Visits By Foreign Leaders of Guyana

Prime Minister Forbes BurnhamInformal visit. Afterwards visited San Francisco, Los Angeles, Houston, and Austin. Departed U.S. July 30.July 21–23, 1966
Prime Minister Forbes BurnhamInformal visit.July 26, 1968
President H. Desmond HoyteDiscussed bilateral relations and trade preferences under the Caribbean Basin Initiative.September 13, 1988
President H. Desmond HoyteMet with President Bush during a private visitJune 19, 1989
President Cheddi JaganAttended a CARICOM working luncheon.August 30, 1993
President Cheddi JaganAttended the Summit of the Americas in Miami, Florida.December 9–11, 1994
President Bharrat JagdeoMet with President Bush at the UN General Assembly in New York City.September 24, 2003
President Mohamed Irfaan AliAttended the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles, CA.June 8–10, 2022