82. Minutes of a Cabinet Meeting, The White House, Washington, April 12, 1957, 9-10:15 a.m.1
- President Eisenhower
- Under Sec. of State Herter (for Sec. Dulles)
- Sec. Humphrey
- Sec. Wilson
- Deputy Atty. Gen. Rogers (for Mr. Brownell)
- Mr. Summerfield
- Under Sec. of Interior Chilson (for Sec. Seaton)
- Sec. Benson
- Sec. Weeks
- Sec. Mitchell
- Sec. Folsom
- Director Brundage, and Deputy Director A.R. Jones
- Mr. Gordon Gray
- Dr. Saulnier
- Mr. Arthur Larson, USIA
- Mr. Harris Ellsworth, CSC
- Mr. Warren B. Irons, CSC
- Asst. Sec. Butz, Agriculture
- Mr. Don Paarlberg, Agriculture
- Gov. Peterson, FCDA
- Gov. Adams
- Gen. Persons
- Mr. Rabb
- Gen. Goodpaster
- Gen. Cutler
- Dr. Hauge
- Mr. Shanley
- Mr. Morgan
- Mr. Martin
- Mr. Jack Anderson
- Mr. Patterson
- Mr. Minnich
[Here follows discussion of health insurance for government employees.]
Polish Economic Assistance—Sec. Herter2 briefly reviewed the Polish request for economic assistance and stated that the Department of State was pretty well convinced that the Gomulka regime was making a determined effort to avoid being a Moscow tool. He indicated that the Polish request was larger than what the United States could do in terms of money but that adequate action might be accomplished through the P.L. 480 program if the new legislation is approved. Any agreement must await Congressional action on this [Page 226] legislation. The President commented on his recent meeting with three exiled Polish leaders who very much favored the aid program.
Mr. Herter noted the Canadian interest in any agreement involving surplus wheat. He said that it seemed possible to work out something that would not affect Canadian shipments of wheat. The Poles could not fill their requirements completely from Canada, since Canadian credits are not available. The President noted the importance of avoiding any new cause for difference between Canada and the United States. Mr. Butz stated that he had told Canadian officials that the United States would not send any wheat to Poland without Canadian concurrence.
[Here follows discussion of payments in lieu of taxes.]