Visits By Foreign Leaders of Germany

Chancellor AdenauerGuest of the President. In U.S. April 6–18. Visited San Francisco, Carmel (California), Chicago, New York City, and Boston (Massachusetts).April 7–10, 1953
Chancellor AdenauerSigned Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation. Afterwards visited New York City. Departed U.S. November 1.October 27–30, 1954
Chancellor AdenauerUnofficial visit. Also visited Boston (Massachusetts) and New York City. Departed the U.S. June 18.June 13–15, 1955
Chancellor AdenauerIn U.S. June 9–15, visiting New York City, New Haven (Connecticut), Chicago and Milwaukee (Wisconsin). Departed U.S. June 15.June 11–13, 1956
Chancellor AdenauerOfficial visit. Private visit to New York City and Greenwich (Connecticut) May 24–25.May 27–29, 1957
President HeussState visit. Addressed U.S. Congress June 5. Afterwards visited Philadelphia, Hanover (New Hampshire), Detroit (Michigan), Chicago, San Francisco, the Grand Canyon (Arizona), Williamsburg and Charlottesville (Virginia), and New York City. Departed U.S. June 23.June 4–7, 1958
Chancellor AdenauerInformal meeting with President Eisenhower en route to Japan. In U.S. March 12–23, visiting New York City, Los Angeles, Palm Desert (California), San Francisco, and Honolulu (Hawaii).March 15–17, 1960
Chancellor AdenauerInformal visit. Afterwards visited Austin and the LBJ Ranch (Texas). Departed U.S. April 17.April 11–16, 1961
Chancellor AdenauerInformal visit; discussed Berlin Crisis with President Kennedy.November 19–23, 1961
Chancellor AdenauerInformal visit.November 13–16, 1962
President LuebkeAttended funeral of President Kennedy.November 24–25, 1963
Chancellor ErhardAttended funeral of President Kennedy.November 24–25, 1963
Chancellor ErhardInformal visit at LBJ Ranch.December 28–29, 1963
Chancellor ErhardInformal visit. Arrived in U.S. June 11; visited Cambridge (Massachusetts) and New York City.June 12–13, 1964
Chancellor ErhardInformal visit. Arrived in U.S. May 31; visited New York City.June 4, 1965
Chancellor ErhardInformal visit.December 19–21, 1965
Chancellor Ludwig ErhardInformal visit. In U.S. September 24–27; visited Cape Kennedy.September 26–27, 1966
Chancellor Kurt-Georg KiesingerOfficial visit.August 13–19, 1967
Chancellor Kurt-Georg KiesingerAttended funeral of former President Eisenhower; met with President Nixon April 1.March 31–April 1, 1969
Chancellor Kurt-Georg KiesingerOfficial visit. In U.S. August 5–9; visited New York City.August 7–9, 1969
Chancellor Willy BrandtOfficial visit. U.S. April 4; visited El Paso and Cape Kennedy.April 7–11, 1970
Chancellor Willy BrandtPrivate visit. Arrived in U.S. June 14; also visited Hartford, Conn.June 15–16, 1971
Chancellor Willy BrandtInformal visit at Key Biscayne (Fla.).December 28–29, 1971
Chancellor Willy BrandtOfficial visit.May 1–2, 1973
Chancellor Willy BrandtPrivate visit; met with President Nixon at the White House.September 29, 1973
Chancellor Helmut SchmidtOfficial visit. Afterwards visited New York City. Departed U.S. December 7.December 4–6, 1974
President Walter ScheelState visit. In U.S. June 15–20; visited Williamsburg, Chicago, and New York City.June 16–18, 1975
Chancellor Helmut SchmidtWorking meeting and luncheon at White House with President Ford during a private visit.October 3, 1975
Chancellor Helmut SchmidtAttended Economic Summit Meeting in Dorado Beach, Puerto Rico.June 26–28, 1976
Chancellor Helmut SchmidtOfficial visit. In U.S. July 14–20; visited Williamsburg, Baltimore, and Philadelphia; private visit to San Francisco.July 15–17, 1976
Chancellor Helmut SchmidtOfficial visit.July 13–15, 1977
Chancellor Helmut SchmidtAttended North Atlantic Alliance Summit conference.May 30–31, 1978
Chancellor Helmut SchmidtPrivate visit. In U.S. June 6–8. Met with President Carter June 6; visited Cambridge (Mass.), Columbia (S.C.), and New York City.June 6, 1979
Chancellor Helmut SchmidtOfficial visit.March 4–6, 1980
Chancellor Helmut SchmidtPrivate visit. Met with President Carter and President-elect Reagan November 20.November 18–21, 1980
Chancellor Helmut SchmidtOfficial visit.May 20–23, 1981
Chancellor Helmut SchmidtPrivate visit. Met with President Reagan January 5.January 4–6, 1982
Chancellor Helmut SchmidtPrivate visit. Met with Secretary of State Shultz at Bohemian Grove (Calif.).July 20–27, 1982
Chancellor Helmut KohlOfficial visit.November 14–16, 1982
Chancellor Helmut KohlOfficial working visit.April 14–15, 1983
Chancellor Helmut KohlAttended Economic Summit Meeting, Williamsburg (Va.).May 28–31, 1983
President Kurt CarstensState visit. Addressed Joint Session of U.S. Congress October 5. Visited Philadelphia, St. Louis, El Paso, Dallas, the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, Seattle, New York City City, and New Haven. Departed U.S. October 14.October 3–6, 1983
Chancellor Helmut KohlOfficial working visit.March 3–6, 1984
Chancellor Helmut KohlOfficial working visit.November 29–30, 1984
Chancellor Helmut KohlMet with President Reagan in New York City.October 25, 1985
Chancellor Helmut KohlOfficial Visit; visited Chicago.October 20–23, 1986
Chancellor Helmut KohlOfficial Working Visit.February 17–19, 1988
Chancellor Helmut KohlOfficial Working Visit.November 15, 1988
President Richard von WeizsaeckerMet with President Bush during a private visitJune 6, 1989
Chancellor Helmut KohlInformal meeting at Camp David, Md.February 24–25, 1990
Chancellor Helmut KohlPrivate visit.May 17, 1990
Chancellor Helmut KohlPrivate visit. Had also visited New York City and Boston.June 8, 1990
Chancellor Helmut KohlAttended Economic Summit Meeting in Houston, Texas.July 8–11, 1990
Chancellor Helmut KohlOfficial Visit.May 19–21, 1991
Chancellor Helmut KohlOfficial working visit.September 16, 1991
Chancellor Helmut KohlInformal meeting with President Bush at Camp David, Md.March 20–22, 1992
President Richard von WeizsaeckerState Visit. Addressed Joint Meeting of Congress April 29. Afterwards visited Atlanta, Ga.April 28–May 1, 1992
Chancellor Helmut KohlMet with President Clinton during a private visit.March 25–26, 1993
President Richard von WeiszaeckerVisited Holocaust Memorial Museum and met with President Clinton on May 24.May 23–25, 1993
Chancellor Helmut KohlWorking visit.January 30–31, 1994
Chancellor Helmut KohlOfficial visit.February 9–10, 1995
Chancellor Helmut KohlOfficial working visit in Milwaukee and Washington, D.C.May 22–23, 1996
Chancellor Helmut KohlAttended the Economic Summit Meeting in Denver, Colorado.June 20–22, 1997
President Roman HerzogWorking visit.July 22–24, 1997
Chancellor-elect Gerhard SchroederMet with President Clinton during a private visit.October 8–9, 1998
Chancellor Gerhard SchroederWorking visit.February 11–12, 1999
Chancellor Gerhard SchroederAttended NATO’s 50th Anniversary Summit.April 23–25, 1999
Chancellor Gerhard SchroederWorking visit.March 28–29, 2001
Chancellor Gerhard SchroederWorking visit.October 9, 2001
Chancellor Gerhard SchroederWorking visit. Also attended World Economic Forum in New York City.January 30–31, 2002
Chancellor Gerhard SchroederMet with President Bush at the UN General Assembly in New York City.September 24, 2003
Chancellor Gerhard SchroederWorking visit.February 26–27, 2004
Chancellor Gerhard SchroederAttended G-8 Economic Summit at Sea Island, Georgia. Attended the funeral of Former President Reagan.June 8–11, 2004
Chancellor Gerhard SchroederWorking visit.June 27, 2005
Chancellor Angela MerkelWorking visit.January 12–13, 2006
Chancellor Angela MerkelWorking visit.May 3–4, 2006
Chancellor Angela MerkelWorking visit.January 4, 2007
Chancellor Angela MerkelAttended U.S.-EU Summit meeting.April 29–30, 2007
Chancellor Angela MerkelWorking visit. Met with President Bush in Crawford, TX.November 9–10, 2007
Chancellor Angela MerkelAttended the G-20 Economic Summit Meeting.November 14–15, 2008
Chancellor Angela MerkelWorking Visit.June 26, 2009
Chancellor Angela MerkelAttended the G-20 Economic Summit in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.September 24–25, 2009
Chancellor Angela MerkelWorking Visit. Addressed joint session of Congress November 3.November 3, 2009
Chancellor Angela MerkelAttended the Nuclear Security Summit.April 12–13, 2010
Chancellor Angela MerkelOfficial Visit.June 6–7, 2011
Chancellor Angela MerkelAttended the G-8 Economic Summit at Camp David, MD.May 18–19, 2012
Chancellor Angela MerkelAttended the NATO Summit Meeting in Chicago, IL.May 20–21, 2012
Chancellor Angela MerkelWorking visit.May 2, 2014
Chancellor Angela MerkelOfficial Working Visit.February 9, 2015
President Joachim GauckOfficial Working Visit.October 7, 2015
Chancellor Angela MerkelOfficial Working Visit.March 17, 2017
Chancellor Angela MerkelWorking Visit.April 27, 2018
Chancellor Angela MerkelOfficial Working Visit.July 15, 2021
Chancellor Olaf ScholzWorking Visit.February 7, 2022
Chancellor Olaf ScholzWorking Visit.March 3, 2023
President Frank-Walter SteinmeierWorking Visit.October 6, 2023
Chancellor Olaf ScholzWorking Visit.February 9, 2024
Chancellor Olaf ScholzAttended NATO 75th Anniversary Summit in Washington, DC.July 10–11, 2024