Mr. Corwin to Mr.
No. 22.]
Legation of the United States of
April 28, 1862.
Sir: On the 18th of this month I sent a special
despatch and a treaty by Colonel A. 0. Allen. Being in some doubt as to
their safety, I send herewith a duplicate of my despatch. Should the
treaty be lost it can be easily duplicated here, as an exact copy,
already ratified, is in the archives of the state department in this
city. Nothing has occurred which changes materially the state of affairs
here from that presented in my letter to the department under date of
the 16th of this month.
I send, with these, translated copies of the correspondence between the
three foreign powers, respectively, and this government, which has
recently been published here. This presents a strange and certainly
unexpected state of relations between Mexico and those states which
united in the intervention treaty at London.
When these powers came here, with their respective contingents of land
and naval forces, they held out the olive branch to Mexico, and it was
at once accepted. They entered into the preliminary treaty, a copy of
which I forwarded to the department. They jointly acknowledged the
existing government of Mexico, and agreed to meet its diplomatic agents
on the 15th of this month at Orizaba, to treat of their respective
claims against Mexico. About the 8th of this month, the allies differed
as to the proper construction of a clause in the treaty of London, and
agreed that each party should act without reference to that treaty.
At this moment the English and Spanish commissioners are in conference at
Puebla with General Doblado, the present minister of foreign relations,
while the French, who so lately with the other two powers recognized the
present as the legitimate government of Mexico, now seem willing to give
some aid to Almonte, who, as the papers which accompany this will show,
proposes himself as the only hope of good government left to the
I believe I but give utterance to the general opinion of those best
informed when I say that Almonte has no such popularity as to warrant
the belief that any considerable force can be rallied under his
auspices. It is the general opinion that the invitation of the French to
rally under him will not bring into the field any force beyond the
robber bands under Marquez and Zuloaga, numbering all together not more
than four thousand ill-appointed troops. There are now mustered under
the orders of the government, in the States of San Luis Potosi,
Guanajuato, and Jalisco, about twenty thousand men, in three divisions,
under the commands, respectively, of Ortega, Ogazon, and Comonfort,
while the republican forces under Zaragosa, on the road from this city
to Vera Cruz, amount to about ten thousand men; so that, unless France
[Page 740]
to engage actively
to overthrow the very government with which it treated a month ago,
there is no prospect of speedy change in the form or personnel of the
Juarez government.
Very respectfully,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State of the United States, Washington, D.
P. S.—The state of affairs is such as to render the treaty ratified
here on the 6th an imperative necessity to Mexico. It will also
insure the United States against incalculable future danger.
Hon. W. H. Seward,
Washington City.
[Enclosures with despatch No. 22.]
No. 1.
Despatch from Talavera to the
commander-in-chief of the army of the east.
April 17, 1862.
On the 14th of the present month I received a communication from the
collector of rents at Cordoba, to the intent that he had received
orders to procure resources for the forces stationed at that
district. On the same day I started for those places, with the
object of organizing them; some have already united, and if I do not
give you an exact account of them it is because this place has been
invaded by the French, which was the cause why said forces were
obliged to leave immediately for different points, and up to this
moment I have not any reports. The French have returned to Cordoba,
giving orders to the magistrate not to give any aid to the forces of
the supreme, government, as any one that should so do would be held
personally responsible. I beg you will do me the favor to say to
what point I must apply for arms, as the prefect (gefe politico) of
Cordoba has written to me in a private letter that they are to
arrive at Huatusco.
Liberty and independence.
The general-in-chief of the army of the east,
April 22, 1862.
This is a copy.
No. 2.
Proclamation of La Graviere and Saligny
To the Nation:
Mexicans! We have not come here with the
object of taking any part in your dissensions; we have come to put a
stop to them. What we wish is to call upon all honest men to aid us
in consolidating good order, and in regenerating
[Page 741]
your beautiful country. In proof of
the sincere spirit of conciliation with which we are animated, we
have, in the first place, directed ourselves to that same government
against which we have motives of the most serious complaints. We
have asked it to accept our aid in establishing in Mexico a state of
things that might in future avoid us the necessity of these long
expeditions, the greatest inconvenience of which is the suspension
of commerce, and the cessation of those relations which are as
advantageous to Europe as to your own country. The Mexican
government has answered to the moderation of our conduct by taking
measures to which we never would have given our approval, and which
the civilized world would reproach us for sanctioning by our
presence. Between it and ourselves war is now declared. But we do
not confound the Mexican people with an oppressive and violent
minority. The Mexicans have ever had a right to our warmest
sympathies; it remains to them to show themselves worthy of them. We
appeal to all those who may have confidence in our intervention, no
matter to what party they may have belonged. No enlightened man can
ever believe that a government, born from the suffrage of one of the
most liberal nations of Europe, could for a moment have had the
intention of restoring in a foreign country ancient abuses and
institutions, which no longer appertain to the age. We wish equal
justice for all, and we wish that this justice should not be imposed
by the force of our arms. The Mexican people must be the first
instrument of their own salvation. Our only aim is to inspire the
honorable and pacific portion of the country—that is to say, to the
nine-tenths of the population—with the courage to declare their free
If the Mexican nation remains inert, if she does not comprehend that
we offer her an unexpected occasion to escape from an abyss, if she
does not lend by her efforts a sentiment and a practical morality to
our support, it is evident that nothing is now left for us to do but
to occupy ourselves with the necessary interests, in view of which
the convention of London was concluded. Let all men so long divided
by quarrels without an object hasten to unite with us; they hold in
their hands the destinies of Mexico. The French flag has been
planted upon Mexican soil, and that flag shall not retrocede. Let
all upright men hail it as a friendly banner; let the insensate dare
to attack it!
E. JURIEN, A. DE SALIGNY, Plenipotentiaries of his Majesty the Emperor of the French,
in Mexico.
April 16, 1862.
No. 3.
General Prim to General Zaragoza.
Excellent Sir: I have just received your
excellency’s communication of yesterday, in which you inform me of
your arrival at Ingenio, and in which you ask me upon what day the
forces under my command will evacuate this city; and therefore I
have to inform your excellency that on the afternoon of the 19th
this place will be entirely evacuated by our troops and materiel.
God preserve your excellency many years.
His Excellency Señor Don J.
April 22, 1862.
This is a true copy.
[Page 742]
No. 4.
General Zaragoza to the French
General Headquarters at
April 17, 1862.
Although the French commissioners have been the first to break the
preliminaries of peace agreed to at La Soledad on the 19th of
February last, as a mere duty of humanity I allow the sick of the
army of that power to remain in the hospital; but they are safe
under the protection and loyalty of the Mexican army; therefore
there is no need they should be guarded by any forces of their own
nation. I hope, then, that his excellency the general-in-chief of
the French troops residing in Cordoba will order the escort to which
I refer to retire, protesting to him the assurances of my personal
consideration. Liberty and reform.
His Excellency the
of the French Army, Cordoba.
Aculzingo, April 22,
This is a true copy.
No. 5.
La Graviere to the commander-in-chief of the
army of the east.
The undersigned, plenipotentiary of his Majesty the Emperor of the
French, has the honor to inform the general-in-chief of the eastern
army that in virtue of orders received from his Majesty the Emperor
he has given up the command of the expeditionary body to General
Count de Lorencez, who remains in the exclusive charge of the
military operations. Consequently, the note that was brought last
night by a messenger from the general-in-chief of the eastern army
has been transmitted to that general officer.
I avail myself of this present occasion to renew to the
general-in-chief of the eastern army the assurances of my
distinguished consideration.
of the Army of the East.
Aculzingo, April 22,
This is a copy.
[Page 743]
No. 6.
General Lorencez to General
In answer to the letter that Mr. Zaragoza has written to the French
plenipotentiaries, under date of April 18, the general-in-chief of
the expeditionary body to Mexico affirms that no guards have been
left with the sick in Orizaba, nor any man in good health, (valide,)
unless it be some few nurses to take care of them. The
general-in-chief of the French expeditionary body begs General
Zaragoza to accept the assurances of his distinguished
Aculzingo, April 22,
This is a copy.
No. 7.
Proclamation of General Almonte.
General Juan N. Almonte to all Mexicans:
Fellow-citizens: I have desired for some
days to address myself to you, in order to inform you of the object
of my coming to the republic; but the fact of the existence of an
armistice, and that of finding myself under the protection of French
arms, did not permit me to speak, and I have been waiting for an
opportunity to do so, Now that the representatives of France, taking
upon themselves the whole charge of the situation, manifest the true
wishes of the allied governments, I think it my duty to break the
silence which, against my will, I had preserved, and which gave a
pretext to the enemies of order to take advantage of it by
publishing apocryphal proclamations. Upon returning, then, to the
bosom of my country, I tell you that I come animated by no other
sentiment than that of contributing to the pacification of the
republic, and that of cooperating in the establishment of a national
government—one of true morality and order—that may put a stop
forever to anarchy, and that may give sufficient guarantees for life
and property as well to foreigners as to those of the nation.
A stranger to the bloody struggle which for so many years has
lacerated our beautiful country, scandalizing the whole world to
that degree as to call forth the serious attention of the great
eastern powers of Europe, my efforts will always be to procure the
reconciliation of our brothers and to banish from among them hatred
and discord. Fortunately, in order to attain so noble an object I
have neither personal revenge to gratify nor rewards to demand.
Having been sufficiently repaid by the nation for the services which
it was my duty to lend it before and after its independence, my sole
desire at present is to offer it the last and most important one
before descending into the sepulchre, and that is to secure to it
that peace which it has been so long in want of.
On the other hand, having reason to know, as I do know, the wishes of
the allied powers, and especially those of his Majesty the Emperor
of the French, which are no others than to see the establishment in
our unfortunate country (and by our own selves) of a firm government
of order and morality, in order that the pillage and vandalism which
now reign in every part of the republic may disappear,
[Page 744]
and that the mercantile
world may profit by the immense advantages which our most fruitful
country offers it, by the native riches she possesses, and by her
geographical situation, I have thought it necessary to hasten to it
to explain to you these good intentions, which also embrace the
philanthropic idea of establishing forever the independence,
nationality, and integrity of the Mexican territory !
For the assuring, then, of a new order of things, you should confide
in the efficacious co-operation of France, whose illustrious
sovereign makes his beneficial influence felt in every place where a
just and civilizing cause is required.
Mexicans! If my honorable antecedents—if my services rendered to my
country, as well in the glorious struggle of our independence as in
the direction of her policy in the epochs in which I have formed
part of her cabinet and represented the nation in foreign lands—if
all this, I repeat, make me worthy of your confidence, unite your
efforts to mine, and be assured that very soon we will see the
establishment of a government such as suits our character,
necessities, and religious belief.
This is the assurance of your best friend and fellow-citizen,
April 16, 1862.
The French commissioners to the minister of
foreign relations.
The undersigned, plenipotentiaries of his Majesty the Emperor of the
French, have the honor to acknowledge to the minister of foreign
relations receipt of the collective note, without date, which has
been delivered to them by their colleagues, the representatives of
her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and of
her Catholic Majesty, as well as of the note, also without date,
which has been addressed to them particularly and directly by Mr.
If the undersigned did not wish to avoid useless recriminations,
without dignity, nothing would be easier than to establish, by means
of facts, that it is not the representatives of the Emperor who have
endeavored, under a puerile pretext, to elude the negotiations, nor
that they have come to Mexico to combat the ideas of reform,
liberty, or national independence, but that the government is the
one who has destroyed with its own hands the preliminaries of La
Soledad, persisting, since the day following that upon which the
convention was signed, and with double violence, in abandoning
itself every day to the same culpable acts against the properties
and persons of the subjects of his Imperial Majesty, and against the
most sacred principles of the rights of men, that they had ended by
obliging the allied powers to exact reparation by force.
The undersigned are sorry to add that other facts, entirely
recent—such as the assassination of various French soldiers on the
road to Vera Cruz, and even in the environs of Cordoba—furnish a new
proof that the Mexican government has neither the will nor the power
to comply with the obligations imposed upon all civilized
governments. In such a state of things the undersigned, convinced of
the inutility of recurring for a longer time to means of
negotiations, can only refer to their note of the 9th of April; and
they avail themselves of this occasion to renew to the minister of
foreign relations the assurances of their distinguished
His Excellency the Minister of Foreign
[Page 745]
Answer of the minister of foreign relations to
the despatch of the French commissioners.
The undersigned, charged ad interim with the
ministry of foreign relations of the Mexican republic, has the honor
to answer the note which, under date of the 16th of the present
month, was directed to him from Cordoba by their excellencies the
commissioners of the Emperor of the French.
The president, to whom I communicated the contents of said note,
contradicts the imputation made therein of his having failed to
comply with the preliminaries of La Soledad.
It is in every respect false that the property of any French subject
has been attacked; and if by chance the assassinations said to be
committed on the road from Vera Cruz to Cordoba—that is to say, in
those points occupied by the allied forces—should be verified, the
government has neither received notice of them, nor, consequently,
has it been able to prosecute the criminals, as it would have done
if their excellencies had made the matter known to him. Now that for
the first time he hears of these crimes, he has given orders that
the necessary investigations be made. As to the rest, a few days
after the signing of the preliminaries the commissioners gave
shelter to several criminals of the republic, of whom some came from
Europe, others were in Vera Cruz, flying from their judges, and
others had withdrawn from the rebel forces in which they were
fighting, in order to concert together the overthrow of public
order, as is proved by documents issued from this ministry.
The same criminals have repaired to different districts subject to
the government, guarded by French forces, whose officers have
prevented the local authorities from freely exercising their
functions, as stipulated in the preliminaries. Other French officers
have even gone so far as to imprison some of the Mexican
authorities, threatening to have them shot under the most unjust and
frivolous pretences.
If these facts, and the having failed in the stipulated conferences
of the preliminaries, are or not an infraction of them, history will
say, and the commissioners, officers, English and Spanish forces,
before whose eyes it has taken place, will testify.
The undersigned has the honor to offer to the commissioners his
distinguished consideration.
Liberty and reform!
Mexico, April 20, 1862.
Their Excellencies the Commissioners
of his Majesty the Emperor of the French,
Protest against the treaty.
The undersigned, plenipotentiaries of his Majesty the Emperor of the
French, have been informed that the cabinet of Mexico has concluded,
some days since, or is on the point of concluding, with a foreign
government, a treaty, by which it will sell, yield, transfer, or
hypothecate in favor of this, a considerable portion of lands,
properties, or rents belonging to the state, in exchange for a loan
or advance of a certain sum of money.
The undersigned, without examining the greater or less foundation
which the rumors spread abroad upon this subject may have, think it
their duty solemnly to protest, as they do, in the name of the
government of the Emperor, and for the interest of their
compatriots, against any treaty or convention whatever
[Page 746]
which may have for its
object, on the part of Mexico, to sell, yield, transfer, or
hypothecate, in favor of whomsoever it may be, all or any part of
the lands, properties, or rents of the state, in order to form of
these same lands, properties, and rents, the pledge upon which rest
the claims held by France against Mexico.
The undersigned avail themselves of this occasion to renew to his
excellency the minister of foreign relations the assurances of their
distinguished consideration.
April 16, 1862.
His Excellency the Minister of Foreign
Answer to the protest.
The undersigned, charged ad interim with the
ministry of foreign relations of the Mexican republic, has the honor
to answer the note of their excellencies the commissioners of his
Majesty the Emperor of the French, dated Cordoba, April 16.
As the government of the republic recognizes no right in the
commissioners to oppose themselves to the treaties which it may
celebrate with any power whatever respecting the engagements it may
have contracted with its legitimate creditors, the undersigned
confines himself to acknowledging the receipt of the protest which
in said note is made against any treaty which Mexico may have
concluded, or may conclude, with any foreign government whatever,
selling, yielding, transferring, or hypothecating the whole or part
of the lands, properties, or rents of the nation.
The undersigned will add only, by order of the president, that the
protest of the commissioners will not prevent him from celebrating
the treaties or conventions alluded to whenever he judges it to be
convenient and it be in his power, availing himself in this of that
inherent right which belongs to the sovereignty and independence of
the nation.
The undersigned has the honor to offer to the commissioners his
distinguished consideration.
Liberty and reform!
Mexico, April 20, 1862.
Their Excellencies the Commissioners
of his Majesty the Emperor of the French,