- Achilles, Theodore, C., 298, 301, 812
- Adenauer, Konrad:
- Berlin situation, 481
- Brosio on, 120
- De Gaulle and, 79n, 138, 291, 292, 294–296, 298–299, 358, 416, 423
- Dutch relations, 302
- EC Commissions, appointments, 1–2
- EEC, general, 174, 194–201, 291
- Eisenhower and, 477, 481
- European Free Trade Area, 25, 79, 199–200
- European Free Trade Association, 174, 194–201, 296
- French-German-EEC relations:
- German reunification, Eisenhower on, 481
- Macmillan talks, 294–296, 303–304
- NATO, French position:
- Norstad on disarmament inspections, 608
- quotas on U.S. coal, 95–96
- transitional period for European integration, 137
- U.S.-U.K.-French-German summit, 221–223
- AFL-CIO, 189n, 310
- Africa (see also specific countries):
- African Development Fund, 137
- Agricultural products:
- Canadian-U.S. trade policy, 707–708, 777–782, 802, 810
- EC Presidents, U.S. representatives meeting with, 126
- EEC Common Agricultural Policy, 126, 224–226, 283–284, 290
- European Free Trade Area, 27, 55
- French, Dillon talks, 217
- GATT, 217, 224–226, 778–779
- India, wheat agreement, 802
- Morse on, 224–226
- Yugoslavia, OEEC membership, 31–33
- Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act (P.L. 480), 492–493, 708
- Air forces (see also Missiles; North American Air Defense Command):
- ALCAN Highway, 711
- Algeria:
- Allen, Edgar P., 220
- Allen, George, 727
- Allied Forces, Central Europe, 572
- Allied Forces, Mediterranean, 413, 434
- Alphand, Hervé:
- Anderson, Robert B., 65, 207, 368
- Andreotti, Giulio, 540–549, 551
- Antarctica, 542
- Anti-trust law, 127
- Arab-Israeli conflict, 39
- Arab Union, 713
- Arctic inspection zone:
- Armand, Louis, EURATOM:
- Armstrong, Willis C., 700
- Arnim, Georg von, 110–113
- Arrow (CF-205), 716, 722–724, 737, 750, 752, 754–755
- Asakai, Koichiro, 237
- Asia, competition, wage factors, 160
- Atlantic Confederation, 627
- Atlas missiles, 489
- Atomic Energy Act of 1946, 694
- Atomic Energy Act of 1954, 355n, 469, 470, 629, 742
- Atomic Energy Authority, 3
- Atomic Energy Commission (see also
International Atomic Energy Commission):
- Canadian-U.S. relations, 656, 688, 803
- EURATOM cooperation, 5–7, 17–18, 33–34, 41–47, 64–67, 164, 311–313
- NATO, 648n, 649, 654n, 655, 656, 659n, 660
- MC–70 plan, 619
- OEEC cooperation, 144
- Australia:
- Austria:
- Averoff, Evangelos, 383, 465n, 540, 551, 683
- Baghdad Pact, 316n
- Balance of payments, U.S., 182
- Baltic Sea, 548
- Bane, John, 237
- Barbour, Walworth:
- Barclay, Roderick, 327
- Barjot, Adm. Pierre, 574
- Baudouin I, 174
- Beale, W.T.M., 175
- Belgium (see also BENELUX):
- Belgo-Luxembourg Economic Union, 283
- BENELUX (see also constituent countries):
- Benson, Ezra Taft, 727, 778, 779
- Berlin:
- Adenauer on, 481
- airlift, 452, 453, 456
- Brentano on, 539
- Canadian position, 385
- De Gaulle on, 412, 440
- Dulles on, 385, 410
- Dutch position, 452, 453
- Eisenhower on, 368, 385, 410, 523–524
- French position, 419, 461, 543
- German reunification and, 455–456
- NAC Ministerial Meetings, 349–350, 373, 379, 385, 390, 452, 453, 554, 589
- Norstad Congressional testimony, 409–410
- NSC on, 368
- Soviet position:
- Spaak on, 455–456
- U.K. position, 490–491, 541
- Billingsley, Col. Charles, 484
- Billotte, Gen. Pierre, 462
- Bismarck, Otto von, 169
- Black, Eugene, European Free Trade Area, 77
- Boggs, Marion W., 220, 515, 605, 607, 621, 668, 800
- BOMARC, 716, 737, 741, 750–752, 790–791, 796, 798–799, 804
- Boochever, L.C., 113–118
- Boone, Adm. Walter F., 376, 545
- Botelho Moniz, Julio Carlos, 550
- Bowie, Robert R., 591, 593, 603, 628–632
- Bradford, Saxton, 40
- Brentano, Heinrich von, 196, 222
- Broadbridge, A.F., 761
- Brosio, Manlio, 118–120
- Brown, Irving, 309
- Brown, Dean, 136–138, 427n, 438n
- Brown, Weir, 196
- Bruce, David K.E.:
- Bryce, Robert, 715, 800, 803
- Burgess, W. Randolph:
- EC, French political initiatives, 301–302
- EDC, 141
- EEC-Outer Seven relations, 201–203
- EURATOM, 141
- European Free Trade Area, 14n, 51–52, 58, 59–60, 77, 141–142
- European Free Trade Association, 201–202
- Finnish-OEEC relations, 7n, 10
- NATO, 501–504, 521
- De Gaulle, 352, 359, 364n, 365–366, 412, 467, 474, 593
- disarmament summit, 561–562
- economic considerations, 503–504, 514, 681
- Eisenhower visit, 480
- French position, 458, 560–561
- Germany, U.K. forces in, costs, 327–328
- Ministerial Meetings, 325, 371, 376, 402–403, 527, 561, 591
- NSC on, 506
- nuclear weapons, 467–468, 470–473, 639, 641, 664
- political consultation, general, 360, 502–503
- U.N. and, 643–644
- Western European ambassadors conference, 37–38
- OEC:
- Burke, Adm. Arleigh S., 609
- Butterworth, W. Walton:
- Buy American Act, 753
- Byrns, Kenneth A., 763
- Caccia, Sir Harold, 271, 525
- Calhoun, John A., 419n, 518n
- Cameron, Turner, 77, 147, 450
- Campilli, Pietro, 1
- Canada, 684–813
- air defense, 684–685, 693–694, 716–718, 722–724, 733–743, 747, 750–752, 763–770, 806, 812–813
- ALCAN Highway, 711
- Arctic inspection zone, 339, 690, 693, 717
- Berlin, 385
- China, People’s Republic of, relations with:
- classified document, 755, 793, 796
- COCOM, 690, 696, 701
- continental defense, 688
- Cyprus conflict, 714
- De Gaulle, 712–713, 720–721, 760
- development aid, 702–703
- disarmament, 339, 344–345, 346, 693, 712, 714–715, 757–758, 759, 793, 794, 795, 797, 805
- economic cooperation, general, 700–704
- EEC, 705
- Eisenhower on, 788
- air defense, 694, 812–813
- ALCAN Highway, 711
- atomic energy cooperation, 688
- China, recognition and trade, 696–697, 709, 805
- Columbia River, 688, 711, 806
- defense, 688, 694, 747n, 758, 797n, 798–799, 812–813
- Diefenbaker, visit by, 689, 788, 800–807
- disarmament, 793, 794
- Dulles planning, 686–691
- economic cooperation, 688, 726, 812–813
- Foulkes resignation, 793–796
- NSC on, 725–728
- nuclear weapons, 726
- oil trade, 753–755
- Sky Hawk, 767, 794
- U.N. delegation, 812–813
- Eisenhower visit, 685–721
- European Chiefs of Mission, meeting, 69
- Export-Import Bank, 703
- GATT, 732, 778–779, 784
- IBRD, 702–703
- IMF, 702–703
- iron ore tax case, 698–699
- Lebanese relations, 712–713
- NATO, 714, 793–794, 802–803
- NSC on, 725–743, 797–800
- nuclear proliferation controls, 107n, 554, 712, 804
- nuclear weapons, 694–695, 697, 726, 729, 740–743, 747, 759–760, 795
- OAS, 713–714, 806–807
- OEC association, 243, 244, 254
- OECD association, 282
- OEEC association, 173, 222, 235, 236, 746
- St. Lawrence Seaway, 689, 756, 761–762, 776–777
- Soviet Union:
- U.K. relations:
- U.N., 784, 801, 806–813
- U.S. relations, 684–813
- agricultural products, 707–708, 777–782, 802, 810
- ALCAN Highway, 711
- atomic energy cooperation, 656, 688, 803
- balance of payments, 774–775
- Columbia River, 688, 711, 718–720, 789–790, 806
- Congress of U.S., 693, 703, 710, 790
- defense cooperation, 710, 715–718, 733–743, 747–753, 758, 769–772, 797–800, 806, 807–808, 810–811
- economic cooperation, 688–689, 696, 700–701, 726–728, 733–739, 745–746, 748–753, 773–788, 805, 809–811
- maritime law, 811
- oil-gas trade, 706–707, 726, 728, 729–733, 746, 753–755, 782–783, 785
- trucking, 786
- overflights, 785–786
- Canadian Customs Act, 777–778
- Caracciolo, Ottino, 110–113
- Carlson, Delmar, 761, 789
- Central Treaty Organization, 592, 641
- Chadbourn, Philip H., 150–152
- Chavez, Dennis, 791
- China, People’s Republic of:
- Churchill, Gordon, 700, 776, 781–784
- Churchill, Winston, 464, 614, 813
- CINCENT, 572
- CINCEUR, 411, 433–434, 436, 601
- CINCSOUTH, 413, 433–434
- Cittadini, Gian, 110–113, 309
- Clappier, Bernard, 155–158
- Clark, R.W.B., 175
- Cleveland, Harrison, 718
- Coal (see also European Coal and Steel Community):
- COCOM, 690, 696, 701
- Cole, Sterling, 35–36, 45
- Colombo Plan, 702
- Columbia River, 688, 711, 718–720, 789–790, 806
- Commissions of the European Communities (see also individual commissioners):
- Commodity Credit Corporation, 802
- Common Agricultural Policy:
- Common Market. See European Economic Community.
- Commonwealth of Nations, 701–703, 745–746, 787
- Communications. See Telecommunications.
- Communist parties:
- Compton, Arthur A., 359, 360
- Conference of the Four, 501–502
- Congo, 550, 556
- Congress of the U.S. (see also individual members):
- Consolo, 106
- Cook, Gen. Orval R., 33, 34
- Coolidge, Calvin, 524
- Corse, Carl D., 39, 187, 239–240
- Coulson, Sir John, 175
- Council of Europe:
- Council of European Communities, 291
- Courtney, Raymond, 484
- Couve de Murville, Maurice:
- Crocker, Col. David, 769, 772
- Cromer, Lord, 158–162, 264, 271, 278
- Cuba, 706
- Cunha, Paulo A. V., 330, 341
- Currency exchange:
- Current Foreign Relations, European Chiefs of Mission, meeting, 69–72
- Cyprus, 71, 358, 383, 454, 714
- Dabney, Gen. John A., 484
- Dagkgaardd, Tyge, 264
- Daum, Leon, 116
- De Beaumarchias, Jacques, 531
- De Besche, 201
- Debré, Michel, 98, 114n, 116, 216
- De Carbonnel, Eric, 207, 210
- Decker, George H., 411n
- Defense aerienne du territoire, 568–575, 580–581
- De Gaulle, Charles:
- Adenauer and, 79n, 138, 291, 292, 294–296, 298–299, 358, 416, 423
- Africa, 462, 720–721
- Algerian situation, 307, 416, 456–457, 480–481, 499, 720–721
- Burgess on, 141, 365–366
- Canadian position, 712–713, 720–721
- EC:
- ECSC, Dulles talks, 721
- EEC, 96–100, 163–164, 291, 297–298, 304
- EURATOM–AEC cooperation, 43–44
- European Free Trade Area, 47, 67–68, 79n
- Dutch position, 79
- European Free Trade Association:
- European Parliament, 294, 297
- French-German-EEC relations, 353
- international affairs, French role, 352–354, 720–721
- Lebanese crisis, 712–713
- Monnet on, 76
- NATO, 352–354, 357–369, 378, 399,
405, 408, 410, 412, 458–464, 467,
490, 533–535, 593, 721
- Africa, general, 467
- air defense, 563–577
- Dulles on, 352–354, 354–355, 357–360, 363–366, 377–378, 405, 441n, 463
- Eisenhower and, 359–360, 408–409, 410, 461–464, 477–478, 480–484, 497, 520, 522, 563–566, 575–577, 580–583, 629–631, 645–647
- IRBM’s, 412
- Mediterranean naval commitment, 413–442, 458, 564, 567, 581
- non-military activities, 352–354, 359–360
- NSC on, 367–369
- nuclear weapons, 354–355, 474, 514, 597–598, 610, 613, 629–631, 639–640, 642, 645–647, 721, 760
- nuclear submarines, 610, 635
- Spaak on, 352–354, 359–360, 363–364, 412, 482–482
- NIE on, 62
- OEEC, 79n, 296, 360, 399
- U.S.-U.K.-French-German summit, 221–223
- Dejean, Maurice, 334, 343
- Denmark:
- Dennison, Adm. Robert L., 410
- Denny, Sir Michael, 386
- De Rougemont, Col., 567, 571
- De Torrente, Henry, 264
- Developing countries (see also specific
- Africa and EEC, 73, 88, 137, 193, 197, 302
- Canadian role in aid, 702–703
- competition, wage factors, 160
- EEC, 73, 88, 137, 171, 192–193, 197, 302
- European countries, other, 196–197, 506, 540
- European Free Trade Area, 20, 27, 38, 59–60, 142, 155
- German relations, 193, 196–197, 200, 219, 220
- Japanese role, 238–239, 250n, 261
- NATO, 308–309, 550, 560, 623–625, 681–682
- OEC role, 243, 244, 250–251, 260–261, 262
- OECD, 262, 309–310, 681–682
- OEEC role, 20, 204–205, 213, 222–223, 230, 231, 235, 236
- research, 65
- U.K. role, 277
- U.N., 624, 625
- U.S. labor relations, wage competition, 160
- Western European integration, NIE on, 62
- Development Assistance Group, 244, 250–251, 260–261, 262
- De Villemain, Col., 571
- De Zulueta, Philip, 271
- Diefenbaker, John G.:
- China, People’s Republic of, recognition of, 696–697, 709, 710, 759, 805
- Columbia River, 711, 806
- defense cooperation with U.S., 758–760, 797, 812–813
- disarmament, 693, 757–758
- economic cooperation, 693, 709–711, 760, 802, 805
- Ford Motor Co. exports, 696–698, 710
- Eisenhower visit, 695–721 (passim)
- Herter meeting, 756–760
- iron ore tax case, 698–699
- Middle East, 692
- NATO, 802–803
- OAS, 806–807
- oil trade, Eisenhower letter, 753–755
- St. Lawrence Seaway, 756
- U.S. visit by, 689, 788, 800–807
- Dillon, C. Douglas:
- Austria and Outer Seven, 147–148
- Canada, 788, 793n
- EC:
- EDC, 179
- EEC-Outer Seven relations, 148–149, 174–175, 187–188, 264–271, 280
- EURATOM, cooperation with, 67, 143–145, 248–249
- European Free Trade Area, 58, 67–68, 138–139, 151
- European Free Trade Association, 174–185, 194–201
- France:
- GATT and agricultural products, 224–226
- German relations:
- NATO, 539, 606–607
- OEC, development aid, role, 250
- OEEC, 205–207
- OEC formation and constitution, 244
- U.K.-OEEC-EC relations, 174, 175–186
- Disarmament (see also
Arctic inspection zone):
- Australia, 107n
- Belgian position, 341–342
- Canada, 339, 344–345, 346, 693, 712, 714–715, 757–758, 759, 793, 794, 795, 797, 805
- Dutch position, 335, 543, 553
- ECSC, 64–67
- inspection issues, general, 803
- Greek position, 335–336, 542
- Herter on, 553, 561–562, 757–758, 759
- NATO, 561–562
- Belgian position, 341–342
- Berlin situation, 505–506
- Danish position, 338–339, 544
- Dutch position, 335, 543, 553
- Eisenhower on, 347, 351
- French position, 334–335, 343, 345, 346
- Greek position, 335–336, 542
- Herter on, 553, 561–562
- Italian position, 338, 542–543, 554
- Norwegian position, 340–341, 553
- Portuguese position, 341, 540
- 10-year plan, 626
- U.K. position, 341, 343–344, 346, 351, 541
- Soviet summit, general, 340–341, 344, 523–524
- Douglas, James H., 600, 633, 637
- Douglas-Home, Alexander F., 664, 682
- Dowling, Walter C., 196, 681n
- Draper, William H., 445n, 446–447, 514
- Drouin, Pierre, 290
- Dulles, John Foster:
- Arctic inspection zone, 332–333, 336, 717
- Canada:
- air defense, 684–685, 716
- China, People’s Republic of, recognition of, 709
- COCOM, 701
- Columbia River, 718–720
- Commonwealth Conference, 701–703
- defense cooperation, 710, 715–718
- De Gaulle and, 712–713, 720–721
- economic relations, 700–706
- Joint Cabinet Economic Committee, 701
- Eisenhower visit, 692–721 (passim)
- immigration policy, 700–701, 704–705
- Soviet Union:
- EC Commissions, 1–2, 168–172
- EURATOM–AEC cooperation, 41–44, 46
- European Free Trade Area, 29, 50–51
- Germany:
- Lebanese crisis, 712–713
- Algerian policy of French, 320, 331
- Arctic inspection zone, 336
- costs, 716
- De Gaulle proposals, 352–354, 354–355, 357–360, 363–366, 377–378, 405, 441n, 463
- disarmament summit, 351
- Eisenhower communications, 319–320, 336–337, 351, 398–399, 404–405, 409–415
- French forces commitment, 413, 428n, 439, 441n
- Germany, U.K. forces in:
- MC–70 plan, 618
- NAC Ministerial meeting, 325–326, 337–351, 371–404
- non-military activities, 328–331, 360–361
- nuclear weapons, 325, 470–473, 656
- OEEC quotas, dollar area, 92–95
- Western European integration, general, 30–31
- Dupuy, Michel, 784
- Eccles, David, 52, 83, 84, 98
- Eckhardt, Felix von, 362
- Economic cycles:
- ECSC. See European Coal and Steel Community.
- EEC. See European Economic Community.
- EFTA. See European Free Trade Area; European Free Trade Association
- Egypt, 727
- EIB. See European Investment Bank.
- Eisenhower, Dwight D.:
- Adenauer and, 477, 481
- Berlin situation, 368, 385, 410, 523–524
- Canada, visit to, 685–721
- Canadian-U.S. relations, 788
- air defense, 694, 812–813
- ALCAN Highway, 711
- atomic energy cooperation, 688
- China, People’s Republic of, recognition and trade, 696–697, 709, 805
- Columbia River, 688, 711, 806
- defense, 688, 694, 747n, 758, 797n, 798–799, 812–813
- Diefenbaker, visit by, 689, 788, 800–807
- disarmament, 793, 794
- Dulles planning, 686–691
- economic cooperation, 688, 726, 812–813
- Foulkes resignation, 793–796
- NSC on, 725–728
- nuclear weapons, 726
- oil trade, 753–755
- Sky Hawk, 767, 794
- U.N. delegation, 812–813
- developing countries, European role, 196–197
- Dutch policy, Luns meeting, 477, 480–484
- EURATOM, 35–36, 47
- German defense, 198
- industrialized countries, mobilization of, 172–174
- NATO, 590
- Algerian policy of French, 320
- classified correspondence, 518
- costs, 497–500, 508–524, 680
- disarmament summit, 347, 351
- Dulles and, 319–320, 336–337, 351, 398–399, 404–405, 408–412
- European visit, 480–484
- French position:
- Greek position, 608–609
- MC–70 plan, 511, 602–604, 619
- NSC on, 367, 368–369, 444–447, 505, 508–515, 602–604, 615–621, 649–668
- nuclear weapons, 609–610, 615–621, 628–642, 645–668
- SACEUR leadership changes, 609–610, 641
- Soviet Union:
- Spaak discussions with, 480–484, 518–524
- 10-year study, 611–614
- U.S. force commitment, 508, 510–511, 513–517, 681
- nuclear weapons testing:
- OEEC reorganization, 235–236, 252–256
- Soviet Union, Khruschev:
- U.S.-U.K.-French-German summit, 221–223
- Eisenhower, John S.D., 370, 409–412, 434–436, 461–464, 655n, 793–796
- Elbrick, C. Burke:
- Elizabeth II, 756
- Ellis–Rees, Sir Hugh:
- Elrod, Warrick E., 89
- Ely, Gen. Paul H. R., 416, 434, 463, 571, 573, 574
- Employment and labor issues:
- English, John, 700
- Erhard, Ludwig, 59, 83, 84, 98, 120–125, 196
- Etzel, Franz, 196, 200, 394–395, 548
- French-German relations, 76
- EURATOM (see also
Wise Men):
- AEC cooperation, 5–7, 17–18, 19, 33–34, 41–47, 106–107, 164,
- Congressional action on, 64–67, 286–289
- Dillon on, 67, 143–145, 248–249
- Dulles on, 41–44, 46
- Eisenhower on, 35–36, 47
- Farley on, 45, 166, 248–249
- Herter on, 5–7, 19, 45–46, 106–107, 166–168
- Hirsch on, 107, 134–135, 145, 164, 166–168, 248–249, 311–313
- Kohnstamm on, 19n, 34, 45–46, 166, 312
- Strauss on, 5–7, 17–18, 41–44, 45, 46
- Treaty of Rome, 41, 43–44
- Soviet involvement in, 168
- African oil and gas resources and, 134
- Armand, role, 1, 4, 12, 17, 18, 19n, 43, 44
- Belgian role, 107–109, 166, 288
- Burgess on, 141
- Butterworth on:
- Canadian role:
- Dillon on, 67, 143–145, 248–249
- Dutch position, 133
- EC Commission, 1, 2, 248–249
- ECSC role:
- EEC role, 16, 41
- Eisenhower on, 35–36, 47
- Export-Import Bank role, 106–107
- Franco-Belgian project, 166
- French position, 75–76, 300–301
- German position:
- Hirsch on, 107, 133–135, 145, 164, 166–168, 248–249, 311–313
- NIE on, 62–63
- status and prospects, 39
- South Africa, 4
- Strauss on, 5–7, 17–18, 35–36, 41–44, 45, 46
- U.K. position:
- U.S. representatives meeting with EC Presidents, 132–135
- weapons development control, 35–36, 64–67, 107–109
- AEC cooperation, 5–7, 17–18, 19, 33–34, 41–47, 106–107, 164,
- European Atomic Energy Community. See EURATOM.
- European Coal and Steel Community:
- Austrian association, 147–148
- Belgian subsidies, 96, 113–118, 131–132
- BENELUX, 114n
- Burgess on, 141
- Butterworth appointed, 18n
- Commission appointed, 1, 2
- De Gaulle–Dulles talks, 721
- EEC and, 85–89
- French policy, 119, 300
- German quotas on U.S. coal, 95–96, 100–102, 123–124, 130–131
- Italy, “manifest crisis” provisions, 114n
- U.S. representatives meeting with EC Presidents, 130–132
- European Communities (see also
EURATOM; European Coal and Steel Community; European Economic Community; Treaty of Rome):
- Butterworth on, 1960, 290–293
- Commissions:
- French political initiatives, 290n, 291–302
- GATT, 39, 293
- Italy, political aspects, 297
- NATO relations, 152
- OEC formation and constitution, 246–247, 259–260
- OEEC relations with, 176, 179, 292–293
- Outer Seven, relations with (see also European Free Trade Area; European Free Trade Association), 152–163, 164–165, 175–185, 187–188, 191, 202–203, 207–216, 218–219, 239–240
- Presidents, U.S. representatives meeting with, 125–135, 145–146, 187
- U.K.-OEEC-EC relations, 174, 175–186
- European Defense Community:
- European Development Agency, 59–60
- European Economic Community (see also
EEC subheadings under other subjects
and persons):
- Adenauer on, 291
- AEC–EURATOM cooperation, 41
- African countries, general, 73, 88, 137, 193, 197, 302
- Algerian oil tariffs, 189n, 217
- Austrian association with, 24, 104–105, 129, 170, 190
- BENELUX, 292, 297
- Canadian position, 705
- Commission:
- Common Agricultural Policy:
- Danish role, 170
- De Gaulle position, 96–100, 163–164, 291, 297–298, 304
- developing countries, 59–60, 73, 88, 137, 171, 192–193, 197, 302
- Dutch position, 78–79, 92n,
- EEC, 89–91, 92n, 93, 136–138, 168, 170, 175–186, 218–220, 240–242, 271–278, 541
- ECSC and, 85–89
- employment and labor issues, 2, 189
- EURATOM relations, 16, 41
- European Free Trade Area and, 14–16, 20–23, 26, 28, 47–49, 55, 85
- European Free Trade Association and, 173–175, 177–178, 201–203, 264–271
- Belgian role, 170, 174
- Canadian position, 239
- Customs union acceleration, European Free Trade Association reaction, 264–271
- Danish role, 264, 267–268, 269
- French position, 272, 275
- GATT and, 187–188, 190–191, 203, 293
- Herter on, 303–304
- Norwegian position, 264, 269
- Portuguese position, 264, 269–270
- Swedish position, 264–271, 275
- Swiss position, 264, 269, 275
- U.K. position, 240n, 271–278, 194–195, 303–304
- formation of, 30–31
- French position, 72–75, 78–79, 92n, 93–94, 136–138, 158, 172,
- Common Agricultural Policy, 284
- currency exchange factors, 86, 87–88
- European Free Trade Association-EEC relations, 272, 275
- French-German-EEC relations, 123–124
- GATT, 73, 156, 157, 217, 303
- Hallstein on, 156, 137–138
- Houghton on, 96–100
- Outer Seven and, 153, 158, 272, 273–274
- Treaty of Rome, 98, 170
- U.K. position, 25, 74, 77, 79–80, 82–85, 89, 91, 102–104, 136–138, 155–156, 158, 160–161
- agricultural products, 224–226
- Dillon on, 148–149, 151–152, 187–188, 190, 191, 194, 213–214, 269
- Erhard on, 148–149, 199–200
- European Free Trade Association-EEC relations and, 187–188, 190–191, 203, 293
- French position, 73, 156, 157, 217, 303
- German position, 121, 124, 197–198, 198–199
- Hallstein Report, 105
- Marjolin on, 153, 163
- Outer Seven, 148–149, 151–152, 156, 157, 162–164, 187–188, 199–200, 264–271
- U.K. position, 303, 304
- U.S. representatives meeting with EC Presidents, 127, 128–129
- German position:
- Bismarck’s Reich and, 169
- De Gaulle–Adenauer negotiations, 79n, 138, 291, 292, 294–296, 298–299, 358, 423
- European Free Trade Association, Dillon–Adenauer meeting, 174, 194–201
- French and, 97–98, 99, 159, 209, 301
- GATT, 121, 124, 197–198, 198–199
- Outer Seven and, 220
- U.K. position on, 186, 272, 273
- U.S. representatives, meeting on, 120–125
- Greek association, 170, 190, 293
- IBRD, 197, 256, 303, 624
- Italian role, 119, 554–555
- Middle East, oil resources, 189, 217
- NATO and, 152
- NATO and, 152
- NIE on, 62–63
- OEEC relations with:
- Outer Seven, 148–149, 152–165, 174–175, 187–188, 190–192, 198–203, 207–216, 239–240, 264–271, 280, 293
- Scandinavian position (see also specific countries), 30
- status and prospects, 39
- Swedish association, 105, 190, 264–271, 275
- Swiss position, 30, 105, 172, 190, 264, 269, 275
- Turkish association, 170, 190, 293
- U.K. position, 89–91, 92n, 93, 136–138, 168, 170, 175–186, 218–220, 240–242, 271–278, 541
- U.S. representatives meeting with EC Presidents, 125–129
- European Free Trade Area:
- Adenauer position, 25, 79, 199–200
- agricultural products, 27, 55
- Austrian position, 147–148
- BENELUX, 53, 54–55, 78, 119, 240n,
- Burgess on, Un, 51–52, 58, 59–60, 77, 141–142
- Butterworth on, 24–28, 29, 145–146
- developing countries, 20, 27, 38, 59–60, 142, 155
- Dillon on, 58, 67–68, 138–139, 151
- Dulles on, 29, 50–51
- Dutch position, 77–80
- EEC and, 14, 21–23, 26, 28, 47–49, 55, 85
- European Chiefs of Mission meeting, 71–72
- Finnish position, 140
- formation of, general policy, 14–16
- French position, 14, 16, 20–23, 27, 51–52, 67, 68, 78 [Page 831]
- GATT and, 20, 26, 29, 49, 50, 53, 54–56
- German position, 53, 55, 68, 78, 79
- Greek position, 20
- Herter on, 77–80, 172–174
- Houghton on, 54–56
- Italian position, 78
- Marjolin on, 153
- NATO, 21, 22, 26–28, 51–52, 58, 59–60, 68, 78, 80–85, 368, 384
- NIE on, 63
- Norwegian position, 384
- OEEC, 14–15, 22, 23, 26, 28, 53–56, 80–85
- Scandinavian position, 22, 26, 154
- Soviet Union, 140
- Swiss position, 22, 78, 154
- Turkish position, 20
- U.K. position, 20–23, 67–68, 86, 89–90, 142, 161–162
- Dillon on, 156, 180–181, 209
- Dulles on, 48
- Dutch position, 79–80
- EEC and, 14, 16, 20–23, 24–25, 27, 30, 52, 53, 77, 89–91, 293
- OEEC and, 67–68, 77, 90–91, 102–104
- French position, 25, 74, 77, 79–80, 82–85, 89, 91, 102–104, 136–138, 155–156, 158, 160–161, 209, 299–300
- GATT, 25, 68, 102, 103, 178–179, 240–242, 275
- German position v, 122–123, 209
- Marjolin on, 153, 154
- Whitney on, 102–104, 240–242, 263, 279–281
- European Free Trade Association (see also
Outer Seven):
- Austrian relations, 264, 268
- Belgian role, 170, 174
- Canadian position, 239
- Danish position, 264, 267–268, 269
- Dillon on, 174–185, 194–201
- EEC relations with, 173–175, 177–178, 201–203, 264–271
- Belgian role, 170, 174
- Canadian position, 239
- customs union acceleration, European Free Trade Association reaction, 264–271
- Danish role, 264, 267–268, 269
- French position, 272, 275
- GATT and, 187–188, 190–191, 203, 293
- Herter on, 303–304
- Norwegian position, 264, 269
- Portuguese position, 264, 269–270
- Swedish position, 264–271, 275
- Swiss position, 264, 269, 275
- U.K. position, 240n, 271–278, 303–304
- German position:
- Herter on, 252–253
- initiation of, 105
- Norwegian position, 264, 269
- Portuguese position, 264, 269–270
- OEEC relations with, 174, 204–207, 252
- Swedish position, 105, 264–271, 275
- Swiss position, 264, 269, 275
- U.K. relations with, 175–185, 240–242
- European Investment Bank, 1
- European Monetary Fund, 161
- European Nuclear Energy Agency, 261
- European Parliament:
- European Payments Agreement, 262
- European Payments Union, 86–87
- European Productivity Agency, 113
- European Regional Organizations:
- European Spare Parts Agency, 315
- European University, Hirsch on, 135
- Evans, Robert, 175
- Everest, Gen. Frank F., 460
- Export-Import Bank:
- Fanfani, Amintore, 377–378, 382
- Faniel, Robert, 250n
- Farley, Philip J., 45, 166, 248–249
- Faure, Maurice, 73
- Fearey, Robert A., 317
- Fessenden, Russell, 136, 166, 168, 307, 459, 518n, 591
- Finet, Paul, 1, 2, 76, 125–135
- Finland, 79
- Fisheries:
- Fiske, Robert B., 487
- Five-Power Treaty, 524n
- Fleming, Donald M., 700–708, 775–776
- Floberg, Jack, 66–67, 107
- Folger, John C, 43–44
- Ford Motor Co., 696–698, 710
- Foreign Trade Council, 168
- Foulkes, Gen. Charles, 715, 718, 793–796, 798
- France:
- African colonies, 38, 88, 129, 357–358, 467, 481, 712–713, 720–721
- Algerian issues, 38, 88, 307, 319–320, 331, 499, 712–713
- classified document, 351
- Defense aerienne du territoire, 568–575, 580–581
- development aid, 171, 193
- disarmament summit, 334–335, 343, 345, 346
- Dutch position on, 150n
- EC, political initiatives, 290n, 291–302
- ECSC, 119, 300
- EDC, 119–120
- EEC, 72–75, 78–79, 92n, 93–94, 136–138, 158, 172,
- Common Agricultural Policy, 284
- currency exchange factors, 86, 87–88
- European Free Trade Association-EEC relations, 272, 275
- French-German-EEC relations, 123–124
- GATT, 73, 156, 157, 217, 303
- Hallstein on, 156, 137–138
- Houghton on, 96–100
- NATO and, 296, 297, 300, 301–302
- Outer Seven and, 153, 158, 272, 273–274
- Treaty of Rome, 98, 170
- European Free Trade Area, 14, 16, 20–23, 27, 51–52, 67, 68, 78
- European Free Trade Association-EEC relations, U.K. position on, 272, 275, 303–304
- German relations with, 76, 97–98, 99, 159, 160, 362–363, 511
- international affairs, De Gaulle on, 352–354, 720–721
- Italian relations, 98, 119–120, 150n
- NATO, 71, 306–307, 357–358, 459,
532, 543–544, 545, 563–577, 560–561
- air power, 516, 526, 556, 559, 563–576, 580–581, 640n
- U.S. withdrawal, Canadian position, 758
- Algeria, 319–320, 331, 416, 418, 421, 425, 429, 437, 456–458, 467
- costs, 490, 492, 497, 499
- Defense Ministers Conference, 317, 318–319
- disarmament, 334–335, 343, 345, 346
- EEC and, 296, 297, 300, 301–302
- Eisenhower meetings, 558–559, 563–566
- German interests, 460, 645–648, 639–640, 645–647, 664
- IRBM’s, 412, 423, 426, 488
- MC–70 plan, 316, 395
- Mediterranean fleet, 412, 413–442, 459–460, 526, 564, 574, 576, 581
- NIE on, 62, 63
- non-military activities, 331
- Norstad on, 357–358, 418, 429–430, 434, 438, 442, 459–460, 461–464, 477–478, 552, 563–577, 580–583
- Norwegian role, 462
- nuclear capabilities, 306, 459, 468–469, 472–473, 474, 556, 568–569, 571, 575, 581–583, 594, 597–598, 604–605, 610–611, 613, 619, 639–640, 642, 643–647, 664, 760
- nuclear submarines, 419–420, 610–611, 635, 651, 656, 664
- personnel commitment, 408, 499, 519
- SHAPE, 552, 567, 570, 571, 572, 573, 580
- Spaak on, 424–428, 456–458, 467, 533–535
- air power, 516, 526, 556, 559, 563–576, 580–581, 640n
- NIE on, 62, 63
- North Atlantic Council, 412
- nuclear weapons, 63, 66, 302, 306, 459, 472–473, 474, 712
- OEEC, 419–420, 560, 610–611, 635, 651, 656, 664
- Outer Seven relations, 153, 158, 207–217, 272, 273–274
- SACEUR, 462, 556, 568
- socialist parties, 87–88
- Soviet relations, 75, 334–335, 560–561, 721
- steel prices, ECSC intervention, 130–131
- submarines, 419–420, 610–611, 635, 651, 656, 664
- Tunisian relations, 460
- Tuthill–Monnet conversation, 72–76
- U.K. relations:
- U.N. interests:
- Frank, Isaiah, 152–158
- Fujiyama, Aiichiro, 237
- Fulbright, J. William, 305–307, 664
- Gaillard, Felix, 320n, 331
- Gates, Thomas S., 488, 489–490, 493, 494, 496, 516, 517, 527, 582, 597, 616–620, 633, 634–635, 637, 649, 651–654, 772, 797
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT):
- agricultural products, 217, 224–226, 778–779
- Canada:
- Danish-Swedish trade agreement, 183–184
- EC, 39, 293
- EEC:
- Butterworth on, 145–146
- Common Agricultural Policy, 224–226
- Dillon on, 148–149, 151–152, 187–188, 190, 191, 194, 213–214, 269
- Erhard on, 148–149, 198–200
- European Free Trade Association-EEC relations and, 187–188, 190–191, 203, 293
- French position, 73, 156, 157, 217, 303
- German position, 121, 124, 197–198, 198–199
- Hallstein Report, 105
- Marjolin on, 153, 163
- Outer Seven, 148–149, 151–152, 156, 157, 162–164, 199–200, 187–188, 264–271
- U.K. position, 303, 304
- U.S. representatives meeting with EC Presidents, 127, 128–129
- European Free Trade Area, 20, 26, 29, 49, 50, 53, 54–56
- European Free Trade Association-EEC relations, 187–188, 190–191, 203, 293
- French position:
- German position, 197–198, 199–200
- OEEC, 54–56
- Swedish-Danish trade agreement, 183–184
- U.K. position, 160, 240–242
- Gerig, Benjamin O., 38
- German reunification, 341
- Germany, Federal Republic of (see also
- coal:
- defense costs, general, 198
- developing countries, 193, 196–197, 200, 219, 220
- Dillon on:
- Dulles on:
- ECSC, 95–96, 100–102, 123–124, 130–131
- EEC:
- European Free Trade Area-Association-EEC relations, 53, 55, 68, 78, 79, 89–90, 122–123, 209, 296
- French relations, 76, 97–98, 99, 159, 160, 362–363, 511
- GATT, 197–198, 199–200
- Greek relations, 198, 200, 220
- Italian relations, 120
- NATO, 400, 539, 546–548, 562, 579,
- Arctic inspection zone, 332
- Baltic Sea, 548
- Belgian troops in, 523
- costs, 475–476, 489, 490, 499, 506, 547, 548
- Cyprus settlement, 454
- French air power, 463–464
- French fleet, 416, 423, 438
- French forces, 643–644
- French nuclear capability, 460, 639–640, 645–648, 664
- MC–70 plan, 316, 394–395, 406–407, 547
- military personnel:
- personnel commitment, 519, 547
- U.K. forces in:
- weapons development, 546
- OEEC, 55, 122, 124, 205, 209, 210, 211, 222–223
- Outer Seven and, general, 153, 220
- Soviet relations (see also Berlin):
- Scandinavian trade, 149
- steel prices, ECSC intervention, 130–131
- Turkish relations, 198, 200, 220
- U.K. relations:
- European Free Trade Area-Association, 53, 55, 68, 78, 79, 89–90, 174, 178, 180–181, 183–185, 187–188, 194–195, 203, 209–210, 240–242, 272, 273–274, 276, 277, 293
- Macmillan on, 194–195
- NATO, U.K. forces in, costs, 327–328, 348
- U.S.-U.K.-French-German summit, 12, 221–223
- Western European integration, general, 86, 120–125
- Western European integration, NIE on, 63
- Gilson, Arthur, 550
- Giraud, Gen. Henri Honore, 463
- Gleason, S. Everett, 366–369, 442–447
- Glenn, Edmund S., 639
- Golden, D.A., 715
- Goldschmidt, Bertrand, 108
- Goodpaster, Gen. Andrew J., 370, 411n, 419n, 477, 488n, 497–500, 516, 518n, 611–614, 628–638, 801n, 804, 806, 812
- Gore–Booth, Sir Paul, 175, 228, 229, 231
- Gray, Gordon, 220, 366, 368, 443–446, 505, 509–511, 515, 516, 600, 603–604
- Greece:
- EEC association, 170, 190, 293
- European Free Trade Area, 20
- German relations, 198, 200, 220
- NATO, 608–609
- Outer Seven and, 154–155
- Green, Howard C., 542, 683, 756, 762, 789–792, 794–795, 807, 808, 809, 811, 812
- Greene, Joseph N., Jr., 720
- Greenwald, Joseph A., 175
- Groeben, Hans van der, 187
- Gromyko, Andrei A., 712, 757
- Gruber, Karl, 24
- Gruenther, Gen. Alfred M., 411n
- Guillaumat, Pierre, 395, 533, 545, 552, 571, 573
- Gursel, Gen. Cemal, 608–609
- Guthrie, Gen. John S., 376, 459
- Hadraba, Theodore J., 168
- Hagerty, James C., 370
- Hagglof, Ingemar, 201
- Hall, John, 45
- Hallstein, Walter:
- Hamilton, Alvin, 718–720
- Hammarskjöld, Dag, 713
- Hancke, Rolf, 264
- Handal, Nils K., 391, 550
- Hansen, Hans C.S., 338–339, 544
- Harkness, Douglas S., 700, 704
- Hartman, Arthur A., 264
- Harvey, Mose L., 8–9
- Hawk missiles, 380, 476
- Haymerle, Heinrich, 147–148
- Heath, 301
- Heathcoat Amory, Derick:
- Heeney, A.D.P., 756, 763–764, 789, 803, 808, 810–811
- Hennessey, John J., 413
- Herter, Christian A.:
- Canada, 788
- Dutch position on integration, 150–152
- EC, French political initiative, 298–301
- EEC-Outer Seven relations, 162–164, 172–174, 303–304
- EURATOM–AEC cooperation, 5–7, 19, 45–46, 106–107, 166–168
- European Free Trade Area, impasse negotiations, 77–80
- industrialized countries, mobilization of, 172–174
- classified correspondence, 518
- costs, 488–496, 510, 514, 551, 679–681
- De Gaulle proposals, 367–369
- Dutch position, 450–452
- Eisenhower visit, 480–484
- French fleet, 416–420, 423n, 427–428, 437–442
- MC–70 plan, 510, 654
- NAC Ministerial Meetings, 531–533, 540–542, 584–587, 590
- non-military aspects, 501–504
- NSC on, 366–369, 443, 445, 446, 648–651, 653–654, 656
- nuclear weapons, 370–371, 465–466, 649–651, 653–654, 656, 664, 676–679
- Soviet disarmament summit, 553, 561–562
- 10-year plan, 540n, 622n, 644, 648, 674–683
- U.K. military personnel reductions, 524–525
- U.N. and, 643–644
- U.S. force strength, 507, 514, 518, 521, 602, 603, 681
- OEC, formation, 252–256
- Soviet Union, disarmament summit, 553, 561–562
- Hickerson, John D., 140
- Hirsch, Etienne:
- Hodson, Vice Marshal, 763
- Holifield, Chet, 64
- Holmes, John, 720
- Hood, Viscount, 271
- Hoover, Herbert, 524
- Houghton, Amory:
- Houten, Hans Rudolf van, 543
- Hugh, L. Campbell, 715
- Iceland:
- India:
- Intercontinental ballistic missiles, 602, 633, 634, 741
- Intermediate range ballistic missiles, 314–315, 594n, 606
- International Atomic Energy Commission:
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 197, 256, 303, 624, 702, 703
- International Development Agency, 197, 239
- International Monetary Fund, 87, 150n, 157, 303, 492, 702–703
- Iran, 641
- Ireland, 70
- Irwin, John, II, 237, 475, 484–488, 490, 491, 496, 600–601, 604, 618, 633, 635, 652, 661–662, 665–666, 681n, 769, 771
- Ismay, Lord, 813
- Israel, 39
- Italy:
- disarmament negotiations, 338, 542–543, 554
- Dutch position on, 150n
- EC, political aspects, 297
- ECSC “manifest crisis” provisions, 114n
- EEC role, 119, 554–555
- elections, 337
- European Free Trade Area, 78
- French relations, 98, 119–120, 150n
- German relations, 120
- IRBM siting in, 412, 453–454, 548
- NATO, 553
- nuclear research, SENN project, 248, 287, 311
- OEEC role, 119, 554–555
- Western European integration, general, 118–120
- Jackling, Roger, 175
- Jacobsson, Per, 157, 190
- Jandrey, Frederick W.:
- Jansen, 415
- Japan:
- Jarring, Gunnar, 264–267, 270
- Jeanneney, Jean-Marcel, 114n, 116
- Jebb, Sir Gladwyn, 422
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 305, 307, 664
- Joint Atomic Energy Committee, 656
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, 525–527, 531–535, 656, 660, 661
- Joint Industrial Mobilization Planning Committee, 723, 739
- Joxe, Louis, 354
- Kekkonen, Urho, 140
- Khrushchev, Nikita S.:
- Kidder, Randolph A., 531
- Kind, Herbert, 264
- Kishi, Nobusuke, 237–239
- Kistiakowsky, George B., 516
- Klonne, August, 309–310
- Knight, Robert H., 307, 459, 484
- Knuth-Winterfeldt, Gustav, 264
- Kohler, Foy D., 121–125, 271, 298, 459, 591, 594, 595, 633, 639, 640, 763–764, 789, 808
- Kohnstamm, Max:
- Krag, Jens Otto, 331, 382, 550
- Krapf, Franz, 120–125
- Kreisky, Bruno, 104–105, 147
- Kristensen, Thorkil, 309–310
- Kruisheer, J.C., 150–152
- Laloy, Jean, 415
- Landy, Pierre, 416
- Lange, Halvard, 82, 536, 538
- Langer, Wolfram A., 120–125
- Laos, 759
- Larock, Victor, 331, 341–342
- Laskey, Denis, 327
- LDC’s. See Developing countries.
- Lebanon, 336–337, 354, 360–361, 712–713
- Leddy, John:
- Lee, Sir Frank, 95, 175, 182, 184, 228–231
- Leffingwell, William M., 484
- Leger, Jules, 709, 712, 720
- Lemnitzer, Gen. Lyman L., 500, 609, 655, 681n, 795–796
- LePan, Douglas V., 700, 715, 718
- Leusse, Pierre de, 425–426, 474
- Lewis, John L., 96
- Libya, 336–337
- Lippmann, Walter, 75
- List F tariffs, 225
- List G tariffs, 188–189, 209
- Little Free Trade Area, 154, 158
- Lloyd, Selwyn, 219
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, 534
- Lodge, John D., 40
- Long, E.T., 769
- Looram, Matthew J.:
- Lucet, Charles, 298, 320n, 416, 428n
- Lundy, David, 715
- Luns, Joseph M.A.H.:
- Luxembourg (see also BENELUX):
- Lyon, Cecil B., 216, 422–423
- MacArthur, Douglas, II, 237
- Macmillan, Harold:
- Maestrone, Frank E., 118–120
- Magill, Robert N., 484
- Makins, Sir Roger, 158, 175
- Mann, Thomas C., 270
- Mansfield, Michael, 789
- Mansholt, Sicco Leendert, 59
- Manzini, Raimondo, 377
- Marjolin, Robert, 73, 187
- Marshall Plan, 519
- Martin, Edwin M., 264, 271
- Martin, Graham, 484
- Mathais, Marcello Duarte, 540
- Matthews, H. Freeman, 24, 104–105
- Matthews, W.D., 720
- Maudling, Reginald, 52, 53, 59, 74, 77, 79–80, 82, 175, 181–182, 241
- Mayer, René, 1
- MC–70
defense system, 315, 487, 493
- AEC, 619
- Belgian role, 315–316, 393–394
- Canadian position, 316, 401
- Congressional action, 377, 619
- costs, 507–508, 617
- Danish role, 316
- Dutch role, 316, 389, 545–546
- French role, 316, 395
- German role, 316, 394–395, 406–407, 547
- Greek role, 548, 551
- Italian role, 316, 393, 548
- Luxembourg role, 316
- NAC Ministerial Meeting, 315–317, 377, 379, 387, 388–390, 393–399, 545n, 679
- NATO Defense Ministers Conference, 316–318, 345
- NSC on, 367–369, 445, 507–508, 509–510, 513, 601, 603, 604, 617–619, 654, 665, 667
- Portuguese role, 316
- Spaak on, 402, 534, 549
- Turkish role, 391–392
- U.K. role, 316, 389–390
- McBride, Robert H., 216, 377, 416, 418, 438n, 459
- McCarthy, John G., 51, 80–81, 84–85, 204
- McCone, John, 164, 220, 582, 618, 619, 652–655, 656, 662
- McElroy, Neil H., 328, 376, 386, 400, 411n, 488, 490–496, 498, 511–514, 516
- McGuire, Perkins, 723
- McKinney, Robert, 289
- McNaughton, Gen. Andrew G.L., 719
- Meany, George, 189, 309–310
- Mediterranean Sea:
- Medium range ballistic missiles, 582n, 594n, 596–600, 612, 629, 631, 633–642, 649, 650n, 651–656, 658–659, 676–679, 683–684
- MEDOC, 573
- Merchant, Livingston T., 416
- Canada, 801n
- De Gaulle proposals, 377
- Eisenhower visit, 480
- French fleet, 419n, 428, 436
- IRBM’s, 484
- Ministerial Meetings, 376, 377, 531
- MRBM’s, 633–634, 640
- non-military aspects, 307
- nuclear weapons, 484, 633–634, 639, 640
- NSC on, 505, 509n, 515
- Soviet Union, disarmament summit and Berlin, 505–506
- submarines, 636–638
- U.S. force commitment, 505–506
- OEEC, 222–223
- U.K. position on EEC, 89–91
- Mexico, 706
- Middle East (see also Arab-Israeli conflict; Palestinians; specific countries):
- Mikoyan, Anastas Ivanovich, 333
- Military personnel, 475, 519–520
- Millar, Sir Frederick Hoyer, 222, 271, 276
- Millar, John Y., 465n
- Miller, Clarence A., 778–779, 781, 795
- Minute Man missiles, 489
- Missiles (see also Intermediate range ballistic missiles; Medium range ballistic missiles):
- Moch, Jules, 588
- Moore, Gen. James E., 411n
- Moniz. See Botelho MonizBotelho Moniz.
- Monnet, Jean, 290n, 305–307
- Montan, Nils, 264
- Montgomery, Bernard Law, 793, 813
- Mori, Haruki, 237
- Morse, True D., 224–226
- Mountbatten, Adm. Louis, 489, 497
- Mueller, Frederick H., 774, 780–781, 785–786
- Mueller-Armack, Alfred, 59
- Murphy, Robert:
- Mutual Security Program, 445n, 446
- National Intelligence Estimates:
- National Security Council:
- actions:
- documents:
- meetings:
- 373d, July, 24, 1958, 355–356
- 376th, Aug. 14, 1958, 725–728
- 390th, Dec. 11, 1958, 366–369
- 392d, Dec. 23, 1958, 729n
- 400th, Mar. 26, 1959, 442–447
- 415th, July 30, 1959, 356
- 424th, Nov. 12, 1959, 504–515
- 429th, Dec. 16, 1959, 218–220
- 446th, May 31, 1960, 797–800
- 454th, Aug. 1, 1960, 600–607
- 457th, Aug. 25, 1960, 615–621
- 467th, Nov. 17, 1960, 648–660, 661, 667, 668
- 468th, Dec. 1, 1960, 661–668
- 469th, Dec. 8, 1960, 667n
- NATO. See North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
- Naval forces (see also Submarines):
- Netherlands (see also
- Adenauer talks, 302
- Berlin, position on, 452, 453
- Chinese People’s Republic relations, 453
- disarmament negotiations, 335, 543, 553
- EEC, 78–79, 92n,
- EURATOM, 133
- European Free Trade Area, 77–80, 92n
- French relations, 150n
- GATT, 78
- Italian relations, 150n
- NATO, 78, 450–452, 607
- OEEC, 78, 205, 209, 210, 233–234, 235
- U.K. relations, 79–80
- U.N., 150n
- Western European integration, general, 86, 150–152
- Neuberger, Richard L., 711, 720
- New Zealand, 283–284
- Nicaro Project, 706
- Nigro, Edward H., 413
- Nine Power Treaty, 524
- Nixon, Richard M., 218, 220, 447
- Nolting, Frederick H.:
- NORAD. See North American Air Defense Command.
- Norstad, Gen. Lauris
- Adenauer, disarmament inspections, 608
- Berlin, Congressional testimony, 409–410
- NATO, 371, 376, 377, 477–479, 511
- costs, 490, 494, 497–500, 681n
- Defense Ministers Conference, 317, 318–319
- French role, 357–358, 418, 429–430, 434, 438, 442, 459–460, 461–464, 477–478, 552, 563–577, 580–583
- Greek position, 608–609
- IRBM’s, 395–396, 487, 594n
- leadership changes, 410–412
- MC–70 plan, 396, 487, 551
- MRBM’s, 594n, 637, 677, 678
- nuclear weapons in Europe, 551, 609–610, 628–632, 651–652
- retirement of, 609
- North American Air Defense Command:
- North Atlantic Council:
- air defense, 640n
- Berlin situation, 349–350, 373, 379, 385, 390, 452, 453, 554, 589
- Canadian role, 339, 373, 386, 391, 542, 550, 552, 554
- disarmament, 331–336, 340–346, 553–554, 588–590
- Dulles at, 325–326, 337–351, 371–404
- East-West relations, Pella on, 142
- French position, 412
- Herter at, 531–533, 540–542, 584–587, 590
- Lebanon, 360–361
- MC–70 plan, 315–317, 377, 379, 387, 388–390, 393–399, 545n, 679
- military personnel, 557, 578–580,
- Ministerial Meetings, 314–315, 325–348, 376–404, 447–450, 453–457, 527–558, 583–590, 668–683
- Annual Review, text, 396–398
- Arctic inspection zone, 325, 326, 329, 331, 332, 336
- agendas and participants, 320–324, 371–375, 447–450, 527–530, 583–587, 668–674
- classified documents, 347, 398
- defense resolution text, 402–403
- disarmament, 331–336, 340–346, 553–554, 588–590
- Dutch role, 379–380, 386, 400, 450–452, 543, 683
- Germany, U.K. forces in, costs, 327–328
- NATO Defense Ministers resolution, 578–579
- R&D, 329, 390, 454, 595–596, 675–676
- SACEUR, 386–389, 391, 394–396, 400, 594
- North American food stockpiles, 330n
- NSC on, 366–369, 658
- nuclear weapons, 658
- OECD, 384
- SACEUR, 386–389, 391, 394–396, 400, 594
- Soviet Union, disarmament summit, 331–347, 539, 588–589
- Turkish positions, 382, 550–551
- U.N. and, 643
- North Atlantic Defense Ministers Conferences, 314–315, 577–580
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization. See MC–70 defense system; North Atlantic Council; Wise Men; NATO subheadings under other subjects and persons.
- Norway:
- Norwood, Bernard, 187
- Nowlan, George C., 698–699
- Nuclear materials:
- Nuclear power (see Atomic Energy Commission; EURATOM; International Atomic Energy Commission; Reactors)
- Nuclear weapons (see also
Disarmament; Missiles):
- Burgess on, 467–468, 470–473, 639, 641, 664
- Canada, 694–695, 697, 726, 729, 740–743, 747, 759–760, 795
- Congressional action, 465–466, 469n, 473, 619–620, 631, 637, 638, 640, 641, 649, 664, 683
- EURATOM, IAEC weapons control, 35–36, 107–109
- French:
- French involvement, 63, 66, 302, 306, 459, 472–473, 474, 712
- NATO, 63, 339, 525–526, 604–605, 611–612, 622–623, 628–642, 676–679
- testing:
- O’Beirne, Frank, 763
- Ockrent, Roger Albert, 32, 59, 204–205
- OEC. See Organization for Economic Cooperation.
- OECD. See Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
- OEEC. See Organization for European Economic Cooperation.
- O’Grady, James W., 413
- O’Hurley, J. Raymond, 715, 717
- Oil:
- Organization for Economic Cooperation:
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development:
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation:
- agricultural products, 31–33
- balance of payments, 165
- Belgian role, 209, 210
- Butterworth on, 86–87
- Canadian association, 173, 222, 235, 236, 746
- Congressional action, 173, 232
- Danish position, 31–33, 82
- De Gaulle on, 79n, 296, 360, 399
- developing countries, 20, 204–205, 213, 222–223, 230, 231, 235, 236
- Dutch position, 78, 205, 209, 210, 233–234, 235
- economic cycles, 193–194
- EC relations, 176, 179, 292–293
- EEC relations:
- Eisenhower on, 235–236, 252–256
- European Free Trade Area, 14–15, 22, 23, 26, 28, 53–56, 80–85
- European Free Trade Association, 174, 204–207, 252
- European Productivity Agency, 113
- European Regional Organizations:
- Finnish relations, 7–10, 32, 69–70, 140
- French role, 419–420, 560, 610–611, 635, 651, 656, 664
- GATT, 54–56
- German position, 55, 122, 124, 205, 209, 210, 211, 222–223
- Italian position, 119, 554–555
- Japanese association, 173, 199, 213, 222, 236–239
- Ministerial Meeting:
- NATO and:
- Norwegian position, 10, 32, 82, 384
- nuclear research cooperation with U.S., 144
- OEC, relation to, 243, 244, 245
- OECD, relation to, 282
- Outer Seven and EC, 164–165
- reorganization, 228–233, 235–236, 243–247, 250–256
- quotas, dollar area, Dulles on, 92–95
- Scientific and Technical Personnel Program, 113
- Soviet Union:
- Spanish relations, 32, 110–111
- Special Committee, 226–227, 235–236
- Swedish relations, 10, 32, 82
- Turkish relations, 61, 384
- U.K. relations, 67–68, 77, 90–91, 102–104, 175–185
- U.S. relations, general, 110–113, 173, 235
- U.S.-U.K.-French-German summit,
- nuclear energy program, 12
- Yugoslav membership, 31–33
- Organization of American States, 713–714, 806–807
- Ortoli, Adm., 574
- Outer Seven (see also
European Free Trade Association; specific countries):
- Austrian relations, 147–148
- EC relations with, 152–163, 164–165, 175–185, 187–188, 191, 202–203, 207–216, 218–219, 239–240
- EEC relations, 148–149, 152–164, 174–175, 187–188, 190–192, 198–203, 207–216, 239–240, 264–271, 280, 293
- Adenauer–Dillon talks, 199–200
- developing countries, 59–60, 155, 277
- Dillon on, 148–149, 174–175, 187–188, 264–271, 280
- French position, 153, 158, 272, 273–274
- GATT and, 148–149, 151–152, 156, 157, 162–164, 187–188, 199–200, 187–188, 264–271
- German position, 220
- Herter on, 162–164, 172–174, 303–304
- NATO, 201–205, 281
- U.S.-U.K. meeting, 174, 175–185, 271–278
- French relations, 153, 158, 207–217
- German position, 153, 220
- Greek relations, 154–155
- Turkish relations, 154–155
- Overseas Development Fund, 200
- Overseas countries and territories. See Developing countries.
- Owen, Henry D., 591, 592
- Palestinians, 39
- Palmer, Gen. Charles D., 411–412
- Papandreou, George, 465n
- Paper products, European Free Trade Area, 27
- Parker, Gen., 549
- Parker, James P., 769
- Parliament. See European Parliament.
- Parsons, J. Graham, 237
- Parsons, Marselis C., Jr., 684–685
- Patronat, 170
- Patterson, John S., 654
- Pearkes, George R., 391, 550, 552, 715, 717–718, 722–724
- Pearsall, L.W., 700
- Pella, Guiseppi, 330, 337, 338, 346, 542–543
- Perrone-Capano, Carlo, 118–120
- Persons, Gen. Wilton B., 516, 648
- Perth, Lord, 175
- Pesmatzoglou, Michael A., 331, 335–336
- Pessoa, Albino Cabrai, 264
- Petrilli, Giuseppe, 187
- Pinay, Antoine, 53, 72, 97, 163, 172, 492
- Pineau, Christian, 331
- P.L. 480. See Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act.
- Platzer, Wilfried, 147–148, 264
- Plumptre, A.F.W., 700
- Polaris missiles, 631–632, 644
- Polaris submarines, 612, 633–638, 650, 651, 663–667, 677
- Porter, Dwight J., 327
- Portugal:
- Puget, Gen., 571
- Quarles, Donald, NATO
- Rae, Sol, 763
- Ramsay, Norman F., 596
- Randall, Gen. Carey A., 516
- Rankin, J. Lee, 33n
- Recession. See Economic cycles
- Reinhardt, G. Frederick, 327, 376, 484, 756
- Reinstein, Jacques J., 207
- Rewinkel, Milton C., 754–755, 764
- Rey, Jean, 52, 59, 84, 187, 190, 243, 257, 297
- Reynaud, Paul, 116
- Rickett, Sir Dennis, 175
- Ridgway, Matthew B., 411n
- Ritchie, A.E., 761–762
- Roberts, Frank, 327, 425–426
- Robertson, Norman, 700, 712, 756
- Robertson, R.G., 718
- Robertson, Walter S., 450, 759
- Robinson, Henry B., 800, 812
- Robinson, John, 175
- Rogers, William P., 619
- Rose, Alex, 309
- Rueff, Jacques L., 97
- Rumbold, Anthony, 327
- Saar settlement, 136
- SACLANT, 386, 388, 396, 400, 549
- SAGE, 716, 724, 737, 750–752, 799
- Saint Lawrence Seaway, 689, 756, 761–762
- Saint-Mleux, André, 307, 360, 458, 591, 643
- Sandys, Duncan, 317–318, 391, 398, 400
- Sarper, Selim, 683
- Satellite-Missile Observation System, 602
- Scandinavia (see also specific countries):
- Schaetzel, J. Robert, 18, 33
- Schaffner, 201
- Schaus, Eugene, 544
- Scherpenberg, Albert-Hilger van, 196, 201
- Schnippenkoetter, Swidbert, 187
- Schuyler, Gen., 411, 490
- Schuman, Robert, 30–31, 593
- Scientific and Technical Personnel Program (OEEC), 113
- Scribner, Fred C., 376, 606, 779
- Seaton, Fred À., 783–785
- Sedgwick, Charles, 518n
- Segni, Antonio, 683
- Selden, Col., 433
- SENN project, 248, 287, 311
- Sergent, René, 51, 52, 204–205
- SHAPE, 370, 508, 511, 547, 552, 567, 570, 571, 572, 573, 612
- Sherman, Adm. Forrest, 435
- Shield forces, 623, 677–679
- Shimanouchi, Toshiro, 237
- Shuff, Charles, H., 475–476, 769, 771
- Sibley, Gen. Alden K., 360
- Sidewinder, 476
- Sky Hawk, 763–770, 794
- Sky Shield, 792, 804
- Smith, Gerard C., 376, 484, 494–496, 591, 592, 594
- Smith, Sidney E., 330
- air defense, 684–685, 716
- Chinese People’s Republic trade and recognition, 696, 707, 709
- Columbia River, 718–720
- De Gaulle–Dulles talks, 720–721
- defense cooperation, 715–718
- disarmament summit, 339, 344–345, 346
- Eisenhower visit, 686, 695, 696, 697, 700–701, 712, 715
- immigration policy, 700–701, 704–705
- Lebanese situation, 713
- NAC Ministerial Meeting, 382
- nuclear weapons, 695
- OAS, 713–714
- U.S. wheat to Libya and Lebanon, 337
- Sneider, Richard L., 237
- Socialist parties, 1–2
- Sommerfelt, Soren Christian, 201
- Soustelle, Jacques, 77
- Southeast Asian Treaty Organization, 277, 316n, 592
- South Africa, 4, 107n
- Soviet Union (see
Disarmament; Soviet Union under
other subjects, countries, and personal names):
- Arctic inspection zone, 325, 329
- Austrian association with EEC, 104
- Berlin:
- Canadian relations:
- Chinese People’s Republic economic cooperation, 453
- conventional forces, 623
- development aid, 554
- Dulles on, 338–346, 354
- Western European ambassadors conference, 37
- Dutch position:
- EC and Outer Seven, 164–165
- economic cooperation, 221, 589, 625, 703–704
- Eisenhower and Khrushchev:
- EURATOM cooperation, 168
- European Chiefs of Mission meeting, 69–70, 71
- European Free Trade Area, 140
- Finnish relations with OEEC, 7, 8–9, 69–70, 140
- French relations, 75, 334–335, 560–561, 721
- German relations:
- Greek relations:
- Herter on, 553, 561–562, 809
- IAEC, 168
- Italian position on disarmament, 554
- naval forces, 318
- NAC on disarmament summit, 331–347, 539, 588–589
- NATO, 589–590
- Norway on disarmament summit, 553
- nuclear power, peaceful uses, 167, 168
- nuclear weapons, 331, 523–524, 623, 678
- OECD, 285
- Turkish relations, 391–392, 544, 550
- U.K. relations, 333–334
- Western European integration:
- Spaak, Paul-Henri, 205, 307–309, 315n,
- Spain:
- Special National Intelligence Estimates. See National Intelligence Estimates.
- Spierenburg, Dirk, 113–118
- Sprague, Mansfield D., 516
- Stabler, Wells, 118–120
- Staderini, 108
- Staf, Cornelis, 389
- Stans, Maurice H., 512–513, 618, 650–653, 663, 665–667
- Stoessel, Walter J., 633n
- Strategic Air Command:
- Strauss, Franz-Josef, 196
- Strauss, Lewis L.:
- Stikker, Dirk, 301–302, 450
- Stroehlin, Jean Leonard, 264
- Submarines, 330n, 419–420, 549, 610, 612, 633–638, 651–652, 657–658, 683, 741
- Suez Canal, 88–89, 134
- Supreme Court of U.S., 500
- Sweden:
- Switzerland:
- Taft-Hartley Act, 500n
- Tartar missiles, 459
- Tasca, Henry J., 196
- Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D., 411
- Telecommunications, 40–42
- Themelis, George, 548
- Thompson, Tyler, 37, 700, 712, 715, 718, 719, 720, 756
- Thor missiles, 476
- Thorold, Guy Frederick, 89–91
- Three Wise Men. See Wise Men.
- Thurston, Ray L., 357
- Timmons, B. E. L.:
- Titan missiles, 489
- Tobin, Irwin M., 591
- Trade Agreements Act, 157–158, 159, 705
- Trade unions:
- Treaty of Paris, 297
- Treaty of Rome:
- accelerated implementation, 170, 210
- agricultural policy, 225
- anti-trust law, 127
- business-cycle policy, 193–194
- ECSC “manifest crisis” provisions, coal, 113–118
- EURATOM–AEC cooperation, 41, 43–44
- European Free Trade Area and, 26–27, 28, 83
- fiscal and monetary harmonization, 127–128
- French position on, 98, 170
- OEEC quotas, 55, 83, 94
- political aspects, 291
- Truman, Harry S., 435, 508
- Tunisia, 460
- Turkey:
- Tuthill, John:
- Twining, Gen. Nathan F., 376, 409–412, 433, 443–445, 516, 525–527, 531–535, 617, 763
- Underdeveloped areas. See Developing countries.
- Unions. See Trade unions.
- United Kingdom:
- Berlin, 490–491, 541
- Canadian relations:
- China, People’s Republic of, status, 71
- Commonwealth of Nations, 701–703, 745–746, 787
- developing countries, 277
- disarmament negotiations, 341, 343–344, 346, 351, 541
- Dutch relations, 79–80
- EEC relations, 89–91, 92n, 93, 136–138, 168, 170, 175–186, 218–220, 240–242, 271–278, 541
- EURATOM participation, 3–4, 11–13, 75–76, 107–109, 176
- European Chiefs of Mission meeting, 70–71
- European Free Trade Area, 20–23, 67–68, 86, 89–90, 142, 161–162, 174–186
- Dillon on, 156, 180–181, 209
- Dulles on, 48
- Dutch position v, 79–80
- EEC and, 14–16, 20–23, 24–25, 27, 30, 48, 52, 53, 77, 79–80, 86, 89–91, 240n, 293
- French position, 25, 74, 77, 79–80, 82–85, 89, 91, 102–104, 136–138, 155–156, 158, 160–161, 209, 299–300
- GATT, 25, 68, 102, 103, 178–179, 240–242, 275
- German position, 122–123, 209
- Marjolin on, 153, 154
- OEEC and, 67–68, 77, 90–91, 102–104
- Whitney on, 102–104, 240–242, 263, 279–281
- European Free Trade Association, relations with, 175–185, 240–242
- Export-Import Bank, 492
- fisheries dispute with Iceland, 70, 71, 72, 375
- French relations:
- GATT, 160, 240–242
- German relations:
- Berlin, 490–491, 541
- EEC, 186, 272, 273
- EURATOM, 89–90
- European Free Trade Area association, 53, 55, 68, 78, 79, 89–90, 174, 178, 180–181, 183–185, 187–188, 194–195, 203, 209–210, 240–242, 272, 273–274, 276, 277, 293
- Macmillan on, 194–195
- NATO, U.K. forces in, costs, 327–328, 348
- U.S.-U.K.-French-German summit, 12, 221–223
- Iceland, fisheries dispute, 70, 71, 72, 375
- India, aid to, 197
- Libya and Lebanon, 336–337
- military research, 390
- NATO, 71, 400, 401, 540–541
- airfields, 464
- costs, 475–476, 489, 492, 498, 499, 514, 682–683
- Cyprus settlement, 454
- disarmament, 341, 343–344, 346, 351, 541
- EEC relations, 614
- Eisenhower visit, 481
- Germany, U.K. forces in:
- IRBM’s, 476
- MC–70 plan, 316, 389–390
- military personnel reductions, 524–525, 546
- naval forces, 434
- non-military activities, 330, 382–383
- nuclear capabilities, 386, 390–391, 664, 682–683
- nuclear proliferation controls, 107n, 497–498
- nuclear weapons research, 694–695, 803
- OEEC, 67–68, 77, 90–91, 102–104, 175–185
- Outer Seven, role in, 155–156, 159–162, 218–219
- SAC flights, 38
- Scandinavian trade relations, 15
- Soviet Union, 333–334
- Treaty of Rome, 303–304
- United Nations:
- African-Asian colonies of Europe, 38–39, 416
- Algerian self-determination, 416, 418, 429, 458, 534
- Canadian-U.S. relations, 801, 806–813
- China, People’s Republic of, admission to, 69, 70, 805
- developing countries, 624, 625
- disarmament, 353
- Dutch representative, 150n
- French policy:
- Lebanese crisis, 713
- NATO problems, 643–644
- Soviet Union, 801, 809
- Upton, Graydon, 121–125, 204, 228, 231, 233
- U.S. Information Agency, 40
- Valéry, Francois, 32, 51
- Valluy, Gen. Jean E., 569
- Van der Beugel, Ernst, 77–80
- Vander Weyden, Allen J., 18
- Van Helmont, 108, 109
- Van Roijen, J.H., 150–152, 450
- Venezuela, oil trade, 731–732
- Vigderman, Alfred G., 428, 459
- Vinogradov, Aleksandrovich, 424
- Visser, S.H., 545
- Voegelaar, 106
- Von Brentano. See Brentano.
- Von Karman, Theodore, 676
- Von Staden, 292
- Waggoner, Alvin G., 484
- Walmsley, Walter N., 38
- Walsh, John P., 77–80
- Walters, Col. Vernon A., 480, 558, 567, 571
- Watkinson, Harold, 546
- Weeks, Sinclair, 727
- Wehmeyer, Donald A., 147–148
- Welland Canal, 776–777
- Wells, Algie A., 147–148
- West, George L., 465
- Wheat Agreement, 702
- Whisenand, Gen. James F., 484
- White, Ivan B.:
- White, Gen. Thomas D., 500
- Whitney, John Hay:
- Wigglesworth, Richard B., 765–769, 788, 792
- Wigny, Pierre, 381, 538, 556
- Williams, Haydn, 591
- Wilson, Charles E., 475
- Wilson, James, 484
- Wise Men:
- World Bank, 201
- World Food Bank, 704
- Wormser, Olivier:
- Wright, Adm. Jerauld, 318, 388, 549–550, 555
- Wyndham White, Eric, 165, 243–244
- Yasukawa, Takeshi, 237
- Yost, Robert L., 110–113
- Young, Philip, 150–152
- Zaharoa, Amb., 140
- Zorlu, Fatin Rustu, 250, 329–330