Visits By Foreign Leaders of Senegal

President SenghorOfficial visit. In U.S. October 30–November 4. Also visited New York City.November 3, 1961
President Leopold Sedar SenghorState Visit.September 28, 1966
Prime Minister Abdou DioufAttended White House dinner on 25th Anniversary of the U.N.October 24, 1970
President Leopold-Sedar SenghorPrivate visit. In the U.S. June 12–18. Also visited Cambridge, Mass.June 18, 1971
President Leopold-Sedar SenghorPrivate visit.May 22, 1975
President Leopold-Sedar SenghorPrivate visit.June 8, 1978
President Leopold-Sedar SenghorPrivate visit. Met with President Carter April 8.April 5–8, 1980
President Abdou DioufOfficial working visit.August 9–12, 1983
President Abdou DioufPrivate Visit. Met with President Reagan April 16.April 13–17, 1985
President Abdou DioufPrivate visit.May 14, 1990
President Abdou DioufState Visit.September 9–12, 1991
President Abdou DioufMet with President Clinton during a private visit.May 21–23, 1994
President Abdoulaye WadeWorking visit; attended a forum of the Partnership to Cut Hunger in Africa.June 28, 2001
President Abdoulaye WadeMet with President Bush during a private visit.June 18, 2002
President Abdoulaye WadeMet with President Bush at the G-8 Economic Summit at Sea Island, Georgia.June 9–10, 2004
President Abdoulaye WadeWorking visit.December 5–7, 2004
President Macky SallAttended African Leaders Summit.March 28, 2013
President Macky SallAttended the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit.August 5–6, 2014
President Macky SallAttended the U.S.-Africa Leaders' Summit.December 13–15, 2022