Mr. Cameron to Mr. Seward.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your despatches of the 8th, 12th, and 14th ultimo, communicating copies of the Senate resolution in respect to the expediency of providing for the appointment of consuls at the ports of Nicolaieff and Kherson; of the new regulation relating to passports; and of the emancipation bill communicated to Congress by the President.
With regard to the first of these subjects, the necessary information will be forwarded as soon as it can be procured; and I shall take occasion, at the same time, to make a few suggestions concerning the consulates already established in Russia. The order concerning passports and the registry of fees, therefore, has been put in operation. I have read with great satisfaction the bill submitted to Congress by the President, embodying his plan of emancipation in the border States. It is an equitable and practicable method of retaining those States permanently in the Union; since it is very evident, viewing the vital question which underlies our struggle from this distance, stripped of its local or temporary coloring, that upon no other basis can the future of our country be rendered secure. I am very glad to be able to inform you that the measure proposed by the President is considered, not only by all American citizens whom I have met here, but by all intelligent Russian statesmen, as exceedingly liberal and generous. It is hoped that the States in question will soon avail themselves of the offer it holds out; but if, unhappily, they should fail to do so, the judgment of Europe will uphold the President in the adoption of whatever measures may be necessary to secure the important end.
The evidences of a sterner policy on the part of the administration, which the last mails from America have brought us, revive the hopes of our friends everywhere throughout Europe. Those who have been most earnestly with us heretofore seemed to be on the point of losing their faith in our success, through delays which they have not been able to understand. The journals most friendly to our cause began to give signs of exhausted patience at the unexpected prolongation of the struggle; but I have reason to believe, now that the effect of the reverses we experienced has been, to a great extent, counteracted by the determined attitude of the government, and its readiness to use the most direct and effectual means of crushing the rebellion.
As Mr. Collins has not yet made his appearance, I have nothing further, to report in relation to the proposed telegraphic enterprise.
I have the honor to be, with high respect, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State.