The educational materials described here have been retired. The original text of this section of the website remains online for reference purposes, but it is no longer being maintained or expanded, nor are the videos or other printed material available for distribution.
Notice posted on October 2, 2017.
Introduction to Curriculum Packet on “When the Border Vanishes: Diplomacy and the Threat to our Health and Environment”
This title is out of print. Download the Introduction (PDF, 831 KB).
As timely as today's headlines, When the Border Vanishes enters the new world of 21st century diplomacy where emerging threats transcend our borders and threaten our long-term security. This presentation goes beyond the headlines to explore the roots of our attitudes toward environmentalism and conservation and link those attitudes to our beliefs about our borders and how we define "our" natural resources.
In this fast-paced program, your students will meet the presidents, scientists, explorers, and diplomats who have contributed to the evolution of our understanding of enivronmental issues from Thomas Jefferson's Philadelphia to Theodore Roosevelt's Cuba and from the deadly jungles of Panama to the majesty of the moon.
When the Border Vanishes includes a broadcast-quality DVD and an extensive curriculum package on CD-ROM, designed to fit easily into your social studies curriculum. Developed by the U.S. Department of State and a team of education professionals, this DVD/curriculum package includes lessons in history, economics, government, and geography, and addresses the needs of lower level and AP students alike.
Lesson Plans & Activities
Download the individual PDFs below, or download the entire set (90.3 MB ZIP file).
Teacher Information
- Introduction
- Note to Middle and High School Teachers
- Points of Emphasis
- Script
- Script Outline
- Timelines
- Glossary
- NCSS Standards Chart
- Depth of Knowledge Chart
Environment and Diplomacy Lessons
- Listen Up!
- General Knowledge Assessment I
- General Knowledge Assessment II
- A Bird’s Eye View
- Be the Historian: Political cartoons
- Birds of a Feather (Attachments included within the lesson)
- Call the Doctor
- From Your Point of Pen
- It’s Not Easy Being Green
- HIV/AIDS in Africa
- A Modern Black Plague
- Path of Yellow Fever
- Riding High
- Silent Spring and the Marginal World
- Taking a Step Back
- The Federal Government and the Environment: a DBQ
- Through Artists’ Eyes
- Two Presidents and Oil
- Alexander von Humboldt’s Journey
- If It Quacks Like a Duck
- “It’s the Grandaddy of Them All” The 1918 Influenza Pandemic
- Panama Canal Bingo
- Face to Face: A Conversation Between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander von Humboldt
- Will the Real Theodore Roosevelt Please Stand Up?
Global Issues Foundational Lessons
- The World Health Organization
Poverty and Me
- Activity Sheet #1 Human Needs
- Activity Sheet #2 A Hierarchy of Human Needs
- Activity Sheet #3 A Closer Look at What I Have
- Activity Sheet #4 Perceptions of Poverty
- Activity Sheet #5 Megacities Where are They?
- Activity Sheet #6 Megacities
- Activity Sheet #7 Another Point of View
- Activity Sheet #8 World Map of the Undernourished
- Activity Sheet #9 World Map of Poverty
- Activity Sheet #10 A Closer Look at What I Have, Part II
- Activity Sheet #11 The Magnifying Glass
It Takes a Village—and More
- Millennium Handout #1 UN Millennium Goals
- Millennium Handout #2a Posters
- Millennium Handout #2b Posters
- Millennium Handout #2c Posters
- Millennium Handout #2d Posters
- Millennium Handout #2e Posters
- Millennium Handout #2f Posters
- Millennium Handout #2g Posters
- Millennium Handout #3a Identification of Posters
- Millennium Handout #3b Identification of Posters
- Millennium Handout #3c Identification of Posters
- Millennium Handout #3d Identification of Posters
- Millennium Handout #3e Identification of Posters
- Millennium Handout #3f Identification of Posters
- Millennium Handout #3g Identification of Posters
- Millennium Handout #4 List of MDG Indicators
- Millennium Handout #5 Studying the UN Millennium Goals
- Millennium Handout #6 Vocabulary
- Millennium Handout #7a Millennium Goal Drawings
- Millennium Handout #7b Millennium Goal Drawings
- Millennium Handout #7c Millennium Goal Drawings
- Millennium Handout #7d Millennium Goal Drawings
- Millennium Handout #7e Millennium Goal Drawings
- Millennium Handout #7f Millennium Goal Drawings
- Millennium Handout #7g Millennium Goal Drawings
- Millennium Handout #7h Millennium Goal Drawings