Visits By Foreign Leaders of Honduras

President Villeda MoralesInformal visit. In U.S. November 29–December 5. Also visited Williamsburg, and made a private visit to Miami.November 30–December 1, 1962
Brigadier General Juan Melgar CastroAttended signing of the Panama Canal Treaty.September 6–9, 1977
President Policarpo Paz GarciaPrivate visit. Met with President Carter March 3.March 2–4, 1980
President Roberto Suazo CordovaOfficial working visit.July 13–15, 1982
President Roberto Suazo CordovaOfficial Working Visit. Private visit to Houston afterward.May 20–22, 1985
President Jose Azcona HoyoOfficial Working Visit.May 26–29, 1986
President Jose Azcona HoyoMet with President Reagan during a private visit.October 21, 1987
President Rafael Leonardo CallejasOfficial working visit. Private visit to New York City afterwards.April 17–19, 1990
President Rafael Leonardo CallejasMet with President Bush during a private visit.May 6–8, 1992
President Rafael Leonardo CallejasAttended working brunch with President Clinton.November 30, 1993
President Carlos Roberto Reina IdiaquezAttended the Summit of the Americas in Miami, Florida.December 9–11, 1994
President Carlos FloresAttended conference on Central American reconstruction at the Inter-American Development Bank. Private visit with President Clinton December 11.December 9–11, 1998
President Ricardo MaduroWorking visit. Discussed negotiations for a Central American free trade agreement.April 10, 2003
President Ricardo MaduroWorking visit. Discussed Central American and Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement.May 10–12, 2005
President Manuel ZelayaWorking visit.June 4–6, 2006
President Manuel Zelaya RosalesMet with President Bush at the UN General Assembly in New York City.September 18, 2006
President Manuel Zelaya RosalesMet with President Bush at the Council of the Americas in New York City.September 24, 2008
President Porfirio LoboWorking visit.October 5, 2011
President Juan Orlando HernandezDiscussed migration of unaccompanied minors.July 25, 2014
President Juan Hernando HernandezAttended the Conference on Prosperity and Security in Central America, in Washington and in Doral, Florida.June 15–16, 2017