
Dwight D. EisenhowerGenevaSummit conference with British Prime Minister Eden, French Premier Faure, and Soviet Premier Bulganin.July 16–23, 1955
Jimmy CarterGenevaOfficial visit; met with President Furgler. Also met with Syrian President Assad.May 9, 1977
Ronald ReaganGenevaAttended Summit Meeting (November 19-21) with Soviet General Secretary Gorbachev. Met also with Swiss President Furgler.November 16–21, 1985
George H.W. BushGenevaDiscussed the Persian Gulf crisis with Syrian President Assad.November 23, 1990
William J. ClintonGenevaMet with Syrian President Assad.January 15–16, 1994
William J. ClintonGenevaAttended WTO meeting commemorating the 50th anniversary of GATT.May 18, 1998
William J. ClintonGenevaAddressed ILO Conference; met with President Dreifuss.June 16, 1999
William J. ClintonDavosAddressed the World Economic Forum.January 29, 2000
William J. ClintonGenevaMet with President Assad of Syria.March 25–26, 2000
Donald J. TrumpDavosAttended the 2018 World Economic Forum.January 24–26, 2018
Donald J. TrumpDavosAttended the 2020 World Economic Forum.January 21–22, 2020
Joseph R. BidenGenevaMet with President Guy Parmelin and Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis. Attended a summit meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.June 15–16, 2021