John Edmund Bacon (1830–1897)

State of Residence: South Carolina
  1. Concurrent Appointments
    1. Chargé d’Affaires (Uruguay)
      Appointed: April 28, 1885
      Presentation of Credentials: July 21, 1885
      Termination of Mission: Promoted to Minister Resident October 8, 1888
      • Commissioned during a recess of the Senate; recommissioned on January 13, 1886, after confirmation. Also accredited to Paraguay; resident at Montevideo.
    2. Chargé d’Affaires (Paraguay)
      Appointed: April 28, 1885
      Presentation of Credentials: September 16, 1885
      Termination of Mission: Promoted to Minister Resident October 23, 1888
      • Commissioned during a recess of the Senate; recommissioned on January 13, 1886, after confirmation. Also accredited to Uruguay; resident at Montevideo.
  2. Concurrent Appointments
    1. Minister Resident (Uruguay)
      Appointed: August 10, 1888
      Presentation of Credentials: October 8, 1888
      Termination of Mission: Left post on December 26, 1888
      • Also accredited to Paraguay; resident at Montevideo.
    2. Minister Resident (Paraguay)
      Appointed: August 10, 1888
      Presentation of Credentials: Officially recognized on October 23, 1888
      Termination of Mission: Left post on December 26, 1888
      • Also accredited to Uruguay; resident at Montevideo.