219. Telegram From the Department of Defense to the Commander in Chief, United Nations Command (Decker)0

DEF 939246. This is a joint State–Defense message from ASD/ISA signed Sprague. Ref (A) UK 977867 CC, DTG 281000Z (Feb); (B) UK 977789, DTG 120945Z (Feb); (C) DEF 935870, DTG 222348Z (Jan); (D) DEF 933850, DTG 111757Z (Dec); (E) UK 977475 CC, DTG 060525Z (Nov); (F) UK 977788 CC, DTG 120915Z (Feb).1

1. Desire this opportunity to congratulate you, the Ambassador and your staffs for obtaining ROK Government concurrence to maintain 18 ROK Army Divisions within authorized overall strength ceiling of 630,000.

2. Assume here ROK concurrence obtained after assurance (first sentence, para 3, reference (A)) 18 division structure would be maintained only during CY 1959 as stated in ref (C).

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3. Concur in your comments paras 3(a) through 4 reference (A) as methods of accomplishment. Further consider this within your prerogative to readjust service manning levels in consonance Ref (B).

4. In regard ROK proposal that an agreed minute be concluded believe this should cover newly agreed military support levels and be confined only to revision Annex B Agreed Minute 1954. Our agreement to consider revision Annex B is on assumption your estimate given para 5 Ref (A) correct. Revision Annex B should be so designed as to avoid need for continuous formal annual revision of Annex.

5. Concur para 6 Ref (A).

6. Regarding second sentence para 7 Ref (A) action has been taken deliver improved communications (including electronics) and transportation equipment under FY 57 and FY 58 MAP. Department of Army will advise delivery status.

Transfer second wing F–86–F aircraft approved in FY 58 MAP and delivery will be initiated upon formalization ROK force reduction in revised Annex B Agreed Minute. Department Air Force will accomplish all actions necessary prepare aircraft for expeditious delivery at that time, including ROKAF personnel training.

7. Regarding “ROK Shopping List” Ref (E) desire call your attention to Part II Sections (2) through (7) Ref (D).2

In addition, following included in DoD approved FY 58 MAP action now being taken to obtain State/ICA Program approval.


201 M–47 tanks
48 120mm AAA guns
12 Fire Control System M–33D
5 Tractor Prime-movers

plus spare parts for above items.

b. One hundred fifty parachutes, Type T–10, and “Special Forces Training” for ROK airborne unit included in approved FY 58 MAP. Department of the Army will advise delivery status (parachutes).

c. VT fuzes for artillery weapons. Joint State/Defense Military Information Control Committee (SDMICC) has approved release of VT fuzes to ROK. Action initiated by SDMICC to obtain UK and Canadian Governmental concurrence for subject release. Will advise upon receipt their approval.

d. Other items which might be used if necessary obtain ROK agreement revised Annex B are (1) repair of K–14 airfield (Kimpo), and [Page 451] (2) provision of test run materials for ROK arsenal. These were recently approved in FY 58 MAP and implementing action taken.

The above items should be held for use if necessary in obtaining ROK agreement revised Annex B Agreed Minute. In addition to the use of this information in connection with revised Annex B of Agreed Minute, at your discretion it could be used to enhance Paik’s position by showing results of his visit; however, Paik was informed here that your recommendations guided our actions with respect to Korea. We also recognize important role Minister Kim has played in these negotiations and would not want to detract from his status in handling this information.

8. No commitment should be made on remainder of ROK “Shopping List” items, as indicated Part II Section (3) Ref (D) and Section 1009 through 1009.4 of MAP Guidance (DoD Directive S–2110.20 dtd 13 March 1957,3 copy available PROVMAAG–K), since it is US policy that no promises or commitments involving future performance of future expenditures of US funds will be made or implied without approval.

9. Taking into account that FY 59 MAP is presently before Congress every effort will be made to include matériel recommended by you in refined FY 59 MAP subject to availability of funds.

Further to Part II Section (2) Ref (D) items available from reorganization and re-equipping of US 7th and 1st Cav Divs will be considered in accordance with your recommendations as part of MAP when these excesses have been determined (FY 59/FY 60). These items when determined in addition to those in ROK “Shopping List” cited para 5 Ref (E) (e.g. items 2, 3, 4, and others) will be justified and required formats prepared in accordance with MAP guidance (DoD Directive S–2110.20).
It is present intent, however, that the remainder of ROK “Shopping List” items para 5 Ref (E), will be considered for appropriate use if additional reductions of ROKA are sought. It is pointed out, however, that implementation of programs such as augmentation and/or modernization of the ROK Navy will depend primarily on the merits of the specific programs and are therefore not necessarily tied directly to any specific reduction in the ROKA. Attention also invited to fact that Ship Loan Legislation required for provision of destroyer type vessels.

10. If in your opinion it will be helpful to inform ROK/MND contents of para 7 above as an assist in reaching final conclusion on reduction ROKA and a minimum revision of Annex B, you are authorized to do so subject to para 11.

11. Request your recommendations regarding text of revised Annex B Agreed Minute. Upon receipt thereof, action will be taken to seek negotiating authorization and forward negotiating instructions; however, none of the information set forth in this instruction should be discussed with ROK until you have received negotiating instructions.

  1. Source: U.S. Army Military History Institute, Department of the Army Communication Center Files. Secret; Noforn; Routine. Drafted in OASD/ISA/FE by Henry J. Sandri; approved by Acting Assistant Secretary for ISA Charles H. Shuff; and concurred in by Lemnitzer; Admiral Basil N. Rittenhouse, Naval Director of Foreign Military Assistance; and General W.K. Martin, Deputy Director of the Air Force Operations Division. Department of State concurrences were obtained from Howard Parsons for FE, and from Deputy Legal Adviser Ely Mauer. Also sent to Seoul and repeated to CINCPAC, CINCUSARPAC, CINCPACAF, and CNO.
  2. For references A, C, and F, see footnote 3, Document 214, and Documents 209 and 214, respectively. References D and E are printed in Foreign Relations, 1955–1957, vol. XIII, pp. 525 and 519; reference B was not found.
  3. Paragraphs 5A–5C of reference E detailed an extensive list of military equipment that the Republic of Korea sought from the United States. The thrust of the U.S. response to this “shopping list,” as outlined in Part II, sections 2–7 of reference D, was that such requests would be considered in future MAPs but that no commitments could be given in advance. According to this cable, “Modernization ROK forces cannot, however, be undertaken until ROK force reduction agreed to”.
  4. Not found.