Mr. Seward to Mr. Webb.

No. 12.]

Sir: Your despatch of October 24 (No. 3) has received the President’s consideration.

Your speech to the Emperor, on the occasion of presenting your credentials, was equally just and appropriate. The Emperor’s reply is entirely satisfactory, and the sentiments of friendship towards the United States which he expresses are much enhanced in value by the special marks of consideration which he bestowed upon you at the audience.

Your special note to the minister for foreign affairs, touching the conduct of your predecessor, is approved. It is among our humiliations that disloyal representatives have exerted themselves to lower the national character in the respect of the governments to which they are accredited. The course of treason, however, is always short, while loyalty, like every other virtue, knows no fatigue, and seldom encounters discomfiture.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


James Watson Webb, Esq., &c., &c., &c.