
Cordell HullCairoMet with King Farouk, King George of Greece and King Peter of Yugoslavia.October 16, 1943
Edward Reilly StettiniusCairo, AlexandriaMet with Haile Selassie; conferred with President Roosevelt.February 14–15, 1945
John Foster DullesCairoMet with Prime Minister Naguib, Foreign Minister Fawzi, and Egyptian military leaders. Attended regional conference of U.S. Ambassadors.May 11–13, 1953
William Pierce RogersCairoMet with President Sadat and senior Egyptian officials. Discussed the Jarring peace initiative.May 4–6, 1971
Henry A. (Heinz Alfred) KissingerCairoMet with President Sadat; announced agreement to resume diplomatic relations.November 6–7, 1973
Henry A. (Heinz Alfred) KissingerCairoMet with President Sadat to discuss Middle East peace negotiations.December 14, 1973
Henry A. (Heinz Alfred) KissingerAswan, LuxorNegotiations leading to Egyptian-Israeli ("Kilometer 101") disengagement agreement. Was in Egypt January 11-12, 13-14, 16, and 18.January 11–18, 1974
Henry A. (Heinz Alfred) KissingerCairoAnnounced re-establishment of diplomatic relations.February 28, 1974
Henry A. (Heinz Alfred) KissingerAlexandriaDiscussed economic aid and the peace process with President Sadat.April 30–May 1, 1974
Henry A. (Heinz Alfred) KissingerCairoBriefed President Sadat on Israeli-Syrian negotiations. Also visited Cairo May 30.May 9–10, 1974
Henry A. (Heinz Alfred) KissingerCairo, AlexandriaAccompanied President Nixon.June 12–14, 1974
Henry A. (Heinz Alfred) KissingerCairoReviewed the Middle East peace process with President Sadat and Foreign Minister Fahmy.October 9–10, 1974
Henry A. (Heinz Alfred) KissingerCairoReviewed the Middle East peace process with President Sadat.October 14, 1974
Henry A. (Heinz Alfred) KissingerCairoDiscussed the Middle East peace process with President Sadat and Foreign Minister Fahmy.November 5–6, 1974
Henry A. (Heinz Alfred) KissingerCairoDiscussed prospects for a second Egyptian-Israeli disengagement agreement.February 12–13, 1975
Henry A. (Heinz Alfred) KissingerAswanDiscussed a further Egyptian-Israeli disengagement. Discussions continued in Aswan March 9, 12-14, and 17-18.March 8–18, 1975
Henry A. (Heinz Alfred) KissingerAlexandriaNegotiated a second Egyptian-Israeli disengagement agreement. Negotiations continued in Alexandria August 23, 25, 28, and 31.August 22–31, 1975
Cyrus Roberts VanceCairoMet with President Sadat and Foreign Minister Fahmy; reviewed the Middle East peace process.February 17–18, 1977
Cyrus Roberts VanceAlexandriaMet with President Sadat; discussed the Middle East peace process. Revisited.August 1–3, 1977
Cyrus Roberts VanceCairoReviewed the Middle East peace process.December 9–10, 1977
Cyrus Roberts VanceAswanAccompanied President Carter.January 4, 1978
Cyrus Roberts VanceCairoMet with President Sadat regarding the peace process.January 20, 1978
Cyrus Roberts VanceAlexandriaMet with President Sadat and delivered an invitation to meet with President Carter and Prime Minister Begin at Camp David.August 7–9, 1978
Cyrus Roberts VanceCairoDiscussed the Egyptian- Israeli peace process. Visited Cairo December 10-11, 12-13, and 14-15.December 10–15, 1978
Cyrus Roberts VanceCairo, AlexandriaAccompanied President Carter on a State visit.March 7–10, 1979
Cyrus Roberts VanceCairoAccompanied President Carter during final Egyptian-Israeli peace negotiations.March 13, 1979
Cyrus Roberts VanceCairoMet with President Sadat.May 24, 1979
Alexander Meigs HaigCairoReviewed the Middle East peace process with President Sadat and Foreign Minister Ali.April 4–5, 1981
Alexander Meigs HaigCairoAttended the funeral of President Sadat.October 9–12, 1981
Alexander Meigs HaigCairoDiscussed the Egyptian- Israeli peace process with President Mubarak.January 12–14, 1982
Alexander Meigs HaigCairoDiscussed prospects for Palestinian autonomy talks with Egyptian officials.January 28–29, 1982
George Pratt ShultzCairoAttempted to negotiate the withdrawal of foreign forces from Lebanon.April 25–27, 1983
George Pratt ShultzCairoDiscussed means of withdrawing foreign forces from Lebanon.July 7, 1983
George Pratt ShultzCairoDiscussed the Middle East peace process with President Mubarak.May 12, 1985
George Pratt ShultzCairoMet with President Mubarak.October 19, 1987
George Pratt ShultzCairoDiscussed a Middle East peace initiative with President Mubarak.February 28, 1988
George Pratt ShultzCairoDiscussed a Middle East peace initiative.March 4, 1988
George Pratt ShultzCairoDiscussed a Middle East peace initiative.April 6, 1988
George Pratt ShultzCairoDiscussed a Middle East peace initiative.June 3–4, 1988
George Pratt ShultzCairoDiscussed a Middle East peace initiative.June 5, 1988
George Pratt ShultzLuxor, CairoDiscussed a Middle East peace initiative.June 6–7, 1988
George Pratt ShultzCairoStopped en route to Pakistan.August 19, 1988
George Pratt ShultzCairoMet with Foreign Minister Ghali while returning to U.S.August 21, 1988
James Addison BakerCairo, AlexandriaMet with President Mubarak. Discussed increased Egyptian military commitment in the Persian Gulf.September 7–8, 1990
James Addison BakerCairoMet with President Mubarak and Chinese Foreign Minister Qian.November 6–7, 1990
James Addison BakerCairoAccompanied President Bush to meeting with President Mubarak.November 23, 1990
James Addison BakerCairoDiscussed the Persian Gulf crisis with President Mubarak and Foreign Minister Abdel-Meguid.January 11–12, 1991
James Addison BakerCairoMet with President Mubarak.March 10–11, 1991
James Addison BakerCairoDiscussed the Middle East peace process with President Mubarak, Foreign Minister Abdel-Meguid, and Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud.April 10–11, 1991
James Addison BakerCairoDiscussed the Middle East peace process with President Mubarak and Foreign Minister Abdel-Meguid.April 20–21, 1991
James Addison BakerCairoDiscussed the Middle East peace process with President Mubarak and Soviet Foreign Minister Bessmertnykh.May 12–14, 1991
James Addison BakerCairo, AlexandriaDiscussed a Middle East peace conference with President Mubarak.July 19–20, 1991
James Addison BakerCairoDiscussed a Middle East peace conference with President Mubarak and Foreign Minister Amr Moussa.September 17–18, 1991
James Addison BakerCairoDiscussed a Middle East peace conference with President Mubarak.October 13–14, 1991
James Addison BakerCairoDiscussed the Middle East peace process and the Iraq crisis with President Mubarak.July 22, 1992
Warren Minor ChristopherCairoDiscussed Middle East peace process with President Mubarak and Foreign Minister Moussa.February 18–19, 1993
Warren Minor ChristopherCairo, AlexandriaDiscussed the Middle East peace process.August 2–3, 1993
Warren Minor ChristopherCairoDiscussed the Middle East peace process with senior Egyptian officials.December 8, 1993
Warren Minor ChristopherCairoMet with President Mubarak, the Foreign Ministers of Egypt and Israel, and PLO Chairman Arafat.April 27–28, 1994
Warren Minor ChristopherCairoAttended the signing of the agreement to implement the Israel-Palestinian Declaration of Principles, and discussed the Bosnian conflict with Russian Foreign Minister Kozyrev.May 3–4, 1994
Warren Minor ChristopherCairoDiscussed the Israel-Syrian peace process with President Mubarak.May 18–19, 1994
Warren Minor ChristopherAlexandriaDiscussed the Middle East Peace Process with President Mubarak and PLO Chairman Arafat.August 6, 1994
Warren Minor ChristopherCairoDiscussed the Middle East peace process with President Mubarak and PLO Chairman Arafat.October 14, 1994
Warren Minor ChristopherCairoAccompanied President Clinton to meetings with President Mubarak and PLO Chairman Arafat.October 25–26, 1994
Warren Minor ChristopherCairoDiscussed the Middle East peace process with senior Egyptian officials.March 8–9, 1995
Warren Minor ChristopherCairoMet with President Mubarak and Israeli Prime Minister Rabin.June 9–10, 1995
Warren Minor ChristopherSharm el-SheikhAccompanied President Clinton to the Summit of the Peacemakers.March 13, 1996
Warren Minor ChristopherCairoMet with President Mubarak and Chairman Arafat.June 26, 1996
Warren Minor ChristopherCairoAttended Middle East and North Africa Economic Conference.November 12, 1996
Madeleine Korbel AlbrightAlexandriaMet with President Mubarak.September 12–13, 1997
Madeleine Korbel AlbrightCairoDiscussed the Iraq crisis with President Mubarak and Foreign Minister Moussa.February 3, 1998
Madeleine Korbel AlbrightCairoDiscussed the Iraq crisis with President Mubarak and Foreign Minister Moussa.January 27, 1999
Madeleine Korbel AlbrightAlexandriaMet with President Mubarak, Foreign Minister Moussa, and Palestinian Authority Chairman Arafat.September 2, 1999
Madeleine Korbel AlbrightSharm el-SheikhAttended the signing of the Israel-Palestinian Peace Process Agreement.September 4, 1999
Madeleine Korbel AlbrightSharm el-SheikhMet with President Mubarak and Foreign Minister Moussa.December 9, 1999
Madeleine Korbel AlbrightCairoMet with President Mubarak and the Foreign Ministers of Egypt, Syria, and Oman.June 7, 2000
Madeleine Korbel AlbrightSharm el-SheikhDiscussed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with President Mubarak, Foreign Minister Moussa, and Chairman Arafat.October 5, 2000
Madeleine Korbel AlbrightSharm el-SheikhAccompanied President Clinton to the Israeli-Palestinian Summit Meeting.October 16–17, 2000
Colin Luther PowellCairoMet with senior Egyptian officials and with Russian Foreign Minister Ivanov.February 24, 2001
Colin Luther PowellAlexandriaMet with President Mubarak and Foreign Minister Maher.June 27, 2001
Colin Luther PowellCairoMet with President Mubarak and Foreign Minister Maher.April 9, 2002
Colin Luther PowellCairoMet with the Foreign Ministers of Egypt and Jordan.April 17, 2002
Colin Luther PowellCairoMet with President Mubarak and Foreign Minister Maher.May 12, 2003
Colin Luther PowellSharm el-SheikhAccompanied President Bush to meetings with the leaders of Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, and with Palestinian Prime Minister Abbas.June 2–4, 2003
Colin Luther PowellSharm el-SheikhMet with President Mubarak.October 22, 2003
Colin Luther PowellCairoMet with President Mubarak, Prime Minister Aboul Gheit, and Foreign Minister Gheit.July 27–28, 2004
Colin Luther PowellSharm el-SheikhAttended a conference on assistance to Iraq.November 22–23, 2004
Condoleezza RiceSharm el-Sheikh, CairoMet with President Mubarak, Foreign Minister Aboul Ghait, and political leaders; gave a speech at the American University in Cairo.June 20, 2005
Condoleezza RiceCairoMet with Foreign Minister Aboul Gheit, President Mubarak and Egyptian dissidents.February 21–22, 2006
Condoleezza RiceCairoMet with President Mubarak and the Foreign Ministers of Egypt, Jordan, and the Gulf Cooperation Council.October 3–4, 2006
Condoleezza RiceLuxorMet with President Mubarak and Foreign Minister Aboul Gheit.  Proposed an Israeli-Palestinian summit meeting.January 15, 2007
Condoleezza RiceAswanMet with President Mubarak and with the Arab Quartet Foreign Ministers.March 24–25, 2007
Condoleezza RiceSharm el-SheikhAttended the International Compact with Iraq meeting.  Met with Syrian Foreign Minister al-Moualem.May 1–4, 2007
Condoleezza RiceSharm el-SheikhMet with the Foreign Ministers of Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the Gulf Cooperation Council and with President Mubarak.July 31–August 1, 2007
Condoleezza RiceCairoMet with President Mubarak and Foreign Minister Aboul Gheit.October 16, 2007
Condoleezza RiceCairoMet with President Mubarak and Foreign Minister Aboul Gheit to discuss the Gaza crisis..March 4, 2008
Condoleezza RiceSharm el-SheikhAccompanied President Bush.May 17–18, 2008
Condoleezza RiceSharm el-SheikhAttended a Quartet meeting.November 8–9, 2008
Hillary Rodham ClintonSharm el-SheikhAttended the International Conference in Support of the Palestinian Economy for the Reconstruction of Gaza.March 2–3, 2009
Hillary Rodham ClintonCairoMet with President Mubarak, Foreign Minister Aboul Gheit, and Special Envoy Mitchell.November 3–4, 2009
Hillary Rodham ClintonSharm el-SheikhParticipated in Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.September 14–25, 2010
Hillary Rodham ClintonCairoMet with Prime Minister Sharaf, Foreign Minister al-Araby, and civic leaders.March 15–17, 2011
Hillary Rodham ClintonCairo, AlexandriaMet with President Mohammed Morsi, Foreign Minister Mohamed Kamel Amr, Field Marshal Mohamed Tantawi, and Christian leaders. Dedicated the Consulate General at Alexandria.July 14–16, 2012
Hillary Rodham ClintonCairoDiscussed the Gaza Crisis with President Mohammed Morsi and Foreign Minister Mohamed Kamal Amr.November 21, 2012
John Forbes KerryCairoMet with Arab League Secretary General Nabil al-Araby, Foreign Minister Mohamed Amr, President Mohammed Morsi, Defense Minister Abdul Fatah al-Sisi, and Egyptian political and business leaders.March 2–3, 2013
John Forbes KerryCairoMet with Interim President Adly Mansour, Foreign Minister Nabil Fahmy, and Defense Minister Abdul Fatah al-Sisi.November 3, 2013
John Forbes KerryCairoMet with President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, and Arab League Secretary-General Nabil al-Araby.June 22, 2014
John Forbes KerryCairoDiscussed the Gaza crisis with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, Arab League Secretary-General Nabil al-Araby, President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, and Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry.July 21–23, 2014
John Forbes KerryCairoDiscussed the Gaza crisis with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, Arab League Secretary-General Nabil al-Araby, President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, and Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry.July 24–25, 2014
John Forbes KerryCairoMet with President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, and Arab League Secretary-General Nabil al-Araby.September 13–14, 2014
John Forbes KerryCairoAttended the Gaza Donors Conference.October 12–13, 2014
John Forbes KerrySharm el-SheikhAttended the Egypt Economic Development Conference.March 13–15, 2015
John Forbes KerryCairoCo-chaired U.S.-Egypt Strategic Dialogue.August 2–3, 2015
John Forbes KerryCairoMet with President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry.April 20, 2016
John Forbes KerryCairoMet with President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.May 18, 2016
Rex W. TillersonCairoMet with senior Egyptian officials.February 12, 2018
Antony BlinkenCairoMet with President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi and Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry.May 26, 2021
Antony BlinkenSharm el-SheikhJoined President Biden at the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference.November 11, 2022
Antony BlinkenCairoMet with President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, and senior Egyptian officials.January 29–30, 2023
Antony BlinkenCairoMet with President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi.October 15, 2023