Visits By Foreign Leaders of Latvia

President Guntis UlmanisMet with President Clinton at the U.N. General Assembly in New York City.September 27, 1993
President Guntis UlmanisMet with President Clinton during a private visit; opened Latvian Mission to the United Nations in New York City.May 24, 1994
President Guntis UlmanisWorking visit. Afterwards visited New York City.June 25–27, 1996
President Guntis UlmanisWorking visit. Signed U.S.-Baltic Charter of Partnership.January 14–18, 1998
President Guntis UlmanisAttended NATO’s 50th Anniversary Summit. Arrived April 22.April 23–25, 1999
President Vairi Vike-FreiburgaWorking visit.February 4–6, 2002
President Vairi Vike-FreibergaWorking visit.February 15–19, 2003
Prime Minister Indulis EmsisWorking visit. Attended NATO Accession ceremony.March 27–30, 2004
President Andris BerzinsAttended the NATO Summit Meeting in Chicago, IL.May 20–21, 2012
President Andris BerzinsWorking visit.August 30, 2013
President Raimonds VējonisU.S.-Baltic Leaders Summit.April 3, 2018
President Edgars Rinkēvičs Attended NATO 75th Anniversary Summit in Washington, DC.July 10–11, 2024