in any contingency whatever, either in whole or in part, to be brought into the Union, and who fear that a loan would result in its [Page 749] annexation, and others who think that it was derogating from the national honor to treat at all with foreign nations concerning Mexico. There was said to be a third class, who feared the influence of subsidies to a foreign state upon the public credit. It would be manifestly unwise and unavailing for the President to take an appeal to the Senate from the decision so recently made with so great unanimity.
He has, therefore, submitted your new treaty to their uninfluenced consideration, declaring simply his convictions of the importance of the matter and his sympathies with the people of Mexico.
I think there are already indications of a more hopeful spirit towards our unfortunate neighbor, and that these will rapidly increase with the growing success of our government in its struggle with the insurgents who have attempted the dissolution of the Union. Notwithstanding the course adopted by the French agents and army in Mexico, the government of France still reassures us that it is their purpose to be content with an adjustment of grievances, leaving it exclusively to the people of Mexico to determine their own form of government, and in no case to put up any or to maintain any one that may come in consequence of the war.
We do not feel at liberty to reject the explanations or to anticipate a violation of the assurances they convey. We shall in the end be the stronger for having acted directly, frankly, in good faith, and with reliance upon the good faith of all others. Under these circumstances at present we decline debate with foreign powers upon Mexican affairs
But it would be doing injustice to you, as well as much violence to the feelings of the President, if I should neglect to say that however the results of your labors may now be received by the Senate and the country, he nevertheless appreciates and approves the indefatigable efforts you have made, and is deeply impressed with the lofty and generous spirit as well as the great ability which they manifest.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Thomas Corwin, Esq., &c., &c., &c.