Visits By Foreign Leaders of Cyprus

President MakariosPresidential guest. In U.S. June 2–9, visiting Boston and New York City.June 5–7, 1962
President Archbishop Makarios IIIAttended White House dinner on 25th Anniversary of the U.N; met privately with President Nixon October 25.October 24–25, 1970
President Spyros KyprianouMet with President Carter in New York City while attending U.N. General Assembly session.October 5, 1977
President Spyros KyprianouPrivate visit.October 6, 1978
President Spyros KyprianouPrivate visit. Met with President Reagan December 8.December 4–9, 1981
President George VassiliouMet with President Bush during a private visit.October 4, 1989
President George VassiliouMet with President Bush during a private visit.May 29–30, 1991
President George VassiliouMet with President Bush during a private visit.March 30, 1992
President Glafcos CleridesMet with President Clinton during a private visit.May 20–21, 1993
President Glafcos CleridesWorking visit.June 16–18, 1996
President Nikos ChristodoulidesOffical Visit.October 30–31, 2024