Mr. Harvey to Mr.
No. 158.]
Legation of the United States,
October 3, 1862.
Sir: After my No. 157 was despatched on the
29th ultimo, I had a personal interview with the Viscount Sa da
Bandeira, the minister of war, who is also acting as minister of foreign
affairs during the absence of the Marquis de, Soule, in reference to the
outrages at the Azores, the conduct of the Portuguese authorities there,
and other matters connected with the general subject. I carried with me
some of the testimony bearing on the important points, and submitted it
to him with explanatory comments.
He was frank enough to say that the islands in question had been used and
abused by corsairs and pirates during centuries; that they were exposed
and unprotected, and therefore might be so employed again, and that our
best plan would be to send a sufficient force there to protect American
ships against threatened depredations and to punish the criminal
offenders. I informed him that two war steamers had already been ordered
to the islands, and that the sloop-of-war St. Louis was ready to sail
but I had detained her a day for my own despatches, and offered him that
opportunity of communicating with the Portuguese officials. He thanked
me for the courtesy, but said it would be impossible to prepare any
instructions within the time named, and that the authorities of the
Azores were already possessed of the views of the government through the
royal proclamation of last year.
I called his attention particularly to the report of a project to
establish a coal depot for “confederate” cruisers on the islands, saying
that it was part of a plan to equip and arm against our commerce in
flagrant disregard of the King’s proclamation. It was agreed between us
that I should address him a note on the subject, directing attention to
the points most requiring prompt consideration. A copy of that note is
now enclosed for your information. It needs no explanation at my
I also transmit herewith copies of notes addressed to Captain Pickering,
of the Kearsarge, and Captain Thatcher, of the Constellation, containing
the suggestions that occurred to me as proper to the occasion.
A telegram from our consul at Gibraltar on the 29th ultimo informed me
that the Kearsarge would leave Algeciras on Tuesday last, the 30th of
September. The St. Louis sailed from this port at six o’clock on
Wednesday morning, the 1st instant, direct for the Azores. I have heard
nothing of the movements of the Tuscarora, though she was at Cadiz when
I telegraphed Captain Craven, five days ago.
The enclosed copy of my reply to Mr. Dabney’s note, in regard to the
depredations, will explain itself.
I telegraphed the material facts to Mr. Adams on the 30th ultimo, and
requested him to communicate them to you immediately.
[Page 589]
The agent heretofore employed in the Algarve district started again for
duty there on the evening of the 30th September.
No effort has been spared and no precaution neglected which care and
prudence could suggest or provide for this emergency. In fact, all the
resources at my disposal or discretion have been exhausted, and I may
say, without egotism, at least energetically if not wisely.
I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State.
Legation of the United
Lisbon, September 30,
Sir: A telegram from Mr. Sprague, our
consul at Gibraltar, informs me that he has communicated to you the
contents of despatches which I sent to Captains Pickering and
Craven, (on Sunday, 28th inst.,) relative to the destruction of ten
whalers by Captain Semmes, of the Alabama, off the Azores. You will
doubtless learn of the movements of those officers. The St. Louis,
which is now here, will start in the morning to join the others at
the islands.
This is all the disposable force we have at hand. As the pirates have
two wooden steamers only, the preponderance of strength is largely
on our side.
I assume that, after receiving the intelligence referred to, you
started immediately, preferring real service to the pleasant ports
of the Mediterranean. I also suppose that your first impulse would
be to start for the Azores, and it is to that point that I wish to
direct a few suggestions, which may or may not have force. Should
the Constellation go to the Azores, not a single United States ship
would be left; within call, in case of any emergency. If the force
sent there already be sufficient, in your estimation, to confront
the pirates, then I think that you had better not go, for the
following reasons. In the first place, the Sumter would be tempted
to escape from her present prison ground, and of course be fitted
out in England afresh, for new depredations. The officers on board
of her will soon know, or suspect, where our ships have gone, and
they will probably profit by the opportunity of their absence.
In the next place, it is not to be presumed that Semmes will remain
stationary at the Azores. He went there knowing this to be the
season when the whalers come down from the North Atlantic, and when
a harvest of depredations might be reaped. He is not ignorant that
in a few weeks a fleet of merchantmen, loaded with cereals, may be
expected at this and neighboring ports. And I have no doubt that he
will endeavor to strike at them. He will also be sure that the
Tuscarora and others will pursue him the moment his outrages become
known, which is another reason why he will not linger at the
I shall advise either the Tuscarora or Kearsarge to return to these
waters as soon as the danger is certainly passed, but one of them
must remain there for other and important objects.
In this aspect of the matter, my judgment is that you should cruise
hereabouts for a time, and run up to Lisbon for a personal
conference, and for information. I see no public object to be served
in the Mediterranean, while large interests urgently need protection
outside of it. I submit these observations, with all deference to
your professional position, as the results of a plain and practical
view of the situation.
Yours, very truly,
Captain Thatcher,
United States Ship Constellation.
[Page 590]
Legation of the United
October 2, 1862.
Sir: The papers numbered 1, 2, 3, and 4,
which are submitted with this note, will bring to your view certain
proceedings at the islands of the Azores, and various depredations
on American ships, which may properly claim the immediate attention
and interposition of his Majesty’s government.
The first in order which deserves notice is a statement published in
the Portuguese journal “O Lidador,” of Terceira, on the 23d of
August, which is fully corroborated by various forms of information
of a public and private nature.
It appears from this statement that two steamers and a bark, abusing
the British flag to shelter their nefarious designs, entered the
small ports of the island of Terceira on the 10th, 18th, and 20th of
August, respectively, without exhibiting bills of health, as
required by the laws of this kingdom. The bark was freighted with
arms, munitions of war, and coal, which were transferred to the two
steamers without entry at the custom-house, and in defiance of the
revenue laws.
After all these proceedings had taken place, and, as the Lidador
properly suggests, with a view of “palliating their offence,” the
vessels were permitted to go through the farce of making entry at
the custom-house, and the health department granted them free pratique, on the pretence that they had
stopped at Praia da Victoria, a little neighboring port some few
miles distant.
I abstain from comment on so much of the conduct of these officials
as must necessarily be subjected to inquiry by the superior
authority here in Lisbon. But as far as it injuriously affects the
interests of citizens of the United States, -a sense of duty
requires me to declare that if they did not act in bad faith, or
with criminal collusion, they acted under influences equally
culpable and indefensible. They were morally, if not actually,
parties to a conspiracy, which soon after culminated in a series of
gross outrages, not very far from the same spot, and in the same
group of islands.
It may be well to notice, in passing, the fact that free pratique was granted to these pirates by the
health department at Angra, after two weeks’ experience of their
corsair-like conduct, and to contrast that act with the course
previously pursued towards an American merchant vessel: The schooner
Thomas Denison touched at Fayal on the 26th November last, bound,
with a valuable cargo, for St. Michael. Although she had a clean,
regular bill of health, and there was no sickness of any kind on
board, she was required to perform quarantine at Fayal. And
subsequently, upon reaching her destination, she was ordered by the
authorities at St. Michael to Lisbon for another quarantine, thus
breaking up the voyage, and injuring the owners materially. This was
the treatment suffered by a peaceful commercial vessel, and it may
well be contrasted with the courtesy extended to outlaws, who had
notoriously defied, insulted, and violated the laws and usages of
this kingdom.
The deposition of Henry Redden, formerly a boatswain’s mate on the
Alabama, (one of the steamers referred to,) confirms the main facts
related by the Lidador, and gives a complete history of the whole
affair—of the departure from England, the voyage to the Azores, and
the proceedings there up to the time of his abandonment of the
piratical enterprise. He states positively that a certain Captain
Semmes, after hoisting a flag on the Alabama not recognized by any
civilized nation, summoned the crew and announced his intention to
“burn, sink, and destroy” American ships, and offered them
inducements to join the proposed piracy.
The letter of Mr. Dudley, United States consul at Liverpool, will
inform your excellency of a plan concocted by the parties connected
with this expedition to use the Azores as a rendezvous for their
iniquitous designs. And finally the
[Page 591]
note of Mr. Dabney, United States consul at
Fayal, will present to view the last chapter in this connected
record of crime, wherein it will be seen that the threats made at
Angra were literally verified off the island of Flores, in the
destruction of ten of the whaling ships which, at this season of the
year, are accustomed to recruit at the Azores.
No doubt is entertained that as soon as these facts become known to
your excellency, prompt and efficient measures will be taken, not
only to prevent their recurrence, but to make the delinquent
officials answerable for their faithless omissions of duty. All
these acts, in part and in whole, are in flagrant violation of his
Majesty’s proclamation of July 29, 1861. Avowed enemies of the
United States, who are equally the enemies of civilization and
humanity, have “entered the ports” of Portugal, have “fitted out”
vessels, to use the language of the proclamation, “destinados a
corso,” in a Portuguese port, and have burnt and destroyed American
ships in Portuguese waters. Great wrong and injury have been thus
inflicted by the failure of the local authorities on the islands to
respect and obey the royal mandate, which was wisely and liberally
designed by his Majesty to exclude such a possibility.
It is proper for me to draw the special attention of your excellency
to the reports of the consuls of the United States at Fayal and
Liverpool, as to the design of the projectors of this recent
expedition, and their criminal associates, to establish a station at
the Azores for the supply of piratical cruisers with munitions of
war, coal, and arms, to depredate upon the commerce of the United
States with those islands and elsewhere. No belief is entertained
that a hostile scheme like that described would be tolerated in any
way by his Majesty’s government.
But after the events which have now been witnessed, it is only proper
that precautions should be taken by which the responsibility of
protection should not rest exclusively upon subordinates who may be
incompetent or unwilling to discharge their whole duty.
I avail myself of this opportunity to reiterate the assurances of my
most distinguished consideration.
His Excellency the Viscount Sa da
Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Legation of the United
September 30, 1862.
Sir: I telegraphed you, on the 28th
instant, relative to certain depredations committed by Captain
Semmes, in a cruiser called the Alabama, upon ten American vessels
engaged in the whaling trade off the Azores. Our consul at Gibraltar
has informed me of your intended departure for the Western islands
to-day, and I avail myself of the sailing of the United States sloop
St. Louis tomorrow to make some general suggestions and to send you
a description of the Alabama, taken from a deposition of one of the
masters whose vessel was burnt. Commander M. C. Marin, of the St.
Louis, will furnish you personally with a copy of his own notes with
additional details.
This piratical expedition was planned so as to intercept and destroy
our whaling ships, which are known to touch at the Azores at this
season of the year. When the immediate motive has passed away there,
it is to be presumed that similar outrages will be attempted
elsewhere. It is well known that a large number of merchantmen,
freighted with cereals, may be expected during the months of
October, November, and December, at this and neighboring ports.
[Page 592]
Semmes and his
confederates are not ignorant of that fact, and will doubtless
endeavor to destroy all they can reach.
As soon, therefore, as danger has certainly disappeared at the
Azores, I would advise you to send either the Kearsarge or the
Tuscarora, with the St. Louis, to Lisbon, in order that I may confer
with the commanders of one or both and concert measures for the
protection of our exposed commerce hereabouts.
It will be necessary, in any event, to retain one of the two steamers
at the Azores for a time. The insurgents have already used those
islands, in defiance of the Portuguese authorities, who are
comparatively powerless, as a rendezvous for coaling, recruiting,
and the transfer of munitions of war from vessels abusing the
British flag to steamers in the service of the so-called
“confederates.” And I am credibly informed that a plan has been
contrived to establish a coal station at one of the islands, making
it the entrepot of a regular contraband commerce, inimical to the
interests of the United States, and in flagrant violation of the
proclamation of the King of Portugal of July 29, 1861, of which I
enclose you a translated copy.
If an occasion should occur, it will be your duty to call upon the
proper authorities, through the consul or consular agents, and
require that proclamation to be carried out in good faith, as it
will be to prevent all contraband trade, if they fail in efficiency.
I would recommend you to co-operate fully with the authorities, and
to respect their usages and laws, but, at the same time, to protect
our own interests in the most proper and positive manner. Exposed
and undefended as those islands are, we shall have to rely mainly
upon ourselves, since there is no naval force of this kingdom
stationed there to assert and maintain the good dispositions of the
It would be well for you to see and confer with Mr. C. W. Dabney,
United States consul at Fayal, who is necessarily possessed of much
information on this subject.
It is not improbable that the Constellation may leave the
Mediterranean upon hearing of the depredations referred to. I have
written to her commander, suggesting that it would be better for him
to cruise in these waters than to proceed to the Azores, as one
ship-of-war should be within call for a sudden emergency.
Be pleased to communicate with me by every opportunity which may
offer, in order that I may keep our government informed of the
progress of events.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Captain Pickering,
United States Ship Kearsarge, Azores.