83. Letter From Acting Secretary of State Herter to Minister of External Affairs Casey1

Dear Mr. Minister: Before leaving for Bonn, the Secretary asked me to reply to your letter of March 13, 1957, in which you enclosed a memorandum on surplus disposal. He had hoped to be able to give you a detailed reply to the points which you raised. However, since these matters are complicated and involve several agencies of the Government it has not yet been possible to give them the full consideration which they warrant.

I assure you that the United States endeavors to conduct its disposal activities in a way that will minimize the disruption of normal marketing patterns, and our search for safeguards against injury to the trade of friendly competing countries is a continuing process. The possibilities for modifying our consultation and programming procedures along lines suggested by your memorandum [Page 227] are being explored, and I have requested other interested agencies of this Government to give the matter their urgent attention.

Most sincerely yours,

Christian A. Herter2
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 411.4341/5–457. Drafted by Robinson.
  2. Printed from a copy which bears this stamped signature.