Visits By Foreign Leaders of Vietnam

Prime Minister Tran Van HuuAttended the Japanese Peace Conference in San Francisco.September 3–5, 1951
President DiemState visit. In the U.S. May 5–May 21. Also visited Honolulu (Hawaii), San Francisco, New York City, Detroit and Lansing (Michigan), Knoxville (Tennessee), and Los Angeles. Addressed U.S. Congress May 9.May 8–12, 1957
President Nguyen Van ThieuOfficial visit. Conferred with President Johnson in Honolulu on military and economic assistance to Vietnam.February 6–8, 1966
President Nguyen Van ThieuDiscussed military developments in Vietnam and political developments in Paris with President Johnson in Honolulu.July 19–20, 1968
President Nguyen Van ThieuMet with President Nixon at Midway Island.June 8, 1969
President Nguyen Van ThieuOfficial visit at San Clemente (Calif.), and Washington, D.C.April 2–7, 1973
President Tran Duc LuongMet with President Clinton at the UN Millenium Summit in New York City.September 6, 2000
Prime Minister Phan Van KhaiWorking visit.June 21, 2005
President Nguyen Minh TrietWorking visit.June 20–22, 2007
Prime Minister Nguyen Tan DungWorking visit.June 22–25, 2008
Prime Minister Nguyen Tan DungAttended the Nuclear Security Summit.April 12–13, 2010
President Truong Tan SangAttended the Asia-Pacific Economic and Cooperation Summit at Honolulu and Kapolei, Hawaii.November 10–13, 2011
President Truong Tan SangWorking visit.July 24–25, 2013
Prime Minister Nguyen Tan DungAttended the ASEAN Leaders Summit at Sunnylands, CA.February 16–18, 2016
Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan PhucOfficial Working Visit.May 31, 2017
Prime Minister Nguyen Tan DungAttended the U.S.-ASEAN Summit.May 12–13, 2022
President Võ Văn ThưởngAttended the APEC Leaders' Summit at San Francisco, CA.November 12–17, 2023
General Secretary Tô Lâm Met with President Biden at the UN General Assembly in New York City.September 25, 2024