Edward Reilly Stettinius

MoroccoMarrakeshPreparations for the Malta and Yalta Conferences. Left U.S. January 25.January 26–30, 1945
ItalyNaplesDiscussed postwar issues and policy toward Italy with Presidential adviser Harry Hopkins.January 30–31, 1945
United KingdomMaltaAttended the Malta Conference.January 31–February 2, 1945
U.S.S.R.Yalta, MoscowAccompanied President Roosevelt to the Crimea Conference. Met afterward (February 11-14) with Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov.February 3–14, 1945
EgyptCairo, AlexandriaMet with Haile Selassie; conferred with President Roosevelt.February 14–15, 1945
LiberiaMonroviaMet with President Tubman.February 16–17, 1945
BrazilRio de JaneiroMet with President Vargas.February 17–19, 1945
GuatemalaGuatemala CityMet with the Presidential Triumvirate and Secretary of Foreign Relations Munoz Meany.February 20, 1945
MexicoChapultepecAttended Inter-American Conference on the Problems of War and Peace.February 20–March 8, 1945
CubaHavanaOfficial visit. Returned to U.S. March 10.March 9, 1945