Mr. Seward to Mr. Pike.
Sir: I have before me your despatch of February 11, No. 37.
You think that it is only the fear of a pressure, resulting from want of cotton, that sustains the opposition in Europe to our blockade of the southern ports. On the other hand, it seems quite clear to us here that it is only the recognition of the insurgents as a belligerent power by the European states that sustains the insurrection, which renders a continuance of the blockade necessary. If this opinion is sound, I cannot believe it will be long in reaching the consideration of the parties most deeply interested.
Our military and naval operations continue to be successful. But the press relieves me of the necessity of advising you concerning this the most important part of our affairs.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
James S. Pike, Esq., &c., &c.,&c.