174. Telegram From the Delegation at the North Atlantic Council Ministerial Meeting to the Deparment of State0
Polto 1744. From USDel. Below is verbatim text of 1958 Annual Review approved at NAC Ministerial Meeting December 17:1
“The North Atlantic Council:
Having considered the Report on the 1958 Annual Review and document MC (39)10 containing the Military Committee’s comments thereon,2
Having noted:
That the Review has been directed not only towards a critical examination of the status of forces of member countries and the indication [Page 397] of the improvements which can be worked into each country’s defense programme for the period beginning in 1959, but also to the analysis and to the preparation of comments on the first reaction of NATO countries to the minimum forces requirements of MC 70 for the period 1959–1963;
That the 1958 Annual Review cannot be considered as having produced final decisions as regards countries’ intentions on the full implementation of the requirements of MC 70 and of MC (55)1;3
That the NATO Military Authorities consider that ‘unless present unfavourable trends in the building up of NATO forces and support structure are corrected, the military posture of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization will, by 1961, be deficient to the extent that the military security of the NATO area will be in serious jeopardy and that the over-all defense planning of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization will require major review.’
- 1.
Brings to the attention of all NATO countries the serious impact of the shortfall of forces reflected in the 1958 Annual Review on the capability of the major NATO Commanders to carry out their assigned missions and tasks during the period through 1961;
Having taken cognisance of the force plans for 1959, 1960 and 1961 (firm, provisional and planning) indicated by countries in their reply to the 1958 Annual Review Questionnaire and recapitulated in the statistical annexes to the Country Studies;4
- 2.
- Takes note of the country force plans for 1959 summarized in the annexes to the Country Chapters, to the implementation of which each country has firmly committed itself, under the conditions set out in its reply to the questionnaire.
- 3.
- Recommends that countries should endeavour to meet the force levels laid down for 1959, 1960 and 1961 by the NATO military authorities for the Army and Air Forces, and those for 1962/63 for the Navy.
- 4.
- Urges Governments—
- (a)
- To meet at least their firm commitments with respect to 1959;
- (b)
- To deploy the maximum effort both individually, and through closer co-operation between member countries, to carry out the recommendations of the NATO military authorities and of the International Staff contained in the Country Chapters, in order to remedy present serious deficiencies in the military posture of NATO, as reported in MC 39/10, and to correct adverse trends highlighted therein;
- (c)
- To make known, as soon as possible, their clear intentions as regards the implementation of these recommendations for the period through 1961 and their general intentions with respect to the 963 MC 70 minimum essential force requirements;
- (d)
- To maintain close consultation with the NATO Military Authorities in the implementation of recommendations and before making only changes in their NATO forces.”
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 396.1–PA/12–1858. Secret. Repeated to the other NATO capitals.↩
- See Document 173.↩
- See footnote 6, Document 173.↩
- Not found.↩
- The 1958 Annual Review Questionnaire has not been found. The Country Chapters and statistical annexes comprised Part II of the Report of the 1958 Annual Review (C–M(58)141), a copy of which is in Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 64 D 560, CF 1161.↩