38. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Japan0
December 6, 1958, 3:58 p.m.
824. Pass COMUS Japan exclusive for General Burns. For Ambassador. Portions your 11151 re consultation formula.
- 1.
- Concur consultation formula should be agreement apart from treaty document and may be recorded either through exchange of notes or agreed minute as Japanese prefer. No objection to GOJ submitting formula for Diet approval.
- 2.
- No objection to your indicating willingness to consider Japanese proposed wording for consultation formula as set forth reftel. Key of course to any wording on consultation formula is confirmed understanding as to limitations upon consultation.
- 3.
- As you have previously pointed out to Japanese, confirmed understanding on consultation formula should assure (a) formula will not be interpreted as affecting present procedures with respect to deployment of US forces and equipment in Japan, [1-1/2 lines of source text not declassified] (b) consultation on “major changes in disposition” will be confined to the introduction of nuclears into Japan (c) consultation will not be necessary for withdrawal of US forces from Japan and (d) consultation on “military operations for purposes other than defense of Japan” will cover only direct launching of combat operations (operational use) outside Japan from bases in Japan.
This message cleared with Defense.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 794.5/11–2858. Secret; Limit Distribution. Drafted by Pfeiffer on December 5; cleared with L and DOD; and approved by Robertson. Repeated to Naha exclusive for Deming and General Booth, CINCPAC exclusive for Admiral Felt and POLAD, and COMUS/Japan.↩
- Document 35.↩