United States International Investment and Economic Development Policy1

1. For previous documentation, see Foreign Relations, 1952–1954, vol. I, Part 1, pp. 227 ff.

160. Instruction From the Department of State to the Mission at the United Nations

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 398.051/3–1157. Official Use Only. Drafted by Stibravy.

161. Report on the 24th Session of the Economic and Social Council by the Representative (Jacoby)

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 340.7–3157. Confidential. Five copies of the report were sent to Assistant Secretary Wilcox under cover of a letter from Jacoby, July 31. Additional copies were forwarded to Deputy Under Secretary Dillon, Ambassador Lodge, Presidential Assistant Gabriel Hauge, and Dr. R. J. Saulnier, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers. Dr. Neil H. Jacoby succeeded John C. Baker as U.S. Representative to the Economic and Social Council in June 1957.

162. Memorandum From the Deputy Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs (Dillon) to the Secretary of State

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 320/9–2657. Official Use Only. Drafted by Ruth S. Gold of the Economic Development Division, Bureau of Economic Affairs. Concurred in by John S. Hoghland, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Congressional Relations; Fred W. Jandry, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs; Gardner E. Palmer, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs; William M. Rountree, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs; Roy R. Rubottom, Jr., Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs Kalijarvi; and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Affairs Hanes.

C. Douglas Dillon succeeded Herbert V. Prochnow as Deputy Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, March 15.

164. Memorandum From the Deputy Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs (Dillon) to the Secretary of State

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 320/11–157. Official Use Only. Drafted by Kotschnig.

165. Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation Between the Secretary of State and the Secretary of the Treasury (Anderson), Washington, December 6, 1957, 6 p.m.

Source: Eisenhower Library, Dulles, General Telephone Conversations. Transcribed by Mildred Asbjornson.

166. Letter From the Secretary of State to the Secretary of the Treasury (Anderson)

Source: Eisenhower Library, Dulles Papers, Dulles Chronological File. Confidential.

167. Telegram From the Department of State to the Secretary of State, at Paris

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 398.051/12–1357. Confidential; Niact. Drafted by Hanes.

168. Telegram From the Mission at the United Nations to the Embassy in France

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 340/12–1457. Priority. Repeated to the Department as Delga 603, which is the source text.

169. Despatch From the Mission at the United Nations to the Department of State

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 398.051/12–2057. Official Use Only.