220. Telegram From the Commander in Chief, United Nations Command (Decker) to the Department of State0

UK 977970 CC. (Joint Ambassador/CINCUNC message.) Reference: DEF 939246 March 58.1 This msg in two parts:

Part I: The draft revision of Annex B to the 1954 Agreed Minute as proposed for negotiation with the ROKMND is reproduced as follows for approval. “(Proposed 1958 revision) Appendix B to Agreed Minute between the Governments of the United States and the Republic of Korea force levels and United States support thereof.

1. The United States will assist in supporting the following maximum number of ROK military personnel beginning calendar year 1959. Subsequent revisions of force levels to be supported will be accomplished, as necessary, by amendments hereto mutually agreed to by the United States and Republic of Korea Governments:

Army 566,960
Navy 16,680
Marine Corps 24,000
Air Force 22,440
Total 630,000
The Republic of Korea Government may make minor shifts in number among the four services after consultation with CINCUNC provided that the maximum number of 630 thousand is not exceeded. It is understood that the 630 thousand total recognized by the United States in the active military establishment of the Republic of Korea, including Korean augmentation troops with the United States Army (KATUSA) personnel; all full-time military personnel serving with the reserve components, Ministry of National Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Korean Service Corps; all reservists while on active duty training (the number of personnel in this category will be computed on a man-year basis); all personnel in training camps and service schools; and all other military personnel.
The Republic of Korea will provide the United States armed forces with that number of suitable personnel requested by CINCUNC for the maintenance of the Korea Service Corps at a strength not to exceed eight thousand.
The strength, organization and composition of each Republic of Korea military service and the Ministry of National Defense including [Page 453] civilian personnel shall be jointly reviewed by the MND and CINCUNC, or his designated representative, and the composition of all Republic of Korea forces shall be established and maintained in accordance with service component tables of organization, allowances and equipment which are acceptable to CINCUNC.

2. The Minister of National Defense, in consultation with CINCUNC or his designated representative, will take necessary action to re-examine and propose necessary legislation to revise the ROK military force structure, military pay, food and monetary allowances.

3. The Republic of Korea, with US assistance, will continue development of the reserve components within its military establishment, to include development of plans and the training of individual specialists in the reserve. Programs for the training of unit and reinforcement reservists will continue to be developed and further improved in order to insure that reservists undergo efficient training and maintain an effective state of readiness for combat.

4. The Republic of Korea, in consultation with CINCUNC or his designated representative, will develop plans for the eventual establishment of a regular Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force.

5. In the interest of efficiency and economy of manpower and resources, functions which are common to more than one military service will continue to be operated under a consolidated type of organization which will provide logistic support for common items and services for all ROK military forces. Such operations will be performed in accordance with policies approved by the ROK MND and CINCUNC. The following phases of logistical support will fall within the purview of the consolidated logistical service system:

Acquisition of authorized requirements of each military service.
Equitable distribution of required supplies in accordance with authorized allowances and/or approved programs
Equitable apportionment of logistical support among the several military services.

6. The Republic of Korea Army will organize and maintain a balanced fighting force not to exceed 18 active and 10 reserve divisions. These divisions will be organized as mutually agreed by MND and CINCUNC. The ten reserve divisions will become capable of attaining combat readiness by m plus 60. The Republic of Korea Army will develop combat and logistic support capabilities adequate to meet wartime requirements.

7. A. The Republic of Korea Navy will continue to build up toward a goal of 79 ships. The ships required for this buildup of the Republic of Korea Navy will be supplied by loan from United States sources under the condition that the loan of the ships shall not be for a period exceeding five years from the date of delivery of each individual ship, or as [Page 454] individually contracted for, and subject to renewal by the United States; and the United States Government retains the right to reclaim the ships at any time during the five year period, when and if the United States Government in its own discretion should decide that such ships are no longer being used to serve the best interests of both the Korean and the United States Governments.

B. The Republic of Korea Marine Corps will provide a fleet marine force comprised of one marine division with necessary and appropriate combat and logistical support units, and such other necessary fleet marine force operating forces, specifically to include the west coast island defense unit, required by the ROKN for operations ashore in the prosecution by the ROKN of its assigned tasks, and the local security forces required for ROKN ships and facilities, and a reserve force of active and inactive components.

8. The Republic of Korea Air Force will continue to build toward a tactical force of two fighter bomber wings (150 jet fighter aircraft), one tactical control group (29 single-engine conventional aircraft), one tactical reconnaissance squadron (10 jet aircraft), one air rescue squadron (two helicopters), one aircraft control and warning group and supporting units contained in approved military assistance programs.

9. Republic of Korea forces construction projects will be limited to essential requirements approved by CINCUNC. Project justification will indicate ROK capability to accomplish construction consistent with the priority assigned. Projects approved in prior fiscal years but not initiated will be jointly reviewed to insure that requirements are consistent with projected troop bases and deployment. Except for high priority requirements, construction projects will not be submitted until the existing construction backlog is sufficiently cleared so as to permit execution of any new projects within a reasonably short time after approval.

10. The Republic of Korea military budget will be jointly reviewed and analyzed by the Republic of Korea and CINCUNC in order to assure that the military program will produce the most effective forces at minimum cost. The MND budget will include all ROKF requirements for end items, raw materials and services which are available in or can be produced by the ROK. First priority on the use of defense support contributions shall be accorded to the support of the MND budget, to the extent that the ROK is unable to provide the necessary funds from other revenues, exclusive of Bank of Korea loans. Otherwise, Defense support contributions shall only be used for those purposes and in those amounts as are agreed upon by the combined economic board.

11. The Republic of Korea will cooperate with CINCUNC by implementing recommendations designed to increase the effectiveness of the Republic of Korea Armed Forces and to effect economies therein. No Republic of Korea Force asset shall be expended for any project which is [Page 455] not clearly and directly a military requirement unless specific concurrence for such diversion shall have been granted by CINCUNC.”

Part II: 1. Re para 2 of reference, instructions in DEF 9358702 were not interpreted here to mean that support of force of 630,000 would terminate at end of calendar year 1959. Consequently ROK concurrence not obtained on that basis. It is possible that had ROK been informed that support would pertain to CY 1959 only, agreement would not have been reached. In this connection see UK 977788.3 However, during negotiations, it was on several occasions pointed out to ROK that further reductions might be suggested by U.S., depending on situation. No commitment was made by U.S. reps concerning length of time 630,000 would be supported.

2. Request that those shopping list items included in FY 59 refined MAP be funded and delivered at earliest practicable date. FY 59 refined MAP is now under review at CINCPAC. A list of these items will be forwarded by separate message.4

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.95B/4–458. Secret; Priority; Noforn. Also sent to the Department of Defense for OSD/ISA and repeated to CNO, CINCPAC, CINCUSARPAC, CINCPACAF, and to the Embassy, CG EUSA, and CHPROVMAAG–K in Seoul.
  2. Document 219.
  3. Document 209.
  4. Document 214.
  5. Not found.