Mr. Varas to Mr. Seward.



l. s.]

Sir: I have had the honor of reading the note dated the 31st ultimo, which your excellency was pleased to address me. In it your excellency [Page 431] informs me that you have received instructions from your government to endeavor to impede, as far as your powers will permit, that in the ports of Chili privateers be armed for the service of the States which have recently declined to recognize the authority of the government of the Union, and have constituted themselves under a de facto government, with the title of Confederated States of America—instructions given to your excellency in consequence of a recent proclamation of the President of these States, wherein he announces that he is empowered and prepared to issue letters of marque.

At the same time your excellency informs me that you have recently received information inducing you to believe that there are at present, or recently have been, in Chili, persons endeavoring to purchase munitions of war, in order to employ the same in arming privateers for the service of the said Confederated States of America; and in view, of this information your excellency signifies to me a desire that my government adopt such measures as it may deem expedient, in order to prevent the fitting out of such privateers in the ports of the republic.

I must assure your excellency, in reply, that my government, complying with the duties which it owes to a friendly state, is disposed to prevent preparations of warlike character, or any other operations hostile to the United States, from being effected in any port whatever of the territory of the republic; and that consequently the necessary orders will be given to the respective authorities to keep especial watch in this particular. However, as far as regards privateering expeditions which may prepare or arm themselves on the coasts of Chili, it might happen in many cases that the zeal and vigilance of the authorities might prove inefficacious to discover them; so that it is to be desired that whatever news your excellency might obtain on the subject, you would have the kindness to transmit the same to me, in order that I might, in view thereof, issue the most opportune instructions to frustrate the carrying out of such expeditions.

In the mean time will your excellency be pleased to accept the assurances of my distinguished consideration, with which I remain your excellency’s most obedient servant,


The Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary Of the United States of North America.