List of Sources
Unpublished Sources
- Department of State
Indexed Central Files. The main source of documentation for this volume was the Department of State’s indexed central files. Documents in classes 200 (protection of interests), 400 (trade relations), 500 (cultural relations), 600 (international relations), 700 (internal political and national defense affairs), 800 (internal economic and social affairs), and 900 (communication, transportation, science) were searched for decimal combinations involving all countries in the Middle East (country nos. 74, 80, 83–88, 46c and 46d). Files covering the Middle Eastern relationships of the United States (no. 11) the United Kingdom (no. 41) and France (no. 51) were also examined.
Other files and related subfiles searched for relevant materials include 033 (official visits); 110.11 through 110.17 (Department of State senior officials files); 123 (Department of State personnel files); various files in class 300 (international organizations and conferences); and 601 (diplomatic representation). Other documents were located through pursuing cross-references and referenced telegrams.
Documentation on the major and some of the minor themes covered in this volume are located in the following files:
- Near East Region
- 110.15–RO: Assistant Secretary Rountree’s visit to the region
- 378: CENTO (Baghdad Pact)
- 396.1–AN; 396.1–KA; 396.1–LO; 396.1–TE; 396.1–TE; 396.1–WA: Various CENTO (Baghdad Pact) conferences
- 680.00: Middle East international relations in general
- 611.80: United States relations with the Middle East in general
- 780.00: General political conditions in the Middle East
- 780.5: Middle East defense in general; U.S. interest in CENTO (Baghdad Pact)
- 780.5–MSP: Military assistance to the Middle East in general
- 786.00: Political developments among Arab states
- 786.5621; 786.5622: Military supplies, particularly ships and aircraft, to Arab countries
- 888.0000: United Nations Middle East Development Plan
- 880.2553: Middle East petroleum
- Iraq
- 110.15–RO: Rountree’s trip to Iraq
- 611.87: U.S. policy and relations with Iraq
- 682.87: Turkish-Iraqi relations
- 786.00: Arab Union of Jordan and Iraq
- 786.5621; 786.5622: Military supply for Arab Union
- 787.00: General political conditions in Iraq; main file for overthrow of Iraqi Hashemite monarchy
- 787.02: Recognition of Iraqi regime
- 787.5; 787.5–MSP; 787.56; 7687.5622: Iraqi national defense, military assistance and supply for Iraq
- Iran
- 611.88: U.S. policy and relations with Iran
- 661.88: Iranian-Soviet relations
- 688.00: General Iranian international relations
- 788.00: General political conditions in Iran
- 788.11: Shah of Iran
- 788.5; 788.5–MSP; 788.56: Iranian national defense, military assistance and supply for Iran
- 888.00: General economic conditions in Iran
- 888.00–Seven Year: Iran’s Seven Year economic plan
- 888.10: Iranian financial matters
- 888.2553: Iranian petroleum
- Saudi Arabia
- 611.86A: United States-Saudi Arabian relations
- 641.8600: British interests in Southeastern Arabia
- 641.86A: United Kingdom-Saudi Arabian relations
- 686A.86B: Saudi Arabian-United Arab Republic relations
- 786.00: Political developments among Arab states
- 786A.00: General political conditions in Saudi Arabia
- 786A.11: King Saud
- 786A.5 and 786A.5–MSP: Saudi Arabian national defense, military assistance and supply for Saudi Arabia
- 786A.5311: U.S. military base at Dhahran
- 786A.58: Military missions in Saudi Arabia
- 886A.00: General economic conditions in Saudi Arabia
- 886A.10: Saudi Arabian financial matters
- 886A.2553: Saudi Arabian petroleum
- British Protectorates and Muscat and Oman
- 611.80: General U.S. relations with the region
- 786D.00: General political conditions in Kuwait
- 786D.5; 786D.5–MSP: National defense of Kuwait, and military assistance for Kuwait
- 786E.56: Military supply for Muscat and Oman
- Yemen
- 120.286H: Diplomatic representation in Yemen
- 746C.00: General political conditions in Aden
- 786H.00: General political conditions in Yemen
- 811.0086: U.S. economic assistance for Yemen
- 886H.00: General economic conditions in Yemen
- 886H.2612: People’s Republic of China interest in roads in Yemen
- Lot Files. These are the special decentralized files of the policymaking level of the Department of State, including the Executive Secretariat, overseas Foreign Service posts, and U.S. special missions. A list of the lot files used or consulted for this volume follows.
- Conference Files: Lot 63 D 123
- Collection of documentation on official visits to the United States by heads of government and foreign ministers, and on major international conferences attended by the Secretary of State for 1955–1958, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat of the Department of State.
- Conference Files: Lot 64 D 559 and Lot 64 D 560
- See entry under Washington National Records Center.
- INR–NIE Files
- Files retained by the Bureau of Intelligence and Research containing copies of National Intelligence Estimates and Special National Intelligence Estimates, including NIEs and SNIEs for 1958–1960.
- INR Files: Lot 58 D 776
- Top Secret/Noforn Intelligence files for 1945–1957, as maintained by the Bureau of Intelligence and Research. Consolidated with Lots 58 D 500, 58 D 159, 60 D 664, 61 D 167, and 62 D 42.
- NEA Files: Lot 59 D 582
- Files on Lebanon and Israel for 1953–1958, including reports, memoranda and correspondence, as maintained by the Division of Israel-Lebanon Affairs of the Office of Near Eastern Affairs of the Bureau of Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs (Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs as of August 20, 1958).
- NEA Files: Lot 61 D 43
- Geographic files for Near Eastern countries and chron files, including correspondence and memoranda of all types, pertaining to the Near East area for January–December 1959, as maintained by the Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs.
- NEA Files: Lot 62 D 435
- Geographic files for Near Eastern countries and chron files, including correspondence and memoranda of all types, pertaining to the Near East area for January–December 1960, as maintained by the Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs.
- NEA Files: Lot 61 D 43
- Geographic files for Middle Eastern countries, including correspondence and memoranda, for January–December 1959, as maintained by the Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs.
- NEA/GTI Files: Lot 60 D 4
- Files on Iran for 1958, as maintained by the Office of Greek, Turkish, and Iranian Affairs of the Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs.
- NEA/GTI Files: Lot 60 D 533
- Files on Iran for 1951–1958, as maintained by the Office of Greek, Turkish, and Iranian Affairs of the Bureau of Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs (Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs as of August 20, 1958).
- NEA/GTI Files: Lot 61 D 407
- Files on Iran for 1959, as maintained by the Office of Greek, Turkish, and Iranian Affairs of the Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs.
- NEA/GTI Files: Lot 64 D 493
- Country files and chronological files on Iran for 1960, as maintained by the Office of Greek, Turkish, and Iranian Affairs of the Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs.
- NEA/GTI Files: Lot 66 D 173
- Miscellaneous files on Iran for 1956–1961, as maintained by the Office of Greek, Turkish, and Iranian Affairs of the Bureau of Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs (Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs as of August 20, 1958).
- NEA/NE Files: Lot 60 D 458
- Files pertaining to Saudi Arabia and Yemen for 1958, as maintained by the Office of Arabian Peninsula Affairs of the Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs (Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs as of August 20, 1958).
- NEA/NE Files: Lot 61 D 48
- General office files pertaining to Aden, Bahrain, Kuwait, and Muscat for 1958, as maintained by the Office of Arabian Peninsula Affairs of the Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs (Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs as of August 20, 1958).
- NEA/NE Files: Lot 63 D 81
- Files pertaining to Bahrain, Persian Gulf, Kuwait, and Yemen for 1960, as maintained by the Office of Near Eastern Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs (Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs as of August 20, 1958).
- NEA/NE Files: Lot 63 D 89
- Files pertaining to Saudi Arabia and the entire Arabian Peninsula for 1958–1960, as maintained by the Office of Near Eastern Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs (Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs as of August 20, 1958).
- NEA/NE Files: Lot 63 D 90
- General files pertaining to petroleum and economic matters in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel, and Syria for 1959–1960, as maintained by the Office of Near Eastern Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs (Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs as of August 20, 1958).
- NEA/NE Files: Lot 65 D 365
- Files pertaining to the Baghdad Pact for 1958, as maintained by the Office of Near Eastern Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs (Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs as of August 20, 1958).
- NEA/NR Files: Lot 66 D 8
- Subject files on CENTO for 1956–1963, as maintained by the Office of Near Eastern, South Asian Regional Affairs of the Bureau of Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs (Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs as of August 20, 1958).
- OCB Files: Lot 60 D 661
- Files pertaining to the Operations Coordinating Board of the National Security Council 1950–1959, as maintained by the Policy Plans and Guidance Staff of the Bureau of Public Affairs.
- OCB Files: Lot 61 D 385
- Master set of the administrative and country files of the Operations Coordinating Board for 1953–1960, as maintained in the Operations Staff of the Department of State.
- OCB Files: Lot 62 D 430
- Master files of the Operations Coordinating Board for 1953–1960, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat of the Department of State.
- Presidential Correspondence: Lot 66 D 204
- Exchanges of correspondence between the President and Secretary of State and heads of foreign governments and foreign ministers for 1953–1964, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat of the Department of State.
- Presidential Memoranda of Conversation: Lot 66 D 149
- Cleared memoranda of Presidential conversations with foreign visitors, 1956–1964, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat of the Department of State.
- Secretary’s Memoranda of Conversation: Lot 64 D 199
- Chronological collection of the Secretary of State’s memoranda for 1953–1960, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat of the Department of State.
- Secretary’s Staff Meetings: Lot 63 D 75
- Chronological collections of the minutes of the Secretary of State’s Staff Meetings for 1952–1960, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat of the Department of State.
- S/P Files: Lot 67 D 548
- Subject files, country files, chronological files, documents, drafts, and related correspondence of the Policy Planning Staff for 1957–1961.
- S/P–NSC Files: Lot 62 D 1
- Serial and subject matter file of the National Security Council documents and correspondence for 1948–1961, as maintained by the Policy Planning Staff Of the Department of State.
- S/S-NSC Files: Lot 63 D 351
- Serial master file of National Security Council documents and correspondence, and related Department of State memoranda for 1947–1961, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat of the Department of State.
- S/S–NSC (Miscellaneous) Files: Lot 66 D 95
- Administrative and miscellaneous National Security Council files, including NSC Records of Action, for 1947–1963, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat of the Department of State.
- State–JCS Meetings: Lot 61 D 417
- Top Secret records of meetings between representatives of the Department of State and the Joint Chiefs of Staff for 1951–1959, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat of the Department of State.
- Washington National Records Center, Suitland,
- Record Group 59, General Records of the Department of State
- Conference Files: FRC 83–0068
- Lot 64 D 559: Collection of documentation of official visits by heads of government and foreign ministers to the United States and on major international conferences attended by the Secretary of State for 1960, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat of the Department of State.
- Lot 64 D 560: Collection of documentation of official visits by heads of government and foreign ministers to the United States and on major international conferences attended by the Secretary of State for 1959, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat of the Department of State.
- Dwight D.
Eisenhower Library, Abilene, Kansas
- Dulles Papers
- Records of John Foster Dulles, 1952–1959, including General Memoranda of Conversation, Meetings with the President, General Telephone Conversations, and White House Telephone Conversations.
- Herter Papers
- Papers of Christian A. Herter, Under Secretary of State and then Secretary of State, 1957–1961.
- President’s Daily Appointments
- From White House Office Files, Records of the Office of the Special Assistant for Executive Appointments, 1952–1961.
- Staff Secretary’s Records
- Records of the Office of the Staff Secretary, 1952–1961, including records of Paul T. Carroll, Andrew J. Goodpaster, L. Arthur Minnich, Jr., and Christopher H. Russell.
- White House Office Files
- Several White House office collections, including files of the Office of the Staff Secretary, and Project Clean Up collection, which includes records of Gordon Gray, Robert Cutler, Henry R. McPhee, and Andrew J. Goodpaster, 1953–1961.
- Whitman File
- Papers of Dwight D. Eisenhower as President of the United States, 1953–1961, as maintained by his personal secretary, Ann Whitman. The Whitman File includes the following elements: Name Series, Dulles–Herter Series, Eisenhower Diaries, Ann Whitman (ACW) Diaries, National Security Council Records, Miscellaneous Records, Cabinet Papers, Legislative Meetings, International Meetings, Administrative Series, and International File.
- Dulles Papers
- Princeton University Library, Princeton, New Jersey
- Dulles Papers, Dulles
Daily Appointment Book
- Daily log of the meetings and appointments of Secretary of State John Foster Dulles for 1953–1959.
- Dulles Papers, Dulles
Daily Appointment Book