Mr. Seward to Mr. pike.
Washington, June 14, 1861.
Sir: Mr. Murphy’s despatch of the 10th of April, (No. 53,) informing us that he had submitted our circular letter, with an appropriate communication of his own, to the Baron Zuylen, his Majesty’s minister for foreign affairs, was duly received; and we have also received Mr. Murphy’s despatch, No. 55, with which was transmitted a copy of the reply of the government of the Netherlands to the papers thus submitted to them.
Mr. Murphy executed the duty committed to him in a very proper manner, and you are instructed to express to his Majesty’s government the President’s high appreciation of the just and friendly sentiments which that government has manifested and expressed in regard to the domestic disturbance in our country, which, happily, now daily loses something of the formidable character which it at first assumed.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
James S. Pike, Esq., &c., &c., &c.