
Mr. Van Limburg to Mr. Seward.

Sir: I have the honor to bring to your knowledge that only this morning I have learned from Mr. Conturié, by letter dated at New Orleans the 8th of this month, that since the 10th of the month of May, on which the consulate of the Netherlands in said city was invaded by the military authorities of the United States, he had completely ceased from the exercise of his consular functions, and invariably referred individuals applying to the consul of France, who has acted as consul, ad interim, of the Netherlands. The Count of Mejan, to whom I had addressed the request, by letter dated at Washington the 10th of June, in the first instance, and then by duplicate dated July 26, answered me by letter dated at New Orleans the 8th of August, that he had assumed the mission offered to him provisionally, and had already, on occasion, lent his protection and good offices to Netherlanders.

I have therefore the honor to request you, sir, to be so good as to recognize, and cause to be recognized, the Count de Mejan, consul of France at New Orleans, as charged, ad interim, with the consulate of the Netherlands, in virtue of instructions from the King’s government.

If I have not been able before to-day to make this communication and request to you, it is because of the loss of my enclosures addressed from Washington the 10th of June last to the Count Mejan, and sent by me to the minister of France, who was pleased to take upon him the delivery to the consul of his country at New Orleans. Mr. Mercier sent the enclosure to the Marquis de Montholon at New York, who mailed it, but the enclosure never reached its address. I have therefore sent to the Count de Mejan and Mr. Conturié duplicates, dated July 26, and the answer which I have received to-day has at length enabled me, sir, to write to you, which I now have the honor to do.

Please to accept, sir, the fresh assurance of my high consideration.


Hon. Mr. Seward, Secretary of State of the United States of America.