
Warren Minor ChristopherTuzlaVisited U.S. troops and met with President Izetbegovic.February 3, 1996
Warren Minor ChristopherSarajevoMet with President Izetbegovic and five political leaders to discuss national elections.August 15, 1996
Madeleine Korbel AlbrightSarajevo, Brcko, Banja LukaMet with the Collective Presidency, dedicated a bridge over the Sava River, and met with Bosnian Serb President Plavsic.June 1, 1997
Madeleine Korbel AlbrightSarajevo, TuzlaAccompanied President Clinton to meetings with Bosnian officials and U.S. military personnel.December 21–22, 1997
Madeleine Korbel AlbrightBijeljina, Sarajevo, TuzlaMet with Bosnian, Bosnian Serb, and NATO officials.August 30–31, 1998
Madeleine Korbel AlbrightSarajevoAttended Stability Pact Leaders Conference.July 30, 1999
Madeleine Korbel AlbrightSarajevo, Brcko, Banja LukaMet with Bosnian political leaders and International community representatives; inaugurated Brcko Statute.March 8–9, 2000
Colin Luther PowellSarajevoMet with the Collective Presidency, Bosnian political leaders, and with NATO and OSCE officials.April 13, 2001
Colin Luther PowellSarajevoDiscussed Euro-Atlantic integration.July 31, 2004
Hillary Rodham ClintonSarajevoDedicated new embassy compound, met with senior officials and with civil society representatives.October 12, 2010
Hillary Rodham ClintonSarajevoMet with EU High Representative Catherine Ashton and the members of the Bosnian Presidency.October 30, 2012