794C.0221/8–553: Telegram

No. 669
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Korea1

top secret

Tedul 10. President and Secretary Defense have concurred in your making announcement in Tokyo in your discretion with regard to relinquishing control over Amami group and statement on administration Okinawa. Following is suggested text which has been cleared with Defense:

“The US intends to relinquish civil administration over the Amami Islands to the Government of Japan as soon as agreement is reached on the necessary understandings involved.

“With respect to the other islands included under Article 3 of the Japanese Peace Treaty it will be necessary for the US to continue its civil administration while present conditions of insecurity and instability in the Far East continue. The US will thus be able to carry out more effectively its responsibilities under the security treaty between the US and Japan to contribute to the maintenance of peace and security in the area. Meanwhile the US is reviewing present arrangements for the civil administration of the Ryukyu Islands.”

Suggest in discussion with Yoshida before announcement you may wish to make point that the turning back of Amami group increases area of Japanese defense responsibility and thus emphasizes desirability increased Japanese efforts to fulfill expectations [Page 1472] expressed in security treaty that Japan will increasingly assume responsibility for its own defense.

  1. Drafted by U. Alexis Johnson; cleared in substance by him with the Department of Defense (Nash); approved for transmission by Acting Secretary Smith; and repeated to Tokyo for the Ambassador and CINCFE.