Mr. Seward to Mr. Sanford.
Sir: I have your private letter of the 23d of September, which, in its subdued tone and spirit, is like the last of your favors which it has been my duty to acknowledge. I trust that you may have been encouraged to entertain more hopeful views by the auspicious news which you will have received long before this despatch shall come to your hands. It is an obvious and cheering fact that the insurgent invasion of the loyal States has everywhere failed. I might speak of our expectations of advantage from military and naval movements already in progress, but that would be, in some sort to commit myself concerning the success of operations which depend on circumstances beyond human control or foresight. I may, however, safely remark that the buoyancy of expectations on the part of the insurgents has passed away, and that apprehensions of danger are manifested by them which indicate a condition very unfavorable to long persistence in their designs. Besides this fact, the proceeding of the President, in giving warning to the insurgents of the necessity for a return to their allegiance under the penalty of a withdrawal of the protection hitherto extended to their system of slavery by the federal government, must exert no small influence upon the fortunes [Page 661] of the civil war they have so unnecessarily and wantonly waged against the Union.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Henry S. Sanford, Esq.,&c., &c., &c., Brussels.