11. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Germany0
2359. Luxembourg pass Butterworth for info. Paris pass USRO for info. Fol info on possible U.S.-EURATOM power program may be made available your discretion appropriate officials govt to which you accredited:
Recently-established EURATOM Commission has requested U.S. cooperation in undertaking soonest nuclear power program on order one million KW for development full scale prototype reactors. Decision undertake program is natural outgrowth thinking in A Target forEURATOM1 and is initial step toward solving problem meeting portion Europe’s energy deficit with nuclear power as set forth that report. Details require further working out, but program of one million KW magnitude would probably require four to six large reactors. It is hoped construction could be started 1958 or 1959 latest, with completion date 1962 or 1963. Such immediate joint program would be restricted to most advanced U.S. types, specifically pressurized water reactor (PWR) and boiling water reactor (BWR).
U.S. has agreed EURATOM proposal set up joint working party to examine ways in which cooperative program can be carried out. Working party will convene Luxembourg March 20 for two weeks.2 Results will be submitted U.S. Govt and EURATOM Commission for review and approval. EURATOM President Armand’s official visit Washington, pursuant invitation extended Feb 24 by Secretary and Admiral Strauss of AEC, has been postponed from April 8–9 to later date due schedule working party and state Armand’s health.
We are most encouraged by decision EURATOM Commission and prospect major joint program. Latter will not only speed nuclear power development but active association U.S. and EURATOM this new field also bound have profound political significance.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 840.1901/3–1558. Confidential. Drafted by George, cleared with Cleveland and with Schaetzel and Vander Weyden in draft, and signed for Herter by Black. Also sent to Brussels, The Hague, Luxembourg, Paris, Rome, London, and Ottawa.↩
- See footnote 3, Document 1.↩
- On March 19, the Department of State announced the composition of the U.S. Working Party, which was to be headed by Butterworth and include nine representatives from the Atomic Energy Commission and five from the Department of State. The European group was to be headed by Max Kohnstamm, Special Assistant to EURATOM President Armand. For text of the announcement, see Department of State Bulletin, April 7, 1958, pp. 583–584.↩