Visits By Foreign Leaders of Cuba

President-elect MachadoVisited Florida and New York City.April 15–17, 1925
President MachadoIn U.S. April 20–May 7, visiting New York City, Chicago, and Atlanta (Georgia).April 22–25, 1927
President-elect GomezAfterwards visited New York City. Departed U.S. April 30.April 21–23, 1936
President BatistaGuest of U.S. Government on invitation of the President. In U.S. December 7–16, visiting New York City and Buffalo.December 8–12, 1942
President-elect Grau San MartinAfterwards visited New York City. Departed U.S. September 8.August 30–September 3, 1944
President Prio SocarrasAlso visited Annapolis (Maryland) and New York City. Departed U.S. December 12.December 8–10, 1948
Premier CastroUnofficial visit. Later visited New York and Boston (Massachusetts). Left U.S. April 26; stopped in Houston (Texas) April 27–28 after visiting Canada.April 15–20, 1959
President Raul CastroMet with President Obama at the UN General Assembly Meeting in New York City.September 29, 2015