322. Editorial Note
On June 15 the South Korean National Assembly adopted a constitutional amendment bill by a vote of 208 to 3. (Telegram 1346 from Seoul, June 15; Department of State, Central Files, 795B.00/6–1560) The bill established a bicameral legislature and a cabinet system of government. The new law was immediately promulgated and Acting President Huh Chung became Prime Minister. Assembly Speaker Kwak Sang-hun assumed the concurrent role of Acting President until elections could be held. (Telegram 1369 from Seoul, June 17; ibid., 795B.00/6–1760) On June 27 the South Korean Government announced that simultaneous elections for the House of Representatives and the House of Councilors would be held on July 29. (Airgram G–110 from Seoul, June 28; ibid., 795B.00/6–2860)